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95� 005717 <br />If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Security In- <br />strument, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the insurance in effect until such time as a requirement for <br />the insurance terminates in accordance with Borrower's and Lender's written agreement or applicable law. <br />R. Inspection. lender or its agent may make reasonable• entries upon and inspections of the Property. lender shall <br />give Borrower notice at the cimc• of or prior to an inspcttfon specifying reasonable cause for the inspection. <br />9. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or cunsequentiai. in connection with any <br />condemnation or tither taking of any part of the• Property, or fur tonveyance in hell of utndenanariun, are hereby assigned and <br />shall be paid to Lendeu <br />In the event of a total taking tlf the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security <br />Instrument, whether or not then due•, with any excess paid to Burrower. In the event of a partial taking of rile Property. unless <br />.Borrower and Lendcr otherwise agree in writing, the sums secured by this Security Instruntrnt shall be reduced by the anwunt <br />Ili the proceeds multiplied by the following fraction: cal the tonal amount of file sums secured immediately before taking, <br />divided by (b) the fair market value of the Property immediately before rile raking. Any balance shall he paid rl Burrower <br />if the Property is abSndoned by Burrower, or if, ,Ifter notice by Lender n, Liorrlwcr that the condemnor afters ti, make <br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Burrower fails ro respond w Lender within i0 days afrer the date the notice is given. <br />Lender is authorized ro tollecr and apply the proceeds, it its option, either to restoranun or repair of the Property or to the <br />sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due <br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any application tit proceeds I„ principal shall nor extend or <br />postpone rite due dare of rile monthly payments referred tit In paragraphs 1 and _' or change rile iinounr of such payments. <br />10. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension c,I thr rime for payment or <br />mtxlificationof ,tmortization,)f the sums secured by this Security instrument granted by lender team successor rn intcre,r of <br />Borrower shall not operate it) release the liability of the original Borrower or liorro%rr s successors tit Interest. Lender shall <br />not be required ro commence proceedings against any successor rn interest or refuse ro extend time for I +aymert or utherwrsr <br />modify amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made lw the origmal Burrower <br />or Borrow•er'%successors tit interest. Any forbearance by Lender In exerts ing any right or rume•ds ,hall not b.• a waiver of or <br />preclude the exercise of any right or remedy. <br />11. Successorsand Assigns Bound; Joint and Several Liability; Co-signers. 'File onenartt, and q:rt:vmcn:s,,f this <br />Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the suci.eSSO rs and assigns of I_e•nder •ind horr,tter. ,tihjuo to the• provumns ,if <br />paragraph 17 Borrower s cllvcnant.s and agreements shall be joint and scrersl alit hfnrfwcr , Ili, cosigns this Scturtty <br />Instrument but dues not execute cite Note (;I) is cu- signing this Security Instrt:mmot only to morfgagr. grant .ulti uimey that <br />Borrowers Interest In the Property under the teens of this Security in+trument • b is n, it pct' onally obligated to pay rile <br />sums secured by this Securlry Instrument, and ,c I agrees rh.It Lender ind an} „thcr li,,lr,trcf Ina,. .tgrrc tit e•xiefid. modlti. <br />forbear ur make Iny aceuntntu,l.wons %fill regard to the Ivrnts of till, se,um.% ]mtt,.,mew or file Now wnhour -fait <br />Borrower s consent <br />12. Loan Charges. If flit- loan smurtd by rills Scurrtt In,trurnenr :, ,ublrtt - , ,, la% whith'ets rn,txunurrt !o.irl <br />thirgcs, indthatlaw lsfina lhultcrprrredwChartheultere +tor,uher te, iorrobt.•tidirtit'll nlcinlnetrfoo <br />with rite Iran exceed the pe•rnmied l:rluf,, then "I; ally 'I101 loarl th.0 gi: '11Al he roitl'cd ht tic anlounr ncc, +. +ry ;o rcdutr <br />the charge io the permitieed Ion it, .Ifni '1" .env unit, 'lInady tollrurd tnrnr liar r..w tt attic h cxuctie,l pennntcd Innft, w fit he <br />refunded ri Burn,wrr Lender may tho..x• to make 111; . rrtirrol h% redun11g t h( pnrup. +! nwrd under the \tier ur h; makntg a <br />direct payrncnr w Burrower It .I rrhuld reduces primilmi. the educuun w dj he trc.itcd .f, a p.irn.:i prrp,ivnun: witiu >ut any <br />prepayment tharge under flit• Note <br />13. Legislation Affecting Lender's Rights. It coat tincrlf or txpitation of applteble• iiws hat, the effect of rendering <br />any provisurnut the Note or till, Se•tunry loStf LIl)lt•Ilt uncnturce•ab!c auon!u>g Ill :f, rci in,. lendt•r..t- ftsoptiun. may require <br />«nrnrdaafe p'lyrne•nt In full tit .111 ,unit secured by till, seu;nfy Instrument and in.,} rntokc any rcmedivs prrmltted by <br />paragraph 11) If Lender c xetuu•, t h a option. I clidrr shill (At. t hr steps ,pv, f tit d Ill the ,c: tint! paragraph of piragraph i <br />14. Notices. Any norcr fit Borrower pe„.Ide•d for fn flit, svtunty In +triinlclit ,hall he glen hl dclrvering it or ht <br />«taeltng tt by lust c lass mall only,+ a pplu.ahle ! act t cyulrc, u.r of error her nlrt hod The nou tc shall lie directed I. f lit: Pr. gwrry <br />Address ,)r any or her address Borrower designates by noute• to Lender Any none io Lcncitrr +hall lx gtcn by litst c lass mail <br />w lender s addre,+ Stated befein or arty other addrus+ l coder dc,fgnalvs by noruc n, lint rower An, noricr pr,l ided for tit <br />this Sm tit icy Instrument ,hall be dernre•d r, h.,ve bee•1t given to Ili, ric %c•r or Lender %% hell gncrl.t+ prostciof In this paragraph <br />15. Governing Law; Severahtlity. This `murity In,trunrcnf ,h.Iil la gutrrncd by Icderal tea .ind the law of the <br />jurisdiction in It hith the Property is lotated In the c•ytnr that any prrvfswrl or t!au,c of 1 h11 SUL tit IT% Ln,f rumor or the Nutt <br />confhtts wuh.tppliadvlr law, such umfhct shall not atlett other p +rot nu,n +ol till, Scwnte Instrument of the Note w htth; •,n <br />hie- given rffett wrthout the conflicting pr,afston To fill+ end the protnton, of flit, s(ufnt in+trumenr ,ind fir Not( arc <br />dctlared to he scscrablc <br />16. Borrower's Copy. liotr,wet +11,111 he goer one tuntortne,I taps of rh( N„rr .ind i.f flit, Instrument <br />17. Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest m Borrower. It .ill .,t .in% pan of the Properly „r any <br />Inrett:st In It a sold nr transferred I or if a benefit 1.11 Inrerc+l nl Niltotvrr Is "ddoi 1I.In'frrrrd and hoft„wtt is not a 11.11u1 .ti <br />Iv:rson1 without Lender , pr for w tit run I.,?nwni. I endet may, at its .,lit on• re,{uor nnme•,haf, p.n nlenf n. full of .111 <br />Set ured by till', Svcuflfy lnsl r lifllellt Ibm"ut,IIlls opt a it) shall not hcc err 'std hl I.endcI If c err, of f, pf„Irlhnt•d h,, fedtr.11 <br />JAW is of file daft• of till, Sectary hlstrluncnr <br />If Lender cxe• rear, tillsintroit,Lt-nder shill give Nit lower nor I,VMa(trlefanon lhrnofnc +h.ilipnnfdceprrn,dot <br />nut less than igdays trnn rile date the nonce• a dcltvcred or nf,ukd wither st iuc h h..rrowrf nfu+t pay all sum, +ruut,i by fill, <br />St•turity Ill Strurnenr If horiower falls rc pay these sums prior to fill, txpfrerlon „t this peru K!, Ltn,irr 111.1% nooks .rill <br />remedies pxrnl«tt•d by this Smoriiy Irtstrunle•nt wrrhout hlrthel notuc or dtIlmod ,a: horofwct <br />oft. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. If Borrowcf meet, Irrraln Iotidm-m,, horrnwrt ,Ball h.or flit right n. hale <br />,ritoftritiew of flit, Sean tit !nvr,mtnl <t nl noffuutd .n arc time prof 'u tilt f id,et +,I ' `days ­1 h nthrt par ir.d a, <br />appi,tah!e!aw m,Iq ,px�tffy i,u rr iti,farefnentf tMtorr the Pr,jw,li, pur,u.ulr I am p„w(f ,rf ,alt f„nt.unt,l of th" St. <br />iurity In,trumum. ,u sir, enoy <,I a III- IVmenf enh,tuog flit, `•tlutfri Irvin filum 'Lh„+e „nrhuun, .tie 'It'll li.uf „wI f .f <br />fray, 1. rf idrrali ,umswhitIfthenwouldlit-dueunder fi,stie-Ititru In+tnnnoutandrh, N,ar foul nna,cIIrrafi.,no,cfitfe-,9 I, <br />cuo"I'l, <trfaulr„ fang ,nhe'r 1,,, 1„ llftpf- I, rsna: rotiulrnf „,inrf ;:h:,,itututln.fru :r,IUf <br />,mlu'lmy” htit '1w hnn11.,1 1, ctrl „filly, fry, '10 ,1 :., {,I „<f” .:, n.:n „ I ofnio+ +r.a n ,,, .,h,, •r,l.�uf ,., f, <br />>„tf -it +at lilt huff..i+hf, '+e -I nr,ty In,ffutnrn, I,f0'1 f,uhr, n. f „, I',„j•,1:, <br />1­01­111 111 ,It.jf ..,n:u,nt ,,,, 1: nfc, .I ! Iw,fi n, ,. , , ^I „ !u li, ',. .,, "._� h, <br />i__. :tsr „hi�f , � of e,.�r f,1 !u i, f,y sit,;Il ir-n,. +fn I :111 f-tl„f,,, ,. ! u.. :.,_., ❑ I:.r .... , I IL u, ,� L., , <br />.. ut,t d.'f anal,. ...r ,j•t,ly .i ,i,r „f rt .a.<f I< L.f ,n:, ;t ;{,, � , -, it„ <br />