<br />OG 00i�67 563441 -53
<br />T.HISSDEED OF TRUST is made this ....... 4th , _ , , , , , , day of .... November . .
<br />19. 0, among the Trustor, Cb#F1019. ;949eue . Wagner .aad . Yertia kfae .:Wagner, ;hu;gband..and vi`fe.,,
<br />jo3nL4X. 400. each An. thelz own : right./ ..... (herein "Borrower") ...... .
<br />. Badv7ni ...... ....................... .... ( herein . 'Trustee ")..and #helStaeficiary. "
<br />FIRST :FEDERAL. SAVINGS. AND. LOAN .ASSOCIATION .OF. LINMLN ............ a.corporationmrganized and
<br />existing under the laws of the :United. States . of. America ....... ............................... .
<br />whose address is. 13th. and. "N" :Streets., Lincoln.,. Nebraska. 685.08 ................ .
<br />51
<br />.. ............... (herein "Lender").
<br />BORRowrtt. in consideration of the indebtedness herein recited and the trust herein created. irrevocably,-grants
<br />and conveys to Trustee. in trust. with power of sale. the following described property located in the of
<br />Hall
<br />............... . ...... ......... State ofNebraska:
<br />Lots Nine (9), and Ten (10), in Block Right (8),
<br />in the City of Wood River, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />which has 106 W 1.1 Street Wood River
<br />the address of .. ........ .. .. .....
<br />�
<br />.
<br />srel! im.
<br />Nebraska ........68883. ..... (herein -Property Address-);
<br />Ihp -,
<br />T0GETHER with all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the property. and all casements, rights,
<br />appurtenances and rents (subject however to the rights and authorities given herein to Lender to collect and apply such
<br />rents), all of which shall he deemed to he and remain a part of the propenv covered by this Deed of Trust: and all of
<br />the foregoing. together with said property (or the leasehold estate if this Cked of Trust is on it leasehold) are
<br />hereinafter referred to as the "Property ":
<br />To SECURE to Lender the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by Borrower's note dated.NQvVinbe.r. 4, .198:)
<br />.... and extensions and renewals thereof (herein "Note•'), in the principal sum of
<br />0.00
<br />U.S. S .. , ,7:
<br />with interest thereon, providing for monthly installments of pri i lal anti
<br />interest, with the balance of the indebtedness, if not sotnter aid, dui: and December 9�
<br />p' payable on ..... .
<br />the payment of all other sums. with Interest thereon. advanced in Accordance herewith to protect the securnt tit this
<br />Deed of Trust: and the pertorniance of the covenants and agrmonents of Borrower herein contained.
<br />Borrower covenants that horrowCT is lawfully seised of the estate hereby convened and has the right to grant and
<br />convey the Property. and that the Property It unencumbered, except for encumbrances ill record. horrowei covenants
<br />that Borrower warrants and will defend generally the title lit the Property against all clan% and demands, subject to
<br />encumbrances of resvrd.
<br />UNIFORM C't)VENANTS Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows
<br />I. Paftlwnt of Pirirefpwl tend Inttirmt. Borrower shall proniptis put when Ifni- the principal and Interest
<br />indebtedness evidenced by the None and laic charges as provided In the Note.
<br />2. ('womb for Tam toed Immirmce. Subject it) applicable law or a written waiter ht Lendet. Borrower shall pill to
<br />,. I.Arlder ion the day monthly' payments tit principal and Interest are pavahir fielder tilt' Notc. 1111111 tilt' Note Is pilul
<br />ill full. to Sum (herein "d'unds ") equal it) Otle••Iwelfth (it the v'earlt' taxes and weiesament,, (nion(flllf Condon, noorn anti
<br />planned unit development ay►essments. it :Inv) which n1w attain prlotn% liver lids Deed Ili ( rlls(. affil gtoillul 1'enls (111
<br />Fax
<br />the Projrem, it any, plus one•iwclfth of vearly prennunl irmallnlems lilt hazard Insurance, plus one lwrltth tit vearh
<br />protium mstallnnenh felt mortgage Insurance. it ;on. all as reasonahh esumaued nntlalit and tn)nl lime to time ht'
<br />1xitticr on live halls of Itsse. slnelus and hills and reasnrltime estlnlalm thereol Rorr„wct '11311 it"! he ,)tillvale'd to make
<br />WVb pavment'. it 1"untfs to lender 111 the eilerll 111.11 tfllrT"W1!1 otake, 'itch pai-i new, Ill iill nl:l(lt, ill ,1 I)rl. )1 Itlllrl ltli}n' i)t
<br />deed of trust 11 sul-h holder Is An ntyntul Isis) al Iendcl
<br />� '� =mom, ,w-ow vim ec 1MMrtNtMtUNNMYM3T#YMt #r�
<br />