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<br />6. If he /die fails to pay any sum or keep any covenant provided for in this mortgage, the Mortgagee, at
<br />its option, may pay or perform the same, and all expenditures so made shall be added to the principal sum
<br />owing on the above note, shall be secured hereby, and shall bear interest until paid at the rate provided
<br />for in the principal indebtedness.
<br />7. Upon request of the Mortgagee, Mortgagor shall execute and deliver a supplemental note or notes
<br />for the sum or sums advanced by Mortgagee for the alteration, modernization, or improvement made at
<br />the Mortgagor's request; or for maintenance of said premises, or for taxes or assessments against the
<br />same, and for any other purpose elsewhere authorized hereunder. Said note or notes shall be secured
<br />hereby on a parity with and as fully as if the advance evidenced thereby were included in the note first
<br />described above. Said supplemental note or notes shall bear interest at the rate provided for in the prin-
<br />cipal indebtedness and shall be payable in approximately equal monthly payments for such period as may
<br />be. agreed upon by the Mortgagee and Mortgagor. Failing to agree on the maturity, the whole of the sum
<br />or sums so advanced shall be due and payable thirty (30) days after demand by the Mortgagee. In no
<br />event shall the maturity extend beyond the ultimate maturity of the note first described above.
<br />& He /she hereby assigns, transfers and seta over to the Mortgagee, to be applied toward the payment of
<br />the note and all sums secured hereby in case of a default in the performance of any of the terms and condi-
<br />tions of this mortgage or the said note, all the rents, revenues and income to be derived from the mort-
<br />gaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall remain unpaid; and the Mortgagee
<br />shall have power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the purpose of renting the same and cbl-
<br />lec•ting the rents, revenues and income. and it may pay out of said incomes all necessary commissions and
<br />expenses incurred in renting and managing the same and of collecting rentals therefrom; the balance
<br />remaining, if any, to be applied toward the discharge of said mortgage indebtedness.
<br />9. He /she will continuously maintain hazard insurance, of such type or types and amounts as
<br />Mortgagee may from time to tame require, on the improvements now or hereafter on said premises and
<br />except when payment for all such premiums has theretofore been made under (a) of paragraph 2 hereof,
<br />'tutu pay promptly when due any premiums therefor. Upon default thereof, Mortgagee may pay the same.
<br />All insttr atce shall be carried in companies approved by the Mortgagee and the policies and renewals
<br />thereof shall be held by the Mortgagee and have attached thereto loss payable clauses in favor of and in
<br />form acceptable to the Mortgagee. In event of loss Mortgagor will give immediate notice by mail to the
<br />Mortgagee, who may make proof of loss if not made promptly by Mortgagor. and each insurance company
<br />concerned is hereby authorized and directed to make payment for such loss directly to the Mortgagee
<br />instead of to the Mortgagor and the Mortgagee jointly, and the insurance proceeds, or any part thereof,
<br />may be, applied by the Mortgagee at its option either to the reduction of the indebtedness hereby secured
<br />or to the restoration or repair of the property damaged. In event of foreclosure of this mortgage, or other
<br />transfer of title to the mortgaged property in extinguishment of the indebtedness secured hereby, all
<br />right, title and interest of the Mortgagor in and to any insurance policies then in force shall pass to the
<br />purchaser or grantee.
<br />10. As addittona! an:i c„ilatcrai security fill- the In- tymerit of 9e note do s,�nlr< rl.:Ind all �.ums to bectinte
<br />due under this mort:g;,g;', tbe'Motlgagor hereby assigns tit the 'Mortgagee all lease- btmuses, profits, reve-
<br />nues, royalties, rights.:rnri other henefits ac•cruirig to tile'Morigagor undf-r anY and all oil and gas leases
<br />now, or during the irfc „f this mortgage, executed on said premises..y:th the right to receive and receipt
<br />for the same and apply thf•rn to said Indebtedness as t:eli before as after default in the conditions of this
<br />mortgage, and tile 'Ior•tg: vo. may dernand, sue• for and recover any ,uc-h payments :chin due and pay-
<br />able, l ut shall not be ,:•,aril!; l so to do. This assignrnent is to trrnnnate and bc•corni• null and void upon
<br />reipaac of this ni Ill gage.
<br />11. Hershe shall not commit or permn waste; and shall maintain the property in as good condition as at
<br />prrsetrt, reasonable «ear aril ',ear excepted. Upon and failure to so maintain. Mortgagee, at its option,
<br />may cause rrasonal;i, manll, nanc•e .cork to be performed at the cost (if 'Mortgagor. Any amount., paid
<br />thvrefur h} ,'dc,rLga;tf c afl:ai! i,. ;Ir rnterast. at the rate Tnoyuir.•d for in the principal ;r:debtednf ss, shall
<br />reupon bec,,me a part „t the indebtedness secured by this i list rt:mer,t., ratahie anti on a parity x it.h all
<br />ot.1wr indebtedness sect;rc•ci herf•hy, and shall be payable thirty (311) days after df•mand.
<br />12. If the• prenu� =•s, or an.,; part thereof. be condemned under the pw; rr ,:f eminent aornain, nr
<br />acquired for if litwitc iisr, t1w damages awarded, the proceeds for the t:alurig,if, nr the consifl,•ration for
<br />such acquisition, to Ow c•,If•rit ,d the full amount of the remaining unpaid trill, hre,ine s seci:red by this
<br />rr:ur•tgage, or her. hr n_,siKned to the Wrtg:ati!ee, and sha11 I.K. pald f„rt},isith to r:,id M „r1l agre, to he
<br />applied Ur7 accolin? fd thi- i asl maun,n} Installments of such rndebt,'dness
<br />13. if th,.• 4lorti:;:y i";is !o nlake ;int, pa•,rnents when null, or to rm: ,,i'n1 to an,l,otnlrh ticrth air}'
<br />�J thi. ,frtrta:ned )it this rnorigage, or the r;,,t,•, a.L,ch it 5cfun.s, lh,cIl the
<br />ntar'e princ,pai ;orc..Itld a,, ru,.,] lot n°st shall at r,nce Ixrcome due• :inn
<br />ia:•r�t%aytee; and `:h;= :.,,ntgay, rriur tlu•r•eupor; Ire foreclosed immedi:iteiy for U„• <<h „l,• .,f the nxfelato,i-
<br />1,cr.•1;} r, rn•,i, n,fi.! r th,, ,,,:,t •,f ,.Xtemi1rlg 1.11e abs .act rrt' title t'rari 111” fixtc „f this rmn'i-
<br />gage totiW trrrr, „t r, >rnn” u, �:,y �ru'i1 sus, a reaaonaide ;at„rnei', t +e „ar.,i :au•. ":nr> ;run h} th, 1'et,�rans
<br />A(!m)rarstratrun „r, :,, n,r,t ,.t tine s u uantt' fir visurance „f i1 h,l,•t,t.,:n,.�.. , ,i t.. ,. t,.r, .I;I f �,In, li
<br />shall be included in the dr•cri•e if foreclosurf.-
<br />the rndeht- vsr.ea5 kerun•,9 her,•by I>r guarantre,l f,I ,d nrnb -r Tt11, united tit8tes Cody.
<br />a urtl Title Will Iitlmreundera lit rn nti. ��, �;�, �,,•r thrill+ nits•
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