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DEED OF TRUST 85-005902. <br />MIS DEEDOF TRUST is made this z9tn —day of November <br />19 86 ,fwumgtheTroro,, BOB LOEWENSTEIN <br />(herein' Horrowa "), AREND R. BAAClC ATTORNEY AT LAW <br />(harem "Trtotoe "), and the Beneficiary, HONE FEDERAL SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION OF BRAND ISLAND, NE <br />a corporation organized and eidsdag trader the laws of NEBRASKA whose address is _221 SOUTH LOCUST, P. O. BOX 1001, <br />GMW iltd•N% HE 41111112 (heam- Lender" ). <br />10RROWER, in oliamide ation of the indebtedness herein recited and the trust herein created, irrevocably grants and conveys to Trustee, <br />in trust, with power of sale, the following described property located in the County of Hall <br />�11I NORTHT R flGEENINET HALF <br />AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT tH <br />NCE RUNNING WESTERLY ALONG T <br />,TMSRE <br />FEET ;t �HtNtEtR�7NNIN9 ND41I�htY'ANDH�A�ALLELL70ETHf WESTELINEEOFS�HEISAIPWTDH LBtaS ?HE6N1AREAST <br />QUARTER A DISTANCE OF 617 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF VALLEY VIEW SUBDIVISION, THENCE RUNNING EASTERLY <br />��++�tONG THE SOLOUTH LINE OF VALLEY ppVIEW SUBDIVISION A DISTANCE OF 263.85 FEET; THENCE RUNNING SOUTHERLY <br />ANNNCERR NNINGOE HE VSTANDNPARALLELD.SA�T HAhF OF THE NQRTHEAST VIEIRJTERIBDIV STDNC F 11 fl FEEET• <br />HE 5 UTH LINE 0 VAL]. Y I SIST NCE -Of' <br />FEETH172.8 FEET TO A POINT gOgN LLTIHE EAST HLINgEg ODDF ESEAITTD }E}{{ALLST� HHALFHEOF THHE}�NORTHEAST OUARTER TAHENCE RUNN ?yNpu <br />0 THELPOINTHOFEBE I RNEGOF EXC�PTING THSREF`R AFSTRIPNSFTL�iNDT29URPWIDEI RN4EO -FASt,'SI4 <br />THEREOF FOR ROAD PURPOSES CONVEYED TO THE COUNTY OF HALL IN DEED RECORDED IN BOOK 37 AT PAGE 37 OF <br />THE DEED RECORDS IN THE OFFICE OF THE REGISTER OF DEEDS OF HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA.AND EXCEPTING <br />THEREFROM A STRIP OF LAND 80 FEET WIDE OFF THE SOUTH SIDE THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF GRAND <br />ISLAND IN DEED RECORDED IN BOOK 16D AT PAGE 606 OF THE DEED RECORDS IN THE OFFICE OF THE REGISTER <br />OF DEEDS OF HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA, EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE AREAS PLATTED AND COMMONLY KNOWN AS <br />FONNER VIEW SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA AND FONNEP, ViEW SECOND SUBDIVISION <br />IN THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA. <br />The Rider to the Deed of Trust which is attached hereto and executed on the same day is <br />hereby incorporated into the mortgage. The Rider shall amend and supplement the covenants <br />and agreements of this Mortgage as if the Rider was a part thereof. <br />winch bas the address of 1103 F. Sunset _ - -- Grand ;,;land <br />(STREET) iCiTY) <br />Nebraska 68801 __ — __lheretn Property Address-'); <br />(STATE & ZIP CODE) <br />TOGETHER with all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the propeny, and sil easements, rights, appurtenances, rents <br />(subject boweva to the rights and authorities given herein to Lender to collect and apple such rents), royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights and <br />Profits. stater. water tights, and water stock, and all fixtures now or hereafter attached tp the twoperty, all of which, including replacements and <br />additions thereto. shall be deemed to be and remain a pan of the propene covered by this Deed of Trust. and all of the foregoing, togef' --r with <br />said property (tar the bold estate if this Deed of Trust is on a ieasehold) are herein ref erred to as the -Property -; <br />TO SECURE to Lmder (a) the repayment of the indebtedness Evidenced by liotTOwa's note dated Nov mhar 7y <br />(be rem - ioee••).intheprincipalsumof ___. FIFTY THOUSAND DOl [ARS ANn Nn / ?nn ------------------- Dollars, <br />with intaeK thereon, providing for monthly installments of principal and interest, with the ha)anct of the indebtedness• if not sooner paid. due <br />and payable an December 1 . 2000 -. -- ___ - -• the payment of all other sums. <br />with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protect the security of iht-s !Deed of Trust; and the performance of the covenants and <br />ageeemenii of Borrower herein contained; and flit the repayment of any future advances, with interest thereon, madc to Borrower by Lender <br />phmsuam to paragraph 21 hereof (herein -Future Advances"). <br />80irlowa covenants that Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to grant and convey the Progeny, <br />trust the Prgxny is unencumbered, and that Borrower will warrant and defend generally the title to the Property against all claims arts; <br />demeads, subject to any dedarations, easements or restrictions listed to it schedule of c%crptions to coverage in any title insurance policy <br />mowing Ltander's ustaest in the Property, <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenam ants agree as f ol:ows. <br />U. RayaaN of flytiaol W wind law eosl. Bcinc,wer shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the indebtedness evidenced <br />by the Mote. priepsymeat and late charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and interest on any Future Advances secured by this Deaf <br />of Ttuta. <br />2. Fowls he Tomatad fitrsoemee, subject ho applicable la or to a written waiver by Lender. Borrower shall pay to Lender on the day <br />M,,.atlily monuments of principal and interest are payable under the Note, until the Note is Feud in full• a sum therein "Funds -) equal to one- <br />twelfth of the "Viv taaea and aiamsments which may attain pnUtrt y ovet this 1.*W of Trust, and ground rents on the Property, if any, plus one - <br />twit" of yearly iiremuumt hnstalimhenti, fiat hazard Insist ante. plus one- twelfth of -veariy premium installments for mortgage insurance, f any, afi <br />in reasonably aaimaucd initially and frntn ume to tune by Lender tat the bards of assessments and hills and reascmahie estimates thereof <br />The Funds "I be held in an inctituttkm the deposits or accounts of which are :nsured or guaranteed by a Federal or µate agency ttrtsludrnp <br />Lander if Lender is such an institution) Ixnder shall <br />isppiy the Funds io pay and La%n, assessments, :nsurancc prertnums and atrc earl rrriis <br />t.eudw may rests rhatge for say holift ip and itwynig the Funds, analyring said accaunt kit ,enfynig and eomptling said assessrnents and mill , <br />unless l..tnder ;ova fhirtowet tnieity on the Fonds and applicable in% petin,i% I under io maie such b . ±iargr 1 #otrrwer ati t 1 rndcr rims akrer <br />-TAIAlt at the utne of etecuuon of this l*tU of f rust that int� nr,,ha i unGc 0iml hr paid ii, Si err ,ter: srnd anicer. su,f ag:ecnxnt i, madr •_ <br />-i <br />