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-" 005579 <br />MORTGAGE <br />THIS INDENTURE, rmade this 7th _._ . day of--.- November 15 85. , by and between <br />RICHARD T BELESKI AND CYNTHIA J._ BELESKI, HUSBAND AND 4JI_FE;_ _ _ -_ -- _ <br />of �___ Nd �.._.__. - County, Nebraska, as mortgagor S and Home Federal Savings and Loan Association of Grand Island, a corporation <br />organized and existing under the law., of the United States of America with its principal office and place of business at Grand Island, Nebraska, as <br />asongagee; <br />wITNESSF3TH: That card mortgagor __$ , for and in consideration of the sum of SEV- EX— TEGLISAND- TWO HUNDRED— <br />EIGHTY ONE DOLLARS AND 76/100 - - - -- -_-_ -- _ - <br />the reveipt of which a hcrebv acknowledged, do _._ _...._ _ ._.. --- by these presents mortgage and warrant unto said mortgagee, its successors and assigns, <br />forever, all the following de cuestate. bed real e situated in the County of <br />and State of Nebraska. t—wit <br />A TRACT OF LAND COMPRISING A PART OF THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (E'ZSE'a) <br />OF SECTION TWENTY -EIGHT (28), TOWNSHIP ELEVEN (11) NORTH, RANGE T14ELVE (12), WEST OF TH <br />6TH P.M., HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: <br />BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION TWENTY EIGHT , SAID POINT BEING <br />ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED TWENTY THREE AND FIFTY SEVEN HUNDREDTHS FEET NORTH OF THE <br />SOUTH EAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION TWENTY EIGHT; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE EAST LINE 0 <br />SAID SECTION TWENTY EIGHT A DISTANCE OF SIX HUNDRED FORTY FOUR AND TWENTY FOUR HUNDRED <br />FEET; THENCE DEFLECTING LEFT 82 07' AND RUNNING NORTHWESTERLY A RISTANCE OF TWO HUNDRED <br />SIXTY AND FORTY FIVE HUNDREDTHS FEET; THENCE DEFLECTING RIGHT 16 11'30" AND RUNNING <br />NORTHWE ;TEP,LY A DISTANCE OF TWO HUNDRED FIFTY TWO AND SIX TENTHS FEET; THENCE DEFLECTIN <br />LEFT 25 44'50" AND RUNNING WESTERLY A RISTANCE OF ONE HUNDRED NINETY EIGHT AND FOUR <br />TENTHS FEET; THENCE DEFLECTING LEFT 87 31' AND RUNNING SOUTHERLY A DISTANCE OF FOUR <br />HUNDRED FORTY THREE AND TWELVE HUNDREDTHS FEET; THENCE DEFLECTING LEFT 42 22' AND RUN - <br />TH+�jl DISTAYCE OF <br />OFr+QNEUH�NDREHTNIf� T N <br />DIST�E t F I EHHU'N REDTHTENE I� F TY C NC'TI N FfL� { T F2 1 r/4�0T AN[n5t nKK N G�A p� NR <br />JET <br />it . a 1 h.•aunK. air rnn`itunntnyr. 1tKh tnK. antYp umbr}( t i irtif•1Srr ++ `Itk r1bK+. irk A:it Qt*r .In f•.thtih + m 1i �A <br />door,. and window nhndes ,r hhnit.,, it• i nn or m con n.s't inn with said property, whether l hi- +nme are now loca r,rt nn ,aul propertc or hereafter 0 r <br />placed thereon <br />TO 111 A VF. AND TO Hti1.Ip THF. SAVE together with all anti ,instuln, the tenement -,, hrre.htaments ,aid appurtenancty thereunto dae <br />longmtt. or in anvwtse nppertammg, torever and warrant the tale ro !n• ano- monad nurga,:or S her•bv covenant with ,:tad <br />mortgagee that t hey are .n the deho- ry hrrnif, the lawful owner S of the im—n -n , alone cannec.d and de•eenlmsl, <br />and are rev.ett of a gt I and indef.assble entau• of mhentance tIn—m, fn•e and sear „1 all en.- .... il nm- and that the f wdI <br />warrant and defend tie utle ehett-U, tr,rever ngarrnt the ,loins and d,•mnn,d, of nil prnonr %1b­­ r <br />l'"T,IDED ALA AYS, and thin mvlrument is,-xi. used and delve•ted In recur.• the payment of the urn ul SEVEN THOUSAND <br />TWO HUNDRED EIGHTY ONE DOLLARS AND 761100 ------ - - - - -- noumr „s 77281.76 1. <br />With inters-it thereon. together with such charge, and wl•. anon, its rant in- (fit(- and payable in -,aid rnorl,,ager under tht• ierms and rnrldmon* <br />of the pronus,ory :,ote• if peen date hen•weth and ,erund hereby, rerouted h, •and rnurI Kngnr S t„ ,aid more Kng,r, payable n, v%jn'- sad <br />in said note. and to srrurr the perfortman-r of all the t,er and rondwou, contmm,i therein -h he terms i,f anal note are hen•bv incnrp"rnted <br />hemm by this reference <br />It to the mtentun and agnmenwnt of the part.ten hereto that thin mortga Ke inall mien, recur• any lit are advance•, made u, out mortgagor 5 <br />by seal morfgagre, end any and all mdehttafn.rn u, addle it to the amount ot,ne ,tatt-d whmi. sail na,rtgngnrn, or tiny of thein. mac owe In <br />said mortgagee. la- weever ev idence.l, whether by note In.o, accnu nt ,, othe•rw,se '1'hi, na,rtgage -hall remain in full force and b.•lw„•n <br />the panes herew nod their heirv. in:r —cal reprevntntave•... a -e—or, and a -ig— untd all arnount, serunnd hrre•under. ncludmg future <br />advance,, are lard in fui: with ntem%t <br />The mortgagor S herehv assign to said m<`rtgagc• nil n•nts and in—ane arising at an: nod nil times Iron ,aid prolerty and <br />hereby authorize said mortgagor nr its agent .. as its option, utnjn default. to inke charg. of ,:tad property anti rods -i all n•nr, and nvonu- <br />therrfnmt and apply the srm- to the payment of nterrit, principal. m,urnnre pre•rmums. taxi, is-- mi -nts, repair,. or unprmrmenas <br />rwrxssary to keep card property m wnantakilt nrndmuae, or to other chmrgen tit payments provlderl Inr hen•en or in the smile hereb, arund Thu, <br />rent assignment thail,untinur in force unto tM• unlaud balance of raid non• i, fully paid i'he takmg of 1-- .•,•non hen•u nd.•i ,hall m o,. nr,+nro•r <br />torvent or retard said mortgagees in the coiltction tat said sums by formlosure ar otherwiw• <br />•I hr failure of the mortgagre tit assert any of its nghts hereunder al any time shall not her —inietl a, a cawed of its right to assert the <br />.4 fne at any later urn.•, and to moist upm and amforce ,trrl contphance with all the tern, and Prot salon, of cud nos• and of lh„ n",rtgag” <br />If sail mortgagur 5 shall caase lit to paid to vatd mortgagee the v"ure ntnount due n hereunder. and under Ile• term, 11141 prop <br />of saml tarty hvretlty wound mcln ing future adyaucen. and any extt'nmms nr renewal, thr•rwd in n —rdan— with the tern, and pr —i-m, <br />theroof, and of said notangagor ' oha6 comply with nil the pins —sons of '.n.d to and „t afun n wlsoig, then (I.— p -m -al, +hall be —A <br />tgharwiae to romaut in full forces and effrsrt. and raid mortgages• •shall be,mca led in the• im„rt•,nnn of all of ,ntd prnl"•ri y and nut V. at lt,, olio„ <br />dwist" the srbrde of said miss and all un debtadneas ngin•wostrd thereby to M• unnudinl0s due and paynlle and nuev inns hew• then nn,rtgage <br />to tape any other Irgal action b, ImAtvt itst right Aplratwenem waivcl <br />Thi, anrrtgage shall he bnthrlg upon and +hall enure I,r the to refit of Ow fu "r, . r tae. nr.a ad ar gn' nt the <br />rrsrwsbye panen heretic <br />-. t• N- 1Mf,'t'vF'+.`,.NyJ,l,�jkj;tJk.. tMmf .li�e,ltgngor 5 ha Yf' 1•. n•unl, •�ei t�l (',1I• .,.... he da, amt .ear 1"•1 .il,. <br />trip ?APr" t, <br />�i.:. �.. .,`Y.•.. ........5 ^Tit -.. <br />