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THIS INDENTURE, made this - <br />MORTGAGE <br />21st - -_ .._ _ day of __ November <br />_THOMAS K._BESWICK AND _PEGGY_A. BESWICK,___HUSBAND_AND WIFE_. <br />85-- 005803 <br />19 65_., by and between <br />of __HAL L ___ County, Nebraska, as mortgagor __ 5 and Home Federal Savings and Loan Association of Grand Island, a corporation <br />organized and existing under the laws of the United States of America with as principal office and place of business at Grand Island, Nebraska, as <br />mmgaw: <br />W ITNFSSFTH: That said mortgagor ___S__.__ , for and in consideration of the sum of __3iiENTY IH411SA1>II'i.�11E HI INORF(1__ <br />THIRTY FIVE DOLLARS AND 50/100 ------ __------- -- - -- --- _nal.,�ts 20,135.50 J. <br />— - - -- <br />lhe rceoipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do - ___... _ _. ___— by these presents mortgage and warrant unto said mortgagee, its successors and assigns, <br />Hall <br />fOltrer, all the following described real estate, situated in the County of .____. _.__ _ _ <br />wW State of Nebraska, to -wit: <br />PART OF LOT NINE (91 AND PART OF LOT TEN (10), OF RIVERSIDE FARMS SUBDIVISION <br />OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE'r,) OF SECTION TWENTY NINE (29), TOWNSHIP ELEVEN (11) <br />NORTH, RANGE NINE (9) WEST OF THE 6th P.M., MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FObLO!'IS, <br />TO -WIT: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT TEN (10), RUNNING THENCE N88 46 <br />ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT TEN (10), 330.0 FEET TO THE NORTH14EST CORNER OF SAID <br />LOT TEN (10); RUNNING THENCE S 0 0 50 '�' E. ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT TEN (10),375. <br />FEET; RUNNING THENCE N 83 49 t-2'E., 331.4 FEET, TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT <br />TEN (10); RUNNING THENCE i D 50 --,' W., ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT TEN (10), 118.4 <br />FEET; RUNNING THENCE N 79 03 YE., 154.0 F�ET, TO A POINT ON THE NORTHEASTERLY <br />LINE OF LOT NINE (9); RUNNING THENCE N. 39 55 Y W., ALOIJG THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF <br />SAID LOT NINE (9), 240.0 FEET, TO THE PLACE OF CF-GIiJNING, iN HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />Together with all hinting, u:r conditioning„ IiKhung, and plumbing equipment and fizturr. mc!udmr• .,n•vis ew nmgs. storm windows and <br />(doors. and wmtktw shades or blinds used on or in connertion with said property, whet her t h, sam,- a- now loo itA in said property or .'e -after <br />placed themnn <br />TO HAVE ANIy •i'U lf01.1) THE bAliq. iog,tn.•r with all and singular the it•nements he- eefiurmentr. and appurtemunecs th- edlilo t.e- <br />ionging, or in anywise appertaining, forever . and warrnnt tilt- titie to t.' same <br />�nui mnrgngnr S hereby rovenant wnh 'a'd <br />mortgagee that t he y are at the deLvrry hen %& the iawful owner S of the premt— above rnnccyed and descrel.Ki. <br />and are seized of r guKi and noefeasihI, tutt of mhrntanct• therein, free and clear of all encumbrances. and that t hey will <br />warrant and defend the tale themto forever against tl a Imams unit demands of all persons whom•aa•trr TWENTY THOUSAND <br />ROY t }•I AI W A)'S end his mot mens is x -utesd and deft —red w sitcure t h , pas im•nt of the sum of --. <br />ON HUWHD THIRTY �IVE D6LLAR� AND 50,1100 ---- - - - - -- 20,135.50 <br />Ilnilan t3 � <br />with mtara.+t themin, together with such e•hrrgeo and :,:,antes as may tae dui and pop %hie to said mnrtguge +• under the trans and eonditi —s <br />of the pntmisson nut, of (wen dote hen•wu[h and w+un,: hrre•bc.. -xt-eu U•ci bs ,anti mortgagor S to said mortgagee. payable a, —1irr •d <br />in said rote, and u, secure the pmrformrnee of alt the•'stns and condition+ contenne+i Lho—Ai The t.•rm% of said note are hrn•by mcorporate•d <br />herein be this reference <br />It is the mtentian and agneemrnt of the Parties b•retu t hat this mortgage +hall also secure ant, future advances made to said more gagetr S <br />by said mortgagee, and any and ail mdrhtedness in addition to the amount afa,ve stata•d wMcl, surd mortgagor-. or any of them. nav ow, v, <br />sad mortgagee. blwrvrr ervdemexvf, wheow., bs n,t,. bo ,k acrount or othrrwtst. Pus mortgage shall remain in full font', and Mit+ 1>.•1we+•n <br />the parties hereW and them him, persinai - presemlativ— successors and nssitims, until all amounts serun,d her — rider meiudmg futur, <br />advance~, are paid in fui: with mtrrrest <br />'the mortgagrn S heirrhy assign 41 +aid rnortgags4• all n•nts anti mrome arising at any and all tunes from card pnga•rty and <br />hereby authorise said mentgageer or Its agent. at rtes option. uplrm delsuit, to take rhargc of said pnga•rty and rolled ,dl rents emit atc•omn <br />thoxrinxn and apply the slim, to payment of interrxt, pnncigal. rnsurane 1) mums. taz,s, assessmrntn, repairs or unpre —rovots <br />neneiss" to kir'p anal It n w-my in tenantable tntditan. or to other charge•- or payments provided for harem nr in the name hembs 9•cumgl This <br />rent asalgnn" shall continue m purer unt-d the unpaid halancr of +aid nee is tulip pail The taking of (tnsst•ssntn here•undef shall in no manor <br />to r rrnt or r»tard gaud mr,"agsr In the enllaetron of said sums by foreclosure or othrrwtw <br />The Iaidure of the mortgagor oil A%-W-m any of it% right% hereunder at any time shut] not h, roostratnl as it waiver of its right to ass,rl th, <br />,lime at any later time. and to meant upant and rnforio, .tr,ri rnmlthancr with ail t,nno- and provisions of said not, and of Ihn mortg.g. <br />If sad nanUagotr S shall cause ttt be paid W said Mottgagee it", entire. timoumt due it hereunder and under t he t,nns and pins i�aa. <br />of said now hereby +round, including future advan•rs. and stn, estenvums or renewals tbv+•d in ra,ordtinct• with the terms and pros isrons <br />UwvW, reed d acid mortgWir 5 shall comply with all the pmvasmns of said note and of On,% mortguge then tbw• I —cents shall !n• voui <br />nthlrwrise to Atari- in fain{ fnfl'11 Gild eHeet, add Asi d namtgsgel• shall tit! entitled I,, the latsyssu,n of all of said proln•rtv. and may'. at its oln aai. <br />dacdrro the whole elf said rote and all indebtedness "Pn!sented thereby u+ be immediately da• and payalda• Not tnay fort +low• this foortgagv <br />ex take any tthar kagai action to pnA&ct ita right Appratseinent waiver! <br />TMs onntgage shall Ire handing upan and shall enure to the twovill of rh, hewn. +ve- ut,.rs adnurustrntors 'k—„",ors and assyros of it,, <br />rrwPw nv, p-rtw,, hereto <br />I!: W'i'INF',SS %11#I iOV «lied Mortgagor? fin YP,. heteuotu s,t their nand _ ih, Jot and ever first nil..., <br />t <br />written p`` <br />at- .�r re _ ,• r =r- � ,�/ - I_- iiS <br />THSw, V pt �'vilf V Ct fiGY`h' � <br />K <br />