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85-- 005899 <br />This form is used in connection <br />MORTGAGE one- mortgages insured under the <br />one- to four - family provisions at <br />"The Rider to the Mortgage attached hereto and executed of even date the National Housing Act. — <br />herewith is incorporated herein and the covenants and agreements of the <br />Rider shall amend and supplement the covenants and agreanents of this Mortgage." <br />THIS MORTGAGE, made and executed this 25th day tit November 4 1) <br />19 85 , by and between Mark R. Forsberg and Janice E. Forsberg, each in his and her own right <br />�s sgose of each other, <br />pu and State of Nebraska, party of the first part, hereinafter called <br />o t e nt- o Hall <br />the Mortgagor, and The Equitable Building and Lain Association, 113-115 North Locust St.*, <br />Gram Island, Nebraska <br />a corporation organi-red and existing under the laws of the State of Nebraska <br />party of the second part, hereinafter called the Mortgagee. <br />L <br />WiTNESSETH: Than the .:aid Mortgagor, for and in consideration of the,unt of Twenty Eight Thousand Five <br />Hundred Fifty and no/ 100------------ ---- -- 28 ,550.00 i, paid by the Morl- <br />gwigee, the receipt of which is herehy ackno"Iedged, ha, Granted and Sold ,tad by the,e pre,ents does Grant, Bar- <br />gain, Sell. Convey and Confirm unto the Nlorlgagee. its ,uc•ce,,ior, and as,lgns, forever- the following- dcscrihed <br />and State <br />real estate. situated in the County of <br />Hall <br />of Nehr.iska, to wit: <br />Lot Six (6), of County Subdivision of part of the South Half <br />of the Southeast Quarter (S'S4 ) of Section Sixteen (16), Township <br />Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the Sixth P.M., <br />Hall County, Nebraska, excepting therefrom a tract of land <br />deeded to the City of Grand Island., more particularly <br />described in the Deed recorded at Book 46, Page 600 of the <br />Deed Records in the Office of the Register of Deeds, Hall <br />County, Nebraska. <br />t,I the Sixth Principal Mcndian. con uniting in ,ill ----- - - - - -- crcr .Itc•,rdInc to Go,cnl- <br />fnent <br />Tff It%%'i- ANI) ro Ht)I I) the prcill1w, :Iho%e de,cnhcd. w uh ..II the .,ppurlen,ulce, Ihelcunlr. hclnngnig :Ind nicluding <br />all heating. plumhingand lighting livlure, and equipment no„ ,1r hcreaflel ertecticci t" "t u,cd m tonnecuon with void real e,tatc <br />unto the Morigagee, and It, it, ,uccc• „4,r, .Ind a „ign,. fore,cr The Morlpeor repre,ent, It,, .anti ,o,cn ;,nl,"ith, file \lorlgil <br />gee. than the Mortgagor ha, good right to ,elf and come\ ,:lilt piclnl,e,'. tha: the, are ffec fr.lm cnwmhrutcc: and that the <br />Mortgagor will ware,nl and defend the ,amt: again,l the la,c til c lann ,11 Ill prr,I,n, w ilonr,oc, cr and lilt ,aid Morigagnl here - <br />hy relinqui,he, all right-4 homc,tcad. ind all martial right,. afoot m law ar III cyun. -.old :III other contingent mtere,!, of the <br />Mortgagor in :u d it, the aho,e- dc,crihcd premise,. the intcnfion being w :,m, r, hVichi, ..n ah,ollrlc title. in fee ,Iml,lc•. nlclud <br />ing ail right, of homestead. and other right, and interest, a, iforc—id <br />PROVI DI: 1) AI WAYS, .11101helc prescllls arc e\cculcd and dell ,crcd ullon I tic I<,11,,„ lilt' u,nthlion,, to wit <br />The Mortgagor agree, 11, pa, to the \lortgogce. or „rticr. the pt nclp.11 ,u n. „f `IWenty Light Thousand Five <br />Hundred Fifty and no/ 100------------- ---- -- - - -- far. I. 28, 550.00 I <br />with mieicst frurn date m the talc tit Eleven and One -Half ;'VI ,cntuln 1 llt I per .11111 ml • ll <br />the unp;ud balance until paid The ,aid principal anti intcic,t ,hall fw p.,, able •,! Ihr „llicc of The Equitable Building <br />and Loan Association or at such ill he[ pfatc as the hoidcl of <br />In Granu Is lalro Nebraska <br />the note mat dc,igmite in "citing. 11t mt,ntSrl% is-al Iment. ,1I Two HunUred Eighty 7Wo and 73/100------- - <br />------------------ - - - - -- Dollar,,$ 282.73 1. c.nnntcnnng on the hr,l da, of <br />DG`cember. 14 85. and tin the hl't d.r .,f c•..: h rn„nl11 Ihcrcoflci until the Ill inclp.Ii and m <br />terco ore fulh paid. except limn the final payment of pnncq,al and nocic,t. If not ,00nes paid. Amll he ,Inc end <br />payahle nn file list dac of Ncivenber, 2015 II arrortlntg it, the term, ,d ,I cerImn plonll, <br />,on note of e,en dale here” alt etc,:ufed by life ,mod Mol Igovor <br />foe Morlgagor In order more tulle It, prote,I the ,e. kit it, "I Ito, %I '!gag ;. Ill ack, , <br />1 that tie will p;Iy the nulehtednc,s. •11 heseuthcfoic psi „sde,t llrt,licgc t, Ic,cr,cd 14, Ial% the dcht Ili .gin •i.•, or rn en <br />anunlril equal fn one or more rn4,nfhly popnlenl, tin the pnntg,.d Ih.11 me ncU due on ,hc note, on the fil,! 0.,, ,1f on, ntrnth <br />prior le ntalurify. Yruwded, h.lnr,e+.lh ;!I w1111cn nonce 'if •.n nitenLllat In e,e11 r,r '(1' 11 plttller!e t, omen ..t It•..,I folio I tnI <br />dap, prmr to prepayment <br />[hill. tonefhcs Alih. and In .1(1(11114,11 lo. the mnnihl, p•Itnicnl, „! prin'll"d .Ind Inlcico pa,,,hlr 11110rt Ihr Irlm ,1l ,hr <br />IL do 'c'mcd hl'Ieh,. It1C \l4,llr :ay:,1l wilt pa, tothe 11,11 ti- 1,1'.•t Illl tot• Ill,l II.1% IIf "t'll It r, Illlh 1111111 !ht' ,., Iii !h•h' I• l.tlll p.11,1 Ihr <br />f,1Itl- like '11111, <br />idt rA . Int alfh Jt'r1' I,. ; I IUdr Ili,: ,Idtl h I. I .t 111 .11.1 •I, tlf ',I i u. IL., h In•al L4,• Ilan it !Ins <br />:li I lilt I tt w,mcd hr1,I•, .Ill rill' I .i .I I Ihh ,II.- .rr 0 I ��' rrI!iI r • =n„ r. <br />mi "llr I fh,•Y u, hold I, Ito 0 '111 ) 11111' II, : .p •', <br />..,.n. ,.I .II� an•.n,,; II�,.L.ny ,>,�I i �.. �. n,. .� i � - •.. _ _ <br />�,. It if It iA'•n r] <br />N <br />f <br />