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`15- 00590'. <br />MORTGAGE <br />Piz xinbenture, Made and Executed <br />this .2..5th of t2TbtE ..... .A. D..-1985.............__ .................. <br />Electric Company and bq4wm .. . . . ....... ....,... ... .. . .. . ................ ........... ............................ I ................... <br />I ............ i� W� i-i,: --- . ..... *** --*-'-* -- .......... .................................. I .... . ........ party of the first part, <br />and..........._ a National Bank, 17th & Farnam, Omaha, NE 68102 <br />.............. I ......... . ................................................................................................. <br />........ . . . . .... .............. ............ . ................................................................................................... I ........................ . ................ . . ......... .. . . .. party of the second part. <br />WtTNESSETH, that the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of One hundred twenty eight thousand <br />Six hundred thirteen and 13/100---------- - - - - -- ($128,61...13) .................. .......... .. <br />........... I receipt whereof Is hereby ......... .... ................................. DOLLARS, paid by said party of the <br />i--ilw gained, sold and conveyed, sad by then promote, do" grant, bar. <br />second . <br />!:idnbeels and ectivey, unto said party of the second part, the following described real property situate in the County of <br />Mate of Nebraska, to-wit: <br />Lots Fourteen (14) and Fifteen 5), Mehring and Giesenhaqen Second Subdivision, A Replat of Lot Two <br />Metering .V11- .............. ......................... . ............................. . .................... .................... . ........ . .. . .. <br />and Giesenhagen Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska, Excepting therefrom a Tract of Ground <br />T�W-ln-- --- .... --*— * * * .......... .. . ............. - ........ . .. <br />More Particularly desert the Deed recorded at Book 156, Page 400 of the Deed Records of Hall <br />u n7F;. , Nebraska <br />..................... .... .......................... 11 ...................... . ...................... <br />together with all the tenements, hereditament@ and a . ..... . .. — <br />prurtenances to the same belong[nK, and all the estate, title, dower right of homestead, <br />claim sad demands whatsoever or the said party or the first part of, in or to said premises or any part, thereof; and said party of the first <br />put does hereby covenant, that said party of the first part is lawfully seized of said promises, that said premises are free from incumbrabee <br />. . .. .................. ....... .......................................................................................................... and that said Party of the first part will <br />warrant sad defend the title to said premises against the lawful claims and demands of all persons whomsoever ......_...._ .... .............. . <br />PROVIDED ALWAYS, and these presents are upon them conditions: <br />WREREAS, mid party of the first Part has executed and delivered to the said party of the eaccond part.._.._ ..... .. ....... ... ........... ......... <br />and ..all .Mqi.flcations, renewals or extensions thereof <br />.. ...................... ............... . .... . ... ... .................. ....................... <br />................................................................................................. ........... . ......................................... ... ................... .. . ..... ................. ..... <br />. ... ......................... <br />;W"i buildings, if p-iny-1011r- e-0-w—p-4- mms <br />approved by said party of the second part, for the sum not less than <br />deliver to"i party rif the secon part the policy or policies containing a clause ..... _......................... ......._......__......_DOLLARS, said party of the second put <br />, if <br />agreed to pay all taxes slid assessments against said premises before the same, bT law, become delinquent, and has altrwi <br />or assigns. and boa a two with the low payable to <br />that If said party of, the first part does not provide such Insurance, Of falls to Pay ail taxes as aforesaid, then said party of the second part, or <br />holder hereof, MR4 pay such insurance and taxes, or either of them, and all amounts so paid by Said party of the second part shall bear in- <br />terest at the at. nine Per cent per annum from the date of payment, and this mortgage shall stand as security therefor, and said am <br />be added to the amount of the mortgage debt, and the same recovered so a part thereof. Now, if the said party of the first part abaln, w-a-rl <br />and truIv nav of cause to be Paid the said sum or monev in said note mentioned, with interest thereon according to the tenor and effect <br />of mid note and shall keep said buildings insured as aforesaid, and shall keep all taxes and Aftemmenta paid, and shall duly keep, and <br />perform all the other covenants and &;reements herein contained. then these presents to be null and void. But it said ran Of money or may <br />part thereof, or any interest thereon, in not paid when the same is due. or if said buildings *bell not be kept Insured me aforesaid, or it the <br />tam and smemments against said premises are not paid at or before the time the same become by law delinquent, or if paid cty of the <br />first part shall fall to keep and perform any covenants herein contained, the holder hereof shall have the option to declare thaw, 601mid <br />indebtedness due and payable at any time after each failure or default, and May maintain su action at law or equity to recover the same, <br />d the commencement 61 such action shall be the only notice of the exercise of said option required. <br />AND IT 18 FURTHER PROVIDED AND AGREED, That the said Mortgagor shall and will pay all tam levied upea thin mort. <br />=or the debt secured therehIj together with any other tam or - , -cuts which may be levied under the Laws of Nebraska. "&lost the <br />114artit" or the legal he or OF the said principal note on account of this indebtedness. <br />31t Zestimon? vbtrtof . .. . .......... 1 ................... . hersumato "t at -- — ----- — ---------- head the date above written. <br />IN PMSNCZ OF Van's El7ectric Company <br />------------ 7 .. . . . ... ......... . .............. ............. ---- ------ — <br />. . ..................... .... . .......... . .......... . . . . .. .... .......................................... ... tprv-yrf n* V-- _!-- - - ----- - - ...... . ....... ..... <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br />November 198q <br />County of—L! ..... ...... on this ............................. .................................. day of...... ....................._......... ............ ...A. D. <br />before me, a Notary Public In and for the said County personally came the above ,mmd._-- <br />. ................. .......... Glen I, a n o s,ja 11 <br />.. .............. . .. . ... .................. . .... ................. I ........... ........... : ............... ... . .............. <br />..................... . ....... ... . . ... .. .. .... ........... ..... . ...... wbw 1.1 ... . ............ perimmally known to me <br />to be the Identical person whom hems.._.._......_......... .1111zed to the above lutruma"t <br />as grantor fad.._.._._..... .. .. .. hk set md deed. --acknowlOdgedmidinstrummat lobe voluntary <br />WITNESS my hand s*d Notarial 8@41 the date lost aforesaid <br />61111PAI 010tARY -fislow mob 6. Notary Public. <br />"I'll <br />My eommisolon aspires on the . ... ... y <br />NNO. --- F <br />Aly 'T- <br />Waim imp. Do, 24 IM <br />FORM Ad <br />