MORTGAGE 85- 005609
<br />THIS INDENTURE, made this .._ - --._ .__$ttl_.___... day of - - -- No.ember._ -- _ -- -_ 19 _85.., by and between
<br />of Hall _. County, Nebraska, as mortgagor.— S , and Home Federal Savings and Loan Association of Grand Island, a corporation
<br />organized and existing under the laws of the United States of America with its principal office and place of business at Grand Island, Nebraska, as
<br />mortgages:
<br />WITNESSETH: That said for and inconsideration of the sum of— TWELVE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED -
<br />SEVENTY _SEVEN _DOLLARS AND 94/100 ------------------ _= _Dollars(S IZ.277 94 1,
<br />Elie receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do ___ -- by these presents mortgage and w1itrsan40 "s�fb li(ordgagx, itssuccessors and astigns,
<br />forever, all the following described real estate, situated in the County of
<br />and State of Nebraska, to -wit
<br />Together with all heating. air conditwmng, hghnng. and plumbing eyu:pment and fixtures. including ncrts• its. awnings, storm windows and
<br />doors, and window shades nr hinds, used on or in connection with said property. whether the same rim now Irx•atetl nn said prolmny or hereafter
<br />placed thereon
<br />To HAVE ANI)'rl) HOLIo THE. SAME, Ungether with all and singular 'he tenements. heredntaments and appurtenances thereunto be
<br />longing, or to anywise appertaining, forever. anti wenant the title In she vane Sold morgagor S hereby covenant with said
<br />mortgage that t hey are . at the dvlv+vey hereof, the iowfud ovine -S of the pmmisre above conveyed and de.cndxsl.
<br />And are sezed of a gootd and indefeasible estate of inheritance therein, frees and clear of all encumbrances, and that - (la• .y. will
<br />warrant and defend the title thereto forever against i hr clams and demands of all pr:rsons whom. wver
<br />PROVIDED ALWAYS, and this instrument is executed and deliver"i to serum the paym+nt o1 the sum of TWELVE THOUSAND TWO
<br />HUNDRED_ SEVENTY SEVEN DOLLARS AND 94/100 - - - - - -- iMnar�ia 12,277.94 - - . 1.
<br />with interest thereon, together with such charges and advances as may Ix• due and payable, to sold mortgagee under the terms and conditions
<br />of the promissory note of even date herewith and scvurwf he•Utby. executed by said mortgagor S to said mortgagee, payable as e%prevse d
<br />in stud tote, And to -Acute the performance of all the terms and conditions contained themin The terms of "sit note are hereby incorptot'd
<br />herein by this reference
<br />It is the intention and agreement of the parties Verret that thr_s mortgage shall also secure any future advances made to said mortgagor
<br />by said mortgagee, and any and all indebtedness to addition w the arnount ah,ve %titled which said mortgagor%. or tiny of them, may owe In
<br />said mortgagee, however evidenced, whether by roue. book account on otherwise This mortgage shall remain in full Torre. and effect between
<br />the parties hereto and their heirs, personal repnesentatives, succeswns and assigns. until all amounts serumd hereunder, including future
<br />advances, are pad in tuft with interest.
<br />The mtMgagor S. . sasign to saki mortgagee all rents and income arising at any and all tunes from sand prropxrty and
<br />hereby authorise said mortgage" or its agent. At its optino. upon default, to take charge of said property and collect all netts and income
<br />therefrom and apply the same to the paytoent of interest, principal, insurance premiums, taxes, assessments, reps is or improvements
<br />nommemy to keep said pity in tenantable condition, or to other charges or payments provided for herein It in the testa heirehy socurr d. Thm
<br />raft aseignttsent shall continue in force until the unpaid balance of sad trout is fully paid. The taking of possession hereunder shall in nu manner
<br />prevent or retard said mortgagor in the collection of !said sutras by foreclosure or otherwise
<br />The failure of the mortgagee to sasen any of its rights hereunder at any time %hall not. he con -trued as n waiver of its right to assert the
<br />same at any later tints, and t) insist upon and enforce %trict compliance with nip the terms and pmvi %ions of sand note and of IIu% oaorlgage
<br />If said imortgagur S shall cause W be pad to said mongago a the enure amount dur o. hereunder, and under the term% and prtovisu ns
<br />erf said now hereby secured, including future advances, and any exteru ems or renewals theme in accordance with the terns anti provisions
<br />fAwnel. and if sod msrtitagur. . S.., shall comply with all the pmvsafons of seal note and of t his mortgage, then t these presmtm shall M• veal,
<br />otlletwk* to tensors in full (am and effect. And see mortgages -hall fie enttkd to the paosaes %am of all rat said pmpxty, and may. at n%
<br />deelate the whoMof safe now rail all filiqlabluldrulas repsussented thereby to be unmeduttedy due And (mynlole, sad may fonrkuwo ON mortgage
<br />at taate any t4lo r tagal action to protect ita right Apprauwment waived.
<br />Tha sarngage shadf he binding upon and shall enures to the tamefit of the hears, vxm'utnrt, alflnlnl%IrtiIUF%, %uf ry %wu% anti Ashigns of Ihr
<br />t.apurtt,v prrtasar hereto
<br />IN W"TNVSS WIIENWF) %awl Murtgag,n5 bit Vt� hetuntn -t their hand `' 'hl day aatd year first it,
<br />.M Lee
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