0� 0058
<br />That I, GEORGE W. MARTIN, of Grand Island, County of hall,
<br />Nebraska, have made, constituted and appointed, and by these
<br />presents do make, constit-ate and appoint my son, WILLIAM C.
<br />MARTIN, of Grand Island, County of Ball, Nebraska, my true and
<br />lawful attorney for me and in my name, place and stead, and on
<br />my behalf, subject to the provisions of Paragraph 13 hereof, to
<br />do and execute all or any of the following acts, deeds and
<br />things:
<br />1. To receive debts, payments and Drooerty. To ask, demand,
<br />sue for, recover and receive all sums of Toney, debts, dues, goods,
<br />wares, merchandise, chattels, effects and things of whatsoever
<br />nature or descrintion which now are or hereafter shall be or beco:e
<br />due, owing, pavable or belonging to me in or by any right, title,
<br />ways or means howsoever, and upon receipt thereof, or of any part
<br />thereof, to make, sign, execute and deliver such receipts, releases
<br />or other discharges for the same res.•ect_7ve1y as my said attorney
<br />shall deem advisable.
<br />2. To settle accounts. To settle any account or reckoninc
<br />whatsoever wherein I now am or at any time hereafter shall be In
<br />anv wise interested or concerned with an %, ,erson who ls• :)t'ver, and
<br />to pay or receive the balance thereof as the case ma-, recuire.
<br />3. To satisfy security interests and Plortgages. 'O receive
<br />every sum of money :which new is or hereafter shall be due. or be-
<br />longing to me upon the security or by virtue of any securty
<br />interest_ or agreement, or mortgage, and on receipt of the full
<br />amount secured thereby to execute a good and sufficient release
<br />or other discharge of such security interest, Dr mortgage by deed
<br />or otherwise.
<br />4. To compound, submit to arbitration, or of :- erwise sett Le
<br />or adjust differences. To compounc ::ith or make allowances to
<br />any person for or in respect to any debt or demand whatsoever
<br />which now is or shah at any time hereafter I -ecome due and pa. -
<br />able to me, or by rite, or li'J:.1n my accot:nt, and to take and rece'_Ve,
<br />or to pay and discharge (as the case may be) , any com._,osition or
<br />dividend thereof . or ther e' pon, ar. to 5iv(', or receive r-eleases Or
<br />other discharges fU_ i.he ..hole .Df such, ebts or iemand or to
<br />settle, conapr.; :1se, Or submit to arbitration ever-, such debt ..+
<br />demand and Jer\ Otne rig: Ti7 t �..d t 1S1(j _u( to or CJn-
<br />cerning me as :-'i% attorney s :ail think. rye: > *, and . u1 that aurr)o>e
<br />to enter int.. an13 e.,, e;,-'i t e a.,:d :Ie1.1 siuc bo!vIs .,) arb tratlan
<br />or other instr,lments 3s iR aI:t01 C vy d: l %'_Si :Ji. {3 In the
<br />premises.
<br />5. lb orosecu't_e and defend. To co :r „ranee, :�rose.etu
<br />discontinue, or defend all actions or otter -gal ;_,raceedings
<br />touching my estate or any Dart thereof, ' >r tOuchin.g any *,latter in
<br />which 1 or niy _stet,. ,nay be in any w.isc concerne”.
<br />6. To manage r,__-al estate. 7'o enter into alld aocz .:11 and
<br />Singular iGy refill estate , and to l t, manage, and :.ilja2 "C7V +, the Sail
<br />or any part tlherec_', and to .r• pa` _ r,r ot` :e_t _lee improve, alter,
<br />r reconstruct, and to _nsur•s _An buiI62nas ar s= rt <turca thereon,
<br />a. ^d further to contract wit;: others for h(_ ;pan, c3en;ent of such
<br />real estate and to grant to such oth %rs rill t:'ie with
<br />rospect to such zeal e5tat(: usual in T"01 *..at lit roar c tll'i1
<br />contract, and ,,`Z :Ant(.. c+ t. (7 haJd attUr,le,
<br />tena.T'i'' .a ian' 1 (:i35Ct3 )r.Ij> .,r y To a`7 ?t_ i son' ,a. -
<br />�.ea`�-.,. :7�) for
<br />and w2tllc�;nit r�c� :ar(9 +..� '',' :: r :zrtinUtS_ <,n ".` 'his pow':-r f attoinfy
<br />l. ')' S ;al,
<br />W
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