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LiF <br />10ir <br />0 0 <br />0j 5 83,'),, <br />52•A—REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE—(With Tax Clause) R"v ;s <br />ffinan and Felton Wolf. Walton, Ne. 68461 <br />KNOW ALL MEN ny -mEsE PRESENTS: That Billy B. Wright and Hildegard Wright:, Husband and� <br />W i f. e <br />of Hall County, and State of Nebraska <br />in consideration of the sum of <br />Eighteen Thousand and no/ 100----------- --------------------- - - -- -- ($18,000.00) DOLLARS <br />in hand paid, (III hereby SELL and CONVEY unto NORWEST BANK NEBRASKA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION <br />of Hall County, Slate of N (2 b ra.s, k E I the following de.,cribed premises situated <br />J in Hall County, and State of Nebraska <br />to-wit: <br />(Per att:a,.hed Exhi'lbi? "A" Aari:d Nuvtl-mll,er .4, <br />'rh(. intention )wnig o, , n%—,•%- ' tit al-ilute lift.• it, lj•,- ,l oic-loclo, all the rights 'ti homestead and dower. <br />I'0 I1AVI-' AND Tf) IWIA) the prcim-,i 11bo— 11—crihed, ,•Il All 0- thereunto hplonging. Into the said <br />mor%:xgevis) and to his, her or 1111,ir hejr•, ;kill] a—wils forever. powj,j,-,J and Iti—v pri•sents are upon the expr(�q <br />n.zolition that it tit(- ­ud fll,• her err their heirs. -xi,villors. :jdnom,lrator, or ii�ogns shall pa) or cause to I . ma <br />paid to the ;lit] triortgag-t-( hl,. her — their heirs, ­,-cutor:;. allmoostrat—s or assigns. the JMlIvIpal suns of <br />pa % a h1v ;us I, I low, I . , 11 . <br />,lift, in, ...... t avcordotr in r1,,• 11111 1-111-t I nl lho, I,r000,­ry not,• bcaring, ­-en date will, Ilit-st, prevents <br />and •:hall pa, ad 1:1 X ..' and '_o" 1,1 ."1 opol, .:Jld •"l ;III -oh— rest.,. I-o-, ;it,,] :j­t•_jjjj•fjIS IeYtrrl tjj)on this <br />o­rt,,ag*. or the o,q, which it 11 .. . ..... t*l —, lit, "t -'W!" d•illujovill. arld keep the buildings on <br />pr'nit— lm-v-d ft.r Th, pw—bIt. to Ifo• 'aol mortgage,-, filt,ji these present• <br />to I.- cord. I., o' full <br />IT Is PUR'1111•:Jl NGIII'A 1) Ili 'll'al 'f dw 'ald h."' '141'11 tax­ or lo"ot-Un- och 11MIrance. the <br />'aid mortaAr"". MaN 11"e 'u. 1, ind l)r,,, uri• o( It ­:-ralo " nod fill' lool ,, ;Idvanc­I. with [ :it 1 ;' . " ;1 per <br />­11r. 'hall k' b; ..... I ov'luav"'! iod fill, hall j;oid ;I,, for the sane. (21 That ;I failure to pay any <br />14 'A'd F000— -rflwr proo fit,• 'amc h'.. 'jol— doe. (,r ;I failire to with any N of the foregoing <br />agiovrn'.W." 'hail cgm,, the .01•111 .urn •I lot,fo•1 hcr,-in —cur-1 1,, hcu due ;ol,J -it 0IIc(' at lift- option of the <br />S;'gro-d fill, •.•j <br />It <br />Y, = i. <br />'-,'[*A]'E OF Nt,-"' <br />' W .. , - - <br />The foregfill'114, Medged bt.-fim- ire , 19 <br />by <br />slf"IllitlIN, lit- Person Taking Acknowhedgmvttt <br />STATE OF <br />III,,,[ for r,word <br />dav of it, fit,• R--;:,,fer 4 '.ald I . ('11111V the <br />ck. k and oloolle" <br />nail n•cnrrj rtl in IS, K,K of it pa,­ <br />Its <br />