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N <br />f <br />_� I <br />7 <br />4rt <br />WHEREAS, the District Director of Internal Revenue has determinea that the interest of the United States <br />in the foregoing property, under and by virtue of its aforesaid tax lien, is now valueless; <br />Mitchell E. Premis <br />N-W, THEREFORE, THIS INSTRUMENT WITNESSETH, That I, <br />!;,tact Director of Internal Revenue of <br />Omaha charged by law with <br />the duty of collecting and enforcing the collection of internal revenue taxes due the United States, and charged <br />with the assessment hereinbefore stated, do, pursuant tothe provisions of sect:or,6325;b)i2)(B) ofthelnternalRevenue <br />Code, discharge the property heretofore described from the aforesaid tax hen, saving and reserving, however, <br />the force and effect of said tax lien against and upon all other property or rights io property to which said lien <br />is attached, wheresoever situated. <br />6rITNESS my hand at _ Omaha . Nebraska on this, <br />ttie 15th day of November ,985 <br />SIGNATURE Mitchell E. Premis District Director <br />by: Donald J. Ehlers TIME Chief, Special Procedures <br />(NOTE,: Certificate of officer authorized by law io ftkt acknowiedginents is nut esseupal to the %andii% of Discharge of Federal <br />Tax Lien. Rev. Rul. 71 --466. 1971 - -2 C.B. 404.) <br />Form 68" lRev. 8.831 <br />l� <br />