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85.,ii 005680 <br />_a AMMWAL TERMS <br />at.,. <br />PREPA IMENT AND .AC C RI'AL OF THE FI %ANCF, CH ARC E: f-,re ihoueh l d(n I ,t:,, L'n uit r th r rile r .tide sr!uJuleal mrnnhh- pa ant. Jlutir the right <br />n�nitinthruhnkunx >ur a'inetot'ru;nfit!ial'Ignmrrrinn . n ir,rnttmetorrm; 1;lhrfrniil cnstmnt r rhankthathuvsm cr,ntractumtputesm.Il vetheright <br />dart, 11,11014 my tnance chat,c ;k III fK le rt I TIl Ac. .in. earn Pill m nt, and it " -Ili he htehe, It I I I, lair. I also rvcoenire that any necessan adjustmem to my tea} finance <br />Iknpt. will be retlened in m, Jinn! hill' 1 i!cn In, I" hat the a nouns shown on the rr r • ,Ids! r the Fmnn C harce Total of Payments, ]a td theTOlal Sale PnCe4reesti- <br />Thole- ha ed on the assumpn ,lt that %,f ill u ill rczcn ach td the payments rvacit) on it. due data and 1 Ann" ilia, there wall be no refund if i prepay becausettwite is a6ftrlg <br />to refund It I am charted .. n t d-I I, haws It the le tdm_ Institution (" hank dtx+ntA compute the finance charge dall,'• and it I prlrp•:y the isboie amount. %via will refund <br />!(,.fit- file unearned pctriior 1 the t'MITI .hare= I ntcr stI h} the accounting p 'tccdute l.nown ;as the actuarial method; and Tatearxwnrnfmyretinuewill Ix fiiguredonthe <br />scheduled dates and amount. of nn m tulhly puymeet and not on the actail- dar;,. and amounts of the prepay menis that I pav in you. I know Ihat a rei'und of less Than SI OD <br />will not he made <br />M IORTAMT NOTICE ABOUT WARRANTIES: <br />BILE AND FITNESS FOR ASP PARTICULAR PURPOSE ON ALL GOODS AND SERVICES UNLESS SS FA- <br />NISHES BUYER WITH A SEPARATE WRITTEN LIMITED WARRANTY OR SERVICE CONTRACT MADE BY SELL- <br />ER ON ITS OWN BEHALF (WHICH, IF MADE, ACCOMPANIES THIS CONTRACT). <br />I ih -, —1d in derao, ill., +ct r -I .0- lLAR1.1b111 11 1 \4RRA \}l -uhl.h it r1kadc 9s'Vniparil.lhl .:, tra n. prop} ams the conditions Andcit'cumstamYs <br />m w hi n tilt manataUared nr, du t. u h. ,p urr i rt p,et: d I WkP n1111CC at the harn,wo+n n•, •hc u arrant, -Ind I vanicularlr rrc'nemtetharany implied watrnntywhich <br />rrrlha, tad in du Ir pr -t ilA71I- tY�t \SlA!I.ATtt) \1CARR.4 \71 unit i madc.a::nmpanW,lhsco!ttmct.11explains the colditin% and .cir- <br />:-unt.umce, m u ht -mile m t I - , ; t J of a Il he z(umc ! t; kc non _t 'hi' :rr teatL,rs rn tilt aan -om.. amt i pate ,loth ncocnvethat am impliedwwrantywhich <br />applies,,., tilt n. tariauor..a"i , h t _ a phi u atT;,nit nr ,ra +cr t "rttr.n I <br />SPF A AL-ORDER GOODS: I r nihdlI ut... r alej _tt u,c:,Ju op =t nt Ihatt t .•aA !t. Irodt:! s if, Ill rnCp: mtcular house .I13kerimice that the <br />goad: that are man utauur,u 11, h"!", pr h -till, ­11 n r, 1 '..rr t r t > I arse! ..rid" oL n : nJ.uons I Anrlu that I cannot cancel this contract at an% rfine <br />.die 711 =prnndtn tlm- 1, cn lfr mt . ., ., ruts.! :ana'1 A�:I Thal L_y; IKrugl I; w Iki,.N :h,u, his e I hrnhi l,_nu;,n to in ou in? u ll the amount owed. <br />6,11111AGA "NQ. PERT YO I -W)PI RTY I]SI RA \C I V,D 111 REAL E57 A FE: I I prnn I to keer nis house in i 4x yd report and In keep n insured for <br />at least t >N) t C plat . -nut u l • t n u !Ire and r . urn i + - era i n. grant 1 I ItI Tht I u' -tr t• c,nr;panp nx!sl be aflprc vrd by end. and the ptnlicy must have <br />a her ct tun 1. u C hi, ii j, mjt „ qi I r I,, he f u I im• r Tnr In ur,rn' V L r tan, t I e Thai u,L! n tt ,,incu nn p(dic, wTihotn lint tellmg tou 1 au- <br />tM,n,: th- m,!uan r ,p Im rt -, i t h t r - n 1.. 1 I -m hat i u hI r t Lr -ill, c ti r cilhet repo an% amounts i sue ti,,u of to repair mti Meng <br />I hake !he npUun t r Ido InJ p a nil, r,htalll d and . i Ci for h. n,c 1 also promise that (.ill nor <br />:dluu I v nc e: t. I t ice ant I rtl t st nc t. w u , t •, rl rn I i . mi ( l•, pa, ail t -, ,. acs, s,nunt+ and rihc'r charcrs an n' recd eetate wheat <br />due. 1 1 p ',taw t. -Ir I, td/ i r r t- t. r t n =,tend, renew rr change prior !Pans w itltout your <br />"(n! r pt 'n1 „1- r 1. 1 l t ' 1 Ulry '.i (a: 11 , • II t I ..I r 11 '1:, t o t',Init. r a r J t.,i -,n, ii , ttu ".1n! 1hul , -„U do not iial'e in 1. }t roll do <br />pa, arc t t ic,c h. t t t. 2. I ! • _ I n , , h +. i 7I .., .t IRr'rehe, t tr r rn.r or Interest I pill i pa, vou back. theseamounts will <br />.,c a:i;lc.d i It h .., ,try „Iiihi. t. .; t. r. ,: t t L' Ira. c'.I d.t. ., 4. t. -,ac 'Ii.0 ,r a' C ,,.., ot`.. Jt 4 - . i-(r Thal t,,u dI, nid have to oh!ain alq homenwn.°r <br />DEFAULT: I wii! he m default under this contract it <br />I i din' i make A payment when due, or <br />1 break anv prc>m1Se I made to vou to this ctmtract. it <br />3 Sorrlhint else happens which causes vou in he ie,' n t,rv,d!anh that I jo not ,menu u, pa, } ou a, rromiseal..-,r <br />I default nn any oMtgannm 1 r +'hrch I am usnrg m, t cmr as co;lawrai, nr <br />Sitmrthmc happens ti, my hnusr wtndt titreateu, rout nghrs it am . ;r. n <br />WI AM IN DEFAULT: I understand that ,iw I41 1C the nghl t . rret iosr int. mortgage I have - ,_-n •n t„ sou and %ta, r •ns house spill u, repay any amounts 1 nttve you if } <br />tern in default under [ills amtract Before my house aid vou u Ill do even throe that the taw reyurre, if y,iu lire are nnnmrr tr assist vou to sell my hottse- cif• to site tix. <br />Of. so protect your rights. l agree u, pav _, ou fern sour rra,emahte attomce , fees aril !or other related rxpcn,e, such m s Dort costs. tltir searches and nlrmry you ezperlded <br />to prober my house. n vrlu are allowed to ,!lest ,ugh amounts ifs tau <br />OTHER RIGHTS: We can chm,se not to enttttce any of the right under ,fns :,tniracl u. "Ile'! as we w ant w nnttut 1. r,tne ihem th. we can delay enforcing any of the rights <br />without losmg there W e can also use am rights mtu or m the fuwre er,en io us h, sew <br />BELAYS. [know that vou uve you he,t r!fnn. to Install the ploduc!, I ant ptir,hasmg On �n haul: but 1 aisr., undrrs[anJ that Ir. some snuatiems sou may encounter <br />deiev that are. caused ht stnkee, weather s,ntdulons delay, you have rn t `itenumg riiatenai% or for oinvr tea—tt, that we brvond your :ontn,l 1 understand that you wn11 <br />M-4 he pack. ter such deiays <br />ARIiiTRATIC >ii 1! !hart a d!SpUte crt .nntn t+'•Ih u concrrmnp oic yu tut, qua r, of perforntmicc oI :ha pttxlu;ts 1 uniierstand that my dispute may be submitted to <br />and settled accord ng a, he mr iatt'm urhnratn,n inngram oral ?nas Ilene d, , to }K•d n ens t •.xnmm�u, ! aisr. Am,w that am Jeusu,n epode h, an arf+ttrattrris) would be en- <br />trrod m the court having tut,sdu! on tnrr err and t ou <br />NO ,ai, <br />N bc. o. -t.,, ,c turn. . . ,..., .. t .. ,r ., rn.I .• r,-ro• ,... ,.. ,( , .. . .r .r - .,. a age valor <br />S'PEC'IAL. SITUATIONS: Dar i„ the ntyuenr„ t nx of the rr a t. hm } ou sci I I andrr,tai,d that nl •:IKIS lal situation, that your Regional Office may have to review <br />and w=ept this cardracl } ahsl understand that this ,.air I—unrd ,, ill, home and that vt aril I r tat ...I nave had all Life ctn'rcrt ill fomuuton Important to this iransacutm <br />At our fingertips. I give you my consent L r snrrrt , an•, =It's sous en„r, !hut nun, n:t, c r uLC W r0 when life hlank, to ihi s .I rntra,z weir s tmipirled <br />LNVALi1! Pf0VM0NS: 11' ant` provision of thus contract viPlates jaw yid is unrnlorceable, the rest of the context will he va7u1. If any part of tilts etmtract requires <br />puy"Writ Pf nKKe interest that, the law lierrfiit,. !hell You u Ili on..' ti ,lute erg 0collm'T train pre the amount of mlrren winch the law abows wu W ctrl}ett. <br />COMPLETENINS( IFTHI SCON TU.AC7:Thiscontracttan( »dyherha gvd:lhrth, u and !,urrxu,wr,hne <br />The foih,wmg rIs twmg tit my eatance t t r) pin {hat I have rvrn when tilt, , on!:as I Is , "id to a Unapt Ia; msntut, In, f a hank, and I should mNrcr that the impor- <br />tam:r of this prrrvlsloo rs caressed by its appearance inter) palm. tlttld tact type <br />1 <br />