<br />(1 Year Treasury Index- Rate Cspsl
<br />TMS ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER is made This L2nd dayof _ November .19 85 ,
<br />and is incorporated into and shall be deemed to amend and supplement the Mortgage, Seed of Trust, or Security Deed (the ..Security
<br />latstraasant") of the saute date Sites by the undersigned (the *'Borrower') 10 secure Borrower's Adjustable Raft Note (the "Note ") to HOME
<br />MMU SAVM W A LOAN ASSOMATM OF GRAf D ISLAND, NEBRASKA (the "Lentim "l of the same date and covering the
<br />ptmpeaay daaillsed inthe Security Irstrument and located at:
<br />219 5. Sycamores Grart Island. NF fiRR01
<br />(Property Address)
<br />T1h none ,tndsias Is 0 id, anewiag for owes in my iaarrest Lase and my moWdy
<br />payssiaKa. Tilde wale aiaa RaW the• anastat my interest rate can claa ge at nay one that sad
<br />able the aiaiaas tad the mat dmaa rare I .mast pay.
<br />ADDITIONAL COVENANTS. In addition to the covenants and agreements made in the Security Instrument, Borrower and Lender
<br />ImTher covenant and agree as follows:
<br />The Now provides for an initial interest rate of _ 9.5 ?re. Section 4 of the Vote provides for changes in the interest lair and the
<br />monthly payments, as follows;
<br />(A) CAwge Dtaaa
<br />Thu interest rate i will pay may change on the first day of _ December I _l9 t 9 _86 , and on that da_v r, rr
<br />12 months thereafter. Each date on which my interest rate couid change is calird a "Change Dare."
<br />TIW, ,
<br />Beginning: with the first Change Dare, mY interest rate will he based on an index. The "Iridex" s the weekly average }•field on Lirtited States
<br />Treasury securities adjusted to a constant maturity of 1 year, as made available by the federal Reserve Board. The most recent Index figure
<br />available as of the date 45 days before each Change Darr is called the "Current index."
<br />If the Index is no longer available. the Note Holder will choose a new index which is bated upon comparable information. The Vote
<br />Hakim %ill give fits notice of this choice.
<br />(GI caktiMhw of chm"M
<br />Before each Change Date. the Note Holder will .calculate my new interest rats: by addtt g one & s even / e i gbt s percentage
<br />Pa. ( x.875 em) to the Current Index and rounding to the nearest i'Sth of 1 z%v. subject to the iimits stated in Sect ion 4( D) below.
<br />This rounded amount will be my nrw interest rate until the next Change Date.
<br />The Note Holder will then determine the amount Of the monthly payment that would be sufficient is repay in full the principal I am
<br />expected to owe on that Change Date in substantially equal payments by the maturrn date at my new interest eau. The result of this calculation
<br />will be the new amount of my monthly payment.
<br />iD) Limits o• iraereaa Rae Cltueges
<br />T h s Merest e a u 1 a m required to pay at the first Change !)au -iii r,tn `, r greater :faun ._ 11.5 Tv or less than
<br />6 • , •re. Thereafter, my interest rate will ne%•er he increased or oecreaseo on ary single Changc Date by more Than two p err tit
<br />2 rant the rate of interest I have been paving for the pirceding iwel%e months The minimum mierest rate on this loan will never be
<br />less than 8-75 __re and the maximum interest rate wilt nrvet he greater Than 14 4 %.S / 5 _ wr
<br />(D Eifsedw Thar of C]nsion
<br />My new interest rate will become effective on each Changr Date t will pay the amount of my new mooti:ly payment tuginntng on the !first
<br />motnhly payment date after the Change Date until the amount Of ms monitiN payment changes again
<br />M '`dietsfClrages
<br />The Note Holder will mail or deliver to me a notice bet ore each Change Date T'he : oitcc w ill advrse mr of
<br />ill the new interest rate on my kian as of the Change Dau:
<br />(ill the amount of my monthly payment following the Change Date:
<br />{iii) any additional hatters which the Note Haider is required to disclose, and
<br />fivl the address of the association you could contact regarding any questions aftoui the adjustment nonce
<br />R. C11AlGESt LIENS
<br />LhtiformCovenant4of the Security Instrument is amended tD read as follows
<br />4. [Raps: Lim. Borrower stall try all taxes, asimments, and other charges. fines, and impasinons attributabir to the Property which may
<br />AvAil to priority over thus Security Instrument, and leaathoid payments w ground tents, if any, in the manner provided tinder paragraph 2 hetrof
<br />at. if not paid in such manner. try Borrower making payment. when due. directly y to the payee thereof. Harrower shall promptly furnish Luider
<br />ON aooioa of amounts due under this paragraph. and in the event Borrower shall make payment direcily. Borrower shall promptly furnish to
<br />Leader raeapts evidmeing such payments. Harrower shall ptomptfv discharge any hen which has priority over the Security Instrument;
<br />bowever. Borrower shall not he requited to discharge any such lien so long as Harrower tat shall agree in wrung to the payment of The
<br />obligntionserurad by such lien in the manner acceptable to tender, (h) shall in good faith contest such hen hy. or defend against enforcement of
<br />witch Ion lot, legal procandings which in the optruon M Lender Operate to prevent the enforcerfeni of the lien or forfeiture (tithe Property or env
<br />W1 thwaof; of (cf shall %cure from the holder of such lien in agreement in a form wisfacton to I ender su"rilintui ge such lien to this
<br />S'day Instrument.
<br />If Lander dmermines that all Or arty Pall of ifte Proper:% is suhfecl It, a hen which mat attain a ,route otm this Security Instrument.
<br />Lender shah) give Borrower a notice tdettnfving such lien. Borrower %hail ;aitifr �uoh hrn nr tai.c erne or moor eri the atttow set forth afxnr
<br />wothin tat data of the giving of the notice
<br />11. %(17l(T:
<br />i.1atrrrm Covenant 14 (if the Security Inwirumrni is amendrd i:, ieao ar Ioli —,
<br />14, VSsr. F+440Pi for anp MKax T04tOrtxi ninth aptNreahir, law st, tar kern an another ^ourTort. �a! am poiica� if.,rrowrt ;tier,+ ins Ihi%
<br />Sattuny Istntrumene dial! be Alter. by de)ivertnr tt (v f +t fliailtr,K ci f" I't i , chat Ro" rr at thr t o't+rr'r 46dirr. nr a' ,ia.:, t.r,:ri acct ;r•
<br />rift W-frcwer MN 1. designate h, nottLr to [ trim aj . pe crvidt hrrdn. bred ihi ear 1raaaa •e 1 r.i.fe: �! +s - ..r K'�rn ,i .,era invii I I e dt:
<br />add?M Axl€aj elheifl I'll 10 hWl fi 01tiel addrxh, as Letdea sin, rJr,srt)att h " nn•,cr ii,��.,.,,., .. ;, ,,, „is<, -N - ,. „a ^_t + .�
<br />5Kuw1 rhali tot dermeaf rr, h:e.r there K ;,f fo f :, W,. ,. r= I .....c w . , , r
<br />N
<br />