<br />WHEREAS, on September 19, 1983, Merchants Development Co., A Partnership, borrowed from
<br />The First National Bank of Grand Island which wa, merged with Norwest Bank Grand Island, Na-
<br />tional Association, now merged with Ncrwest Batik td,�braska, National Association, the principal
<br />sum 'of Seven Thousand Five Hundred and no /100 DOLLARS ($7,500.00) at 11.75$ per annum, and gave
<br />to said Bank a promissory note which provided for payment to be made as follows:
<br />23 uninterrupted monthly installments of Eighty -one and 28/100 DOLLARS ($81.28)
<br />each month commencing November 15, 1983, and continuing on the same day each
<br />month after that through September 15, 1985. The last payment of Seven Thousand
<br />Three Hundred Seventy and 26/100 DOLLARS ($7,370.25) will be due and payable on
<br />October 15, 1989. Final payment is a balloon and lender may consider refinance.
<br />and, WHEREAS, said Note is secured by a mortgage /deed of trust on real estate ownded by Merchants
<br />Developmment, Co., A Partnership, and legally described as follows:
<br />West One Third (1/3) of Lot One (1), Block Sixty Four (64), Original Town, now
<br />City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />said mortgage /deed of trust being dated September 19, 1983, and recorded and rerecorded as
<br />Document Numbers 83- 005441 and 84- 000018 in the Mortgage Records in the Office of the Register
<br />of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, and
<br />WHEREAS, said b ,)grower has requested an extension of time of payment until October 15, 1987,
<br />and has agreed to pay interest at the rate of 11.71t per annum on the unpaid balance and said
<br />Bank has consented to ;.j extend the time of payment:
<br />NOW, THEREFORE IT IS AGF.EED by and between the parties that the above - described mortgage/
<br />deed of trust and original promissory note :.hall 1),'rncdi2ied ---iD provide for payment to be as
<br />follows:
<br />23 uninterrupted monthly instalimer:t :. of Eighty -one and 2$ /100 DOLLARS ($81.28)
<br />each month commencing November 15, 1981-, and continuing on the same day each
<br />month after that *through Septemher IS, 1987. The last_ pa,rment of Seven Thousand
<br />One Hundred Ninety -nine and 56/100 DOLLARS (S7,199.56) will be due and payable or,
<br />October 15, 1981. Final ;dyme ;;t is a balloon and lender may consider refinance.
<br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED by and between the parties hereto that all of the terms and �_onditions
<br />of the mortgage /deed of trust and promissory note above - referenced to ar, extended and amended
<br />shall continue in .full fL)rr_e and effect except as herein modified.
<br />Executed his 1Sth lay of October, 1985
<br />By
<br />Aivin F. Alms, A Par er
<br />ten, A Partner
<br />azsgi M. ",clads, III, A Partner
<br />io , ri, artn
<br />STATE OF NUFASKA ) > i d L. Ltephens,.,A P rtner
<br />COUNTY OF HALL) Y-r� •"_ ,i`,.� {- '^--
<br />'cnald 1- Wil man, A Partner
<br />On this 151:: day o} Cr tober, 9E`, Sol ore r a Not ry Pub] ;. in and for said County
<br />pt-rsonallg appeared Alvin 11. Aims, 5ernard L bat :n, Fred M. ad. IiI, Iohn R. Miller,_
<br />Richard E. tephens and Pc,nald 1. Wi�1man ill _ !hv —� r•tner '"J 14err'hant.s Lev_,lu,m::,t Cc.
<br />to me known t. be the per,or:s named it and who Jx. •c:uted it.c• r•.g,;ing ir,strumer.t a::d
<br />acknow edged that they eyf<cuterl the .came as their .clunlaz, and dead.
<br />WITNESS my hand and Notar ;al ;:ea.l an the day and yeary:•,St written move.
<br />!!u cotcm,icU ion errirr�� /
<br />The foregoing* i.n trumvi,t w,-., ar.krc wlc•dg d be: r.• rn•.. ' hi b d.iy ,t >• t,.t,rr, l iCt ,
<br />bj Craig hlo r4OFWE' i YA.1 +t Ni,i1!tA YJi. 14A',•10NAL A: SOClATiON,
<br />a Nebraska Corp,)ra 1.ior,, ;.r.hoI!, _f tt,t. •,-)rl_ -r,:t ..
<br />"'y expire, May 13, 1988
<br />NOTAN.Y fJBLiC
<br />MNW M1M1! -M�w •flAiM�
<br />At! amm IAA me 1% am
<br />