<br />WHEB.E'AS, on Sept.. 24 , 198= , Duering, Incorporated
<br />borrowe from N °rwest n �ebrasTca, National Association, formerly Norwest Bank Grand l land,
<br />National Association, formerly First National Bank, Grand Island, formerly First Savings Company
<br />Grand Island the principal sum of TWENTY -ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED
<br />THIRTY AND •68 /100----- -- - --- °- DOLLARS ($21.,930.68 ) atl4.00 $per annum, and gave to said
<br />Bank a promissory rote which provided for payment to b e trade as follows:
<br />FIVE AND'40 /100 --------- --
<br />35 uninterrupted monthly installments of TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY- 1982 and
<br />------ -- DOI:LARS ($275.40 ) each month commencing October _24
<br />Pay-
<br />continuing on the same day each month after that through MZIL.t 24, 1985 . The last pay-
<br />ment of TWENTY-ONE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED SIXTY -FIVE AND 91 /0LARS ($ 21.665.91 - )will
<br />be due and payable on Sept. 24 , 19 85.. Final payment is a balloon payment and lender will
<br />consider refinancing.
<br />and, WHEREAS, said note is secured by a mortgage //deeedeof trust on re estate owned by
<br />Duering, Incorporated I and
<br />Lot Fifty -Six (56) in Hawthorne Pl.ace,, being a subdivision of part of the ?Northwest Quarter
<br />(NWk) of Section Twenty -Two (22), Township Eleven (11) North, Range mine (9) West of the
<br />6th P,M., in the city of Grand "Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />Document 1079- 005432
<br />said mortgage /deed of trust being dated August l0, 19 79, and recorded August 22, 1Nz:braska, and
<br />"I98Z;
<br />** in the 'Mortgage Records in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County,
<br />Coun:
<br />Deed of Trust dated September 24, 1982, and recorded September 28; in Hall y,�Nebraska.
<br />WHEREAS, said borrower has requested an extension of time of payment untilSeptember 4 ,
<br />19 86 , and has agreed to pay interest at the rate of 14.00 $ *per annum on id balance
<br />and said Bank has consented to ;o extend the time of payment:gg8s Document
<br />NOW, THEREFORE IT IS AGREED by and between the parties that the above - described mortgage/
<br />deed of trust and original promissory note shall be modified to provide for payment to be as
<br />follows:
<br />11 uninterrupted monthly installments of Two Hundred Seventy -Five and 40 /100---- - - - - --
<br />------------------ DOLLARS ($ 275.40 ) each month commencing October -4 , 19 85 , and
<br />continuing on the same day each month after that through August 24, 19 86. The last pay-
<br />ment of TWENTY-ONE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED ONE AND 09/ 100-- -IULLARS (S 'T�()1 - 09 ) will
<br />be due and payable on Sept. 24 , 19 86 . Fi.nal payment is a balloun payment and lender will
<br />consider refinancing.
<br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED by and between the parties hereto ?hat a3.i of the terms and conditions
<br />of the mortgage /deed of trust and promissory note above - referenced to as extended and amended
<br />shall continue in full force and effect except as herein modified.
<br />Executed this 23rd day of October , 19 85.
<br />David A. 'White , Business Banking Officer
<br />COUNTY OF Hall. )
<br />Dru A. Duerr xTesident
<br />19;_!
<br />On this r: ^day of (.' r a be: ore me a idr}t ary Public in and for• ::aid county
<br />personally appeared DRU A.-15G^ '
<br />to me known to Le the [ >erson(s) named 1n ar:d wh•, tcrecuted the rorcEoing i:rstrume ;it and acknz,w-
<br />ledged that he /she /they executed the same as his /her /their vuluntar_v act :,nd deed.
<br />WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal un the day and year last above written.
<br />My commission expires: �— NOTARY PUBLIC
<br />r ;oUKTY OF F3t�1.1 )
<br />i
<br />Thr_ fc:regoitrg i- nst.rume:nt was v. knowleclg, .1 ue.fore me
<br />by 1}yv9d A. + f 1tOkWf.`.;7 BANK 14AII0'4Ai, A, ,iCIAl1CON,
<br />a Nel)raska all 1,01alf of the ccCnj,nra3t.i�jn.
<br />PS, c:n�; „a + :rf•Ire:,, � N.�'tAl7 •'- :l3[.]�
<br />r Gomm "W -ftw 0 DIY
<br />t1f1ft H t1Avts
<br />