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ai a A <br />85 oo5s90Q ADDITIONAL TERMS <br />PREPAI'MENT•AND 7 ff,t7G OFTHE FINANCE CHARGF.: liven though I do nil hav • to pat, mole than the rr_ul.u',chcJuled monthl► paynteat. I hale the right <br />to prepay the whole arm>udtl+lvSdg'to you in full �t ,u,y tune nr m part from lime h, unre It the lending mwfuunn rn hank that hay m} romract cuntputc: fhc`limut a charge <br />daily. 1 know my finance charge will lie less if 1 make an early pap merit, and it will be higher it I pay hoe. I also recognize that .nv neces,ary atipusnneni to my total finance <br />charge will he reflected in my final bill; I also know that the amounts shown on the reverse side for the Finance Charge. Toga of Pa%ments. and the Total SaIc Price are cli- <br />mates hawed on the assumption that you will receive each of the pay ments exactly on its due date: and I know that there will be no refund it I prepay because there is nothing <br />to refund if I am charged on a daily basis. If the lending institution or bank does not compule the f inane charge thoh . and it 1 prepay the whole amount. you will refund <br />to rte the unearned portion of the finance charge (interest) by the accounting procedure known a, the actuarial nlethof; and the amount of my rebate will be figured on the <br />scheduled dates and amounts of my ninthly pay ment and not on the actual dales and amounts of the prepayments that I pay to you. I know that a refund of less than $1 .00 <br />will mint tics made. <br />IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT WARRANTIES: <br />(aI) Wa a$ SELLER HEREBY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, OF MERCHANTA- <br />BILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ON ALL GOODS AND SERVICES UNLESS SELLER FUR - <br />MSHES BUYER WITH A SEPARATE WRITTEN LIMITED WARRANTY OR SERVICE CONTRACT MADE BY SELL- <br />ER ON ITS OWN BEHALF (WHICH, IF MADE, ACCOMPANIES THIS CONTRACT). <br />(b) thave read. in detail. t heseparate "In- YEARI.1 \fITEDWARRANTY" which. it made.aecompanie,tilt,eontraci h explains the conditions and circumstances <br />in which the manufactured pioduru will be- repaired or replaced. I take notice of the limitations on the warranty. and I particui:uiy recognize that any implied warranty which <br />applies to ftw et, s acts only as long as the warranty or service contract. <br />te) I haze read, to detail• the separate" A%IIVA) INSTA[A AT ION WARRANIN, \vhirh, dotade. accnmp : +nics this contract It explains the conditions andcir- <br />cumstances m which the installation cif the siding will he redone. I take notice of the Iinntahons on the warrant) .Mill I pan tcularly recognize than any implied warranty which <br />applies to file installation acts on y as long as the warranty or service contratct. <br />SPF.CIAI: ORDER GOODS: I know that y uu hate pleasured my house :Ind its openings ,t, than you can make the products to tit my particular house. 1 lake notice that the <br />gaols that are manutactured for in\ spcctI0`iouse probably will nut tit .my other house,, and under such condItI0Ds. I know that I cannot cancel this eontract at any time <br />alter the lxritxlof time Ewen to me, by law, in which h >c;unc' I. After that legal pci mil of 6me. I know that I have the obligation to pay gnu in full the amount owed. <br />OBLIGATIONS PERTAINING TO PROPERTY INSURANCE AND MY HEAL. ESTATE: I 1 prnnn,e to keep my house to goixl repair and to keep it insured for <br />at least k(P,r of its replacement value by buying a fire and extended coverage Insurance poli.y. 'file Insurance company must be approved by vou. and the pahcy must hate <br />a heneticiary clause which says that you are h, he paid if there is a loss The uuurance company must a,•rer that n \\ill not c:mce n» pohcv without first telling p,•u. I au- <br />lho n7e the insurance comppaany to pay vou directly fin ant lass. You can choose h) use this Insurance pay ntent u) either repay any anti unts I owe you or to repair my house <br />have the option of providing property insurance through an existing pulic% rn through a Ixihcy independenth obtained and paid for r by lie. _ - I also promise that (will not <br />allow anxone else to place am liens on m% real estate without your w often permission a. 1 pranwe w p.ry all rase,. a„ewoents ,Ind other chawes m my real estate when <br />due. s. hpmnrrse u, untcly make all paymrnu tin my prior In,ms scrmed L•y n+y trill estate- I list, promise that I will not extend, renew or change prior loans without your <br />written permission. S. If I do not insure my house of fulfill my other oblt aeons It, nn\ real elate, then \ t,u can do it for me it \ou want (but you donor have to). it you do <br />{ a_t rim of the,i of ligauum kx rite. 1 agree u, pay you back on demand plus interest :a the highest law ful connacr roc of unrest t'mil 1 pay you hack. these amounts will <br />t e added to m' debt to you which is secured by y real esnue and house. I know that d y ou decide h, hit', insurance ti ,r me that \ t,u do not have to obtain any homeowner <br />or liability Insurance. <br />SALE. OF MY HOUSE: I promise not to sell. lease In give my house w jnxtme until I lava• 101% repaid m\ debt to \ ou <br />DEFAULT: I will tie in default under this contract if: <br />I . I don't make a payment when due; or <br />2. 1 break any promise I mate to you in this contract•, or <br />3. Somethingelse happens which causes you to believe in goal faith that I do not intend to pay you as promised; or <br />3. 1 default on any obligations for which l amt using my home as collateral; or <br />5. Something happens to my house whic h threatens your rights, if any, in it. <br />IF I AM IN DEFAULT: I understand that you have the right to foreclose the Mortgage I have given to vou and have my house sold to repay any amounts i owe you if <br />am in default under this contract. Before my house is sold, you will do everything that the law requires. 1Fyou hire an attorney to assist you to sell my house, or, to sue one. <br />or, to protect your rights, I agree to pay you for your reasonable attomeys fees and for other related expenses such as court costs, title searches and money you expended <br />toprdect my house. if you are allowed to collect such amounts by law. <br />OTHER RIGHTS: We can choose no to enforce any of the rights under this contract as often as we want without losing them. Or, we can delay enforcing any of the rights <br />without losing them. We can also use any rights now or in the future given to us by law. <br />DELAYS: I know that you will use your best efforts to install the products I am purchasing on my house, but I also understand that in some situations you nwy encounter <br />delays that are caused by strikes, weather conditions, delays you have to obtaining materials, or for other reaams that are beyond your control. I understand that you will <br />not be liable for such delays. <br />ARBITRATION: If 1 have a dispute or claim with you concerning the quantiq . quality or performance of the products. I understand that my dispute may be submitted to <br />and settled according to the mediation - arbitration prograru that may have devefnped in my community. 1 also know that any decision made by an arbitrator(s) would be en- <br />tered in the court having jurisdiction over me and you. <br />SALVAGE VALUE: I know that the w I n .,w,. wvx,tlwotk. slang. 1111, 1, :u,d whci tnaten :d, that ha, e to be annoyed by you for this installation bays NU ,al, age raiue. <br />When you remove them• you can hose them hr whatever purpt,,e yvu want <br />NNECIAL SPR ATIONS: Due to the uniqueness of write tit the products that you sell, I understand that in special situations that your Regional Office may have to review <br />and accept this contract. 1 also understand that this sale occurred to my honk and that you and t may not have had all the correct information important to this transaction <br />at ourfingertipsa give you my' consent to correct any obvious emirs that may have occurred when the blanks in this contract were completed. <br />INVALID FIIOVOO, v provision of this contract violates the law and is unenforceable, the rest of the contract will be valid. If any pan of this contract requires <br />payment of more intnestAtirl the law permits, then you will only have the right to collect from me the amount of interest which the law allows you to collect. <br />nn\< M< `T<•�•- 'a•a•�a�•- �aaa•r��. rn ...r .. .. <br />ram <br />_J <br />