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DEED OF TRUST <br />FIF <br />BFNI FICIAR1' <br />q AVC0 FINANCIAL SERVICE S <br />85-- 005772 INTERNATIONAL, INC. <br />r, c t rests <br />MORTENSEN J01114 P. '10RTisrTul'.;d VIRCIIIIA Lc� 416 T7EST MUM <br />wlwltrN4 /IOOw�S1 el r sT�TC PPe- <br />2212 WEST FIRST GRAND ISI.l ilI: 63801 ; CRAslli ISLAND, iT <br />NEBRASKA <br />011TE.; M' ANT) VIRCLIdA L. <br />1501 OVI't ?PE P5 (J �';S, BA' & ?;IFl) :OP.Ti::dSi id <br />THIS DLUD OF TRUST, Made tills __.___. day ,T 19� -, between _ _. __ __ — - . - -- <br />hereinafter called TRUSTOR. %i ow address is_,^,212_T'L T -- k.I12S.TT CItiA li--- ISJ.A:Ils. D1E- andCj,A}[_.F., P(1C t'�d --- <br />-- -- �- - -- - -• hereinafter i'Aled TRUSTLI -. whose address is- ID- U0, ..TrtE.(jr:S,i 1lli_i2I:., Vl'.`Ar ?A_ r+P„ryihci- _ --�z`t �l-- <br />and AVC0 FINANCIAL SFRVICES INTFRNAT•IONAL, INC_ a Nebraska corporahon. Iteretnalter called BUNFFICIARY. wllosc address is <br />----------- ---- <br />----- - - - - -' -- —� <br />AITNF.SSETH: That Trustor GRANTS. CONVEYS, SELLS AND WARRANTS TO TRC STH . IN TRUST, UITH POWER 01` SALI'- the following described, <br />property. situated in County, Nebraska <br />s <br />LOT EIGHT (8), BLOC'•.: SEVENTIMi (17) r 'VX -1-'Pr, ADDTTI0 TO Tl' Cl-l' I L" 4D, MI.I,L <br />NEBRASKA <br />also known as 2212 'TEST FiRST, CRAi1D ISLA'rn1, '''i: 68801 <br />(Number and Street) <br />together with all buildings and improvements now or hereafter crccled thereon and all screens, awnings, shade., ,twin sash and blinds, and hcating. Fighting. <br />plumbing. Ras. electric,,' ventilating te1'figeraling and air equipment used in connection therewith, .dl of which, rot the purpose. of this Decd of <br />Trust, shall be deemed fixtures and subject to the lien hereof, and tire hereditanlcnts and app artenanccs ;retraining to the property above described, and Al <br />streets, lanes, alleys, passage$,` ways, waters. water courses. rights, liberties and privileges, whatsoever thereunto belonemg or in anywiw• appeftainme and the <br />reversions and remainders. all of which is referred to hereinafter as the "premises'. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above- dewribed prennws, %'lift the appurtenances and t,tuocs, unto the said Bcnciisi.u), tit, rucccssms and assigns. I,Incer, for <br />the purposes and uses herein set forth, free from :dl rights and benefits under and by virtue of any Homestead 1-.1-en'Ption Laws of the State of Nebraska <br />which may be enacted, which said rights and benefits the said Truster does hereby esp•° sly release and waive,. <br />Trustor also assign to Beneficiary all remiss Issues and profits of Said premise's, granting the right to collect and use the same, will' or without taking possession of <br />the premises, during continuance of default hereunder, and during continuance of such default authorizing Beneficiary to enter upon said premises andjor to collect <br />and enforce the same without regard to adequacy of any security for the indebtedness hereby secured by any, lawful means including appointment of a receiver in <br />the name of any party hereto, and to apply the same less costs and expenses of operation and collection, including reasonable attorney's fees, upon any indebted- <br />ness secured hereby, in such order as Beneficiary may determine. <br />FUR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING 11) Performance of each agrcelill of fru,tw .untamed herein. 1221 Paynu•nt of file principal .run will] <br />­promissory <br />interest, as provided in accordance wnh The tern" and prouisluns of a Promissory Note r Loan Agreement Ulcrrmalter referred lo a% <br />r , .• payable to the <br />twte ") Jated___..i�.�.:}iIt 15__ j. cs2�----------_, ..__- ...-- --_-�-- -- ------ - ----• herewith lxcctuld by irustor an p y <br />order of Beneficiary, to the principal win of and having till date of Its final payment due <br />or as extended, deferred or rescheduled bt�- , •w•;) r refinance: (3) Payment of any additional advances, with interest <br />thereon n may hereafter be loaned by Beneficiary to Trustor in a maximum soil of S�1[.Z a2i- _� within IS years from the date of this Deed of Trust; <br />however, this paragraph does not constitute a cunrinitment by Beneficiary to make future advances; (4) The payment of any money that may be advanced by the <br />Beneficiary to Trustor for any reason or to third parties, with interest thereon, where the amounts are advanced to protect the security in accordance with the <br />to which may be substitrued <br />covenants of this Deed of Trust: (5) Any renewal• refinancing or extension of said promissory note, or any other agreement pay <br />therefor. <br />Ali Payments made by 'frusfor an The obligation secured by fins Deed of 'Fruit shall be applied in the f(dlo %mg order. <br />charges <br />FIRST: To the payment of taxes and assessments that may be levied and assessed against wid prtml,%il Insurance pocnnunn, repalrs, and all uthet <br />and ex s agreed r„ be paid by the Trustor. <br />SF, •ONI): n the tlayrnent of interest due on said loan. <br />THIRD: To the payment of principal. <br />TO PRIC)TECI TIM SEC'URIT'Y HURlcOf, TRUSTORIS) COVLNANTS AND AGRF :I'S (11 Io keep raid preinlw, m,urrd AgAlabl curs by fin and oahcr <br />hazards, caw,dly and contingencies up h.1 the fall value of all improvements for till prottelion of Beneficiary sal such mwfner, m µ1,1l amounts, and n1 such <br />companI As Beneficiary rttay from lime to time approve, and Ihat loss proceeds Uem expense of collection► shall. at Beneliciary % option. btl applied on salt <br />meta todness, whether due or not or to the rettro latiun of said improvements. In event of loss Trusim will give nnmediatc notice by mad to the Beneficiary. <br />wow ntay make prawlf of Iris if not made promptly by Trustor, and each insurance company concerned is hereby authorized and dioccied to make pay'n1enT ter <br />such lots ditecily to the Hencflcury instead (1f 'e till' i tumor. 1 2) To pay all lazes .Ind spet-ial d„r „Inenls el any kind than ha,e been .,r olay' be I •,ll'd it <br />A11C11019d upon sold prelnoes, and to delivery to Reneticiaty, upon rerlut•,I of till Henc liciw,•, till' „111c1.11 rcletpt ,hewing Ili ,%illeill of .IB ,11,11 lixc, and <br />AMteSNrltnli, l.i) In the event of default by T'ru,lor udder Paragraphs i or 2 above, Ilemll'1cittly, at it, t, {,I lilies May Ia) place and keep ,mill Ill,nrali'v ale, le <br />plrvided for In force throughout the life of this Deed ill Twit and pas the reasonable ptelilluill, and chalger Iher•ler, 111) pay all raid ►axe', and arw,rnn•f11, <br />withrmt determining the validity thereof; and (I') Pay' such liens and all shell dishur,c•rnent, ,hall be devilled a plot l.t rile nldeblrdnlsr ,chervil le, 'Ill Deed of <br />Trust and shalt Ile immediately due and payable by Trustor to Renefictio, (41 T„ keep the budding, and other impror(rmnt, tow rxi,linf, t helcatel <br />created in ood condition and Ill nut t) commit ar suffer air), %:life or any usv of said ptenusc, tontiary In n•rtnctton, retool oI nrraty iaw and <br />to permit Cneficiary •o enter at Al reasonable luriet for The purpose of m,pecting We pteuliws; nil I(, rinlu,e of d/muli,ll any buddmt tl icon I r. sou• <br />promptly and in A gol and workmanlike, manner any buildings which may be damaged of destroyed lh idol, and to pay', vilivil Jml`• all clams, tot labut petormed <br />and materials fulnithed therefor; ( 5) 7i131, if a signer of the PrrnnisNOy Notc, he will pay, promptly' iliv bndebtedncsa seined hereby. and perlonn ;III other ,bhga- <br />tions in fun s (mlphari a with the terms of said Promissory Note and this Deed III Toro. 46) That tilt• little of pa,nieot 111 the mldlbte'dolc,r Ii,o+% rI-,'e ­,d, t u aM <br />PIT lion thereof, may be extended of renewed, and any portion, eI tire premises herein deslribvd mss, without noel he Ideas d Isom rile let, hen t without <br />roleatstrgr of affecting the pclsonal Iiabihty of ally person or the rri,/tty sal this Decd of Trust 1 ?1 Thal he do(, hcnrby folcvrl %arrnr 'of will lon•vr1 defend the <br />ttk and poste lion Thereof against the lawful ,Jafms rd' tiny and Ill plrsonr whale n•vca. <br />!i <br />L IT iS k1UTt?ALLY AGREED THAT: <br />n•r1Aih atlas lr <br />Ill Sh,. +,ld Tmd,ef fail le make any pay'mrtll et d„ ley art ;N hln,nl to -idcd n 11 .... .neon .rt I,n „nvltog n .nom +•n,rf „bah nn <br />'Iru,lev, Ind <br />¢ <br />Renatictary•i Interest In the PreenWl, then Rvneloclal) ,.,r but %nhor,a .rt,l1rao,n 1„ d. .... r ed „rah „sal -n- 1., n ,k•n.mid up.m <br />hw,;r <br />I j <br />visa, <br />pohcult rcteaamt Irogwli Irmo Any nbligallan hewunlet, maw make nr do the ,.one u,d ntas ;,.,I, po,ifin,, ,mile„ „� n,yn ammo• .u,) , n.umbl In <br />=a lien, whtsh in the ludguleul sat cuher t{ pear. w Iih,t ,,sad { r'perw, and Ill c,l r. t,uy! Ins a,.b power m,u, Im IIA"Io, m t { mil „baron ,. tint• m <br />�i1f <br />'hr ah4141AN thu"rr•Tion d Hellelict,lry' -r Trotter either nlAy Teem nee 'say lhi"Mol •UI'morlt ,o ,u(unrd •n eNI I'll b, h u.I,nv t I•nur, 'hall he <br />wi'.houf demand immed1,leIs der and pay „hie by It -lol, ,hall hear 1114-1r,t at the hlhhert t.,4 pernntrd bI L,a. ­'I II AI I„ .rand het,. ►, <br />w <br />Its) :should file Pn•ol,lrr4 i,l A..) belt (hrre,u be I4,n 1`1- I.' :t Y•.Il „ ,ill •�nl {etfll`i'1 ,11 (�� ,,. seen, 11e11,'l 1, I.1'V l'r.I,., n�,l ,lj ,,, :11I•t'll,. t•, 1t,f, <br />,nil "thrFr t++yrnrnt, thrn•f1r1, Anil lu pplc the ,.one „n the 1mie.btedur„ ..•, ;red h, r; h, <br />47 Ft - 'rltmy p' trni 4 on tint h-. .tic t nerd ow, 11• doc d,,; Will . "It 11,1"';­.-.. <br />4, Ight to Ii,tI ­I • d I; . <. <br />x :.t 1. •t -,t,v a ,C'f 3t,,t at}r, r t ,IVC Ili t t • a•11 I•.f '. ff, IIRI dl4t ;�1i l,ln.,I.N I,I Il�lr.b 1.11,. . I. h • �� -, -• - .�. <br />,,e f -r •hv , 1 .v ;; lc 1 , ;,tr..u. ,;her lylr ,r I r ,., u,�, ni�Ii „ ti, „ ,..i ,.. .., ,.,, <br />-It1,1 , *i, ar soca,,n n -, n„ wv ,Aar :,1•” ,r da,. <br />j] <br />RWA <br />