svrAversNip Warranty Dad
<br />+iatiman and fe!7Dn 6 Wolf. Walton. Ne 68461
<br />ZVOW ALL IM BY THM P REXXX 8, That 85'-r' 005779
<br />N&SH-Fn4CH ,SAW
<br />a corporation organized and existing ender and by virtue of the laws of the State of DELAWARE
<br />meonsideratianof SEVENTY —FOUR THOUSAND AND
<br />received from grantee, does grant, bargain, sell, eonvey an,.i confirm uttto
<br />THCHAS R. 3H ;ELEN and JEANNE M. THIELEN, Husband and Wife
<br />as joint tenants with right, of survivorship, and not as tenant: in ccunwon. the foLr.xving described real property in
<br />Hall County, Nebraska
<br />T,ot Thirty Two (32), Westroads Estates Fourth Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />��
<br />�NOV 2119^65
<br />�//
<br />To have and to hold the above described premises r,ceiher with all tenements, herteditimieut_: and appur-
<br />temmees thereto belonging unto the grantees and to their r signs. or to the heirs and assr•ms of the survivor of
<br />them forever.
<br />And grantor for itelf and its suvress,rrs does her•r•I;r rus etiant whit the _ranu•es and with their assigns and
<br />with the heirs and assigns of the• survivor of tihetn that vravtor is lahrfuilr seised of said nr that they are
<br />free from enettmhrance except easements and restrictions of record.
<br />that grantor has good right and ILwful awhority to o:; ,• ti;.• same. wid then _r.u;tor 1varranis and will 3rfr -: ;d
<br />the title to said premie,,s a -'ainst the lai%fui claims of all 1, o;r •.tiorus<,. 1 r.
<br />It is the iutentinti of all parties hereto that in the ,f the de alit of i- ith, -r uf' the• grantees, the entire
<br />fee simple title to the real estate- shall vr.t in the surviving ;*ranter
<br />11 witness whereof, grantor has i:ereunto caused itti .,•al to be affivrd and these prexeuvs signed
<br />by its President.
<br />i)at.ed November 1s +85
<br />1
<br />NA$'-F.1NC#I,.COMPAi\Y ...........
<br />ltr :..... ............... . .: ..President
<br />STATE OF MINNESOTA On tas J 0 day of November -1efore me,
<br />the undersigned. e ldotazy Public in and for said L;otxrty
<br />President cf
<br />personally came
<br />Nasit- Finch.,Company to corporal=,
<br />to me personally known to be the President and the identical pe:son whose name is affixed to the above convey-
<br />ance, and acknowledged the execution thereof to lie his »oi r to y cci and decd as such cfiicer and the voluntary
<br />act and dyed of said corporation and that the Corporate sea! c. the said corporation was ".hereto affixed by its
<br />au hiarity.
<br />Wi � ^ 1 at, �.� •- :n r,d c. a tty tnR day and } eor lest above written. LN �� !iota* Pcib ?i:.
<br />wR.., _.
<br />y day of
<br />STATE OF..
<br />kt;t.•red i,n r:usueraeal nid+x and tiled t,r r,• <,,ri i,,• li••ti�te °* ? iire•d. �r`.r . , >i,? +,,,ir,:) ilae°
<br />day of l9 vs nand tu1,i,,t— N1 .
<br />a:Fr} Yrr`srrled >rr fie „� u: ..
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