DEED OF TRUST 85-.• 005484
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST is made this 1st T day of �nvpnhP� _
<br />19�_,antongdwTrtma, WILLIAM t1_ SAWYFR AND THFRFSA J- CAWYFR�u11GRAND AND -_
<br />(kwein "t�orroww•'), AREND R. RAACK ATTORNEY AT LAW
<br />O wein "True "), and the satetkiary, NOW MOEIIAL sAVINN & LOAN ANOCIATHM OF GRAND MLANO, NE
<br />a corporation otRMiaed and tzdstin♦ tender the laws of N MUSKA whose address is M SOUTH LOCUST, P. 0, PDX 100
<br />NANO MLANO. NE _ (hertdrt "Ltstvdw „).
<br />BORROWER, in comidwation of the indebtedness herein recited and the trust herein created, irrevocably grants and conveys to Truster,
<br />is matt. wick powe of sick, the following described proMrsy located in the County of
<br />State of Nelms ta:
<br />The Rider to the Deed of Trust which is attached hereto and exe=cuted on the sane day is
<br />hereby incorporated into the mortgage, The Rider shall imend and supplement the covenants
<br />and agreements of thic7 Mortgage as if the Rider was a Bart thereof.
<br />1737 South Curtis, Grand Island
<br />whKb has the ad&@” of. a_m . ., .a ...... _. r ..
<br />(STREET) (CITY)
<br />Nebraska 68803 (herein "NrctpcityAddress "):
<br />(STAT1» it 21P C'66
<br />TOGETHER with all the improvements now or hereafter erected on skit ptopeny. and all cawments. rights, appurtenances, restt%
<br />trAto >rt however to the ri#W and authcnities given herein to Lender to colkca and :ppli such rents), royalties, minera), A and gas T4bts acid
<br />prod, wow. wain rights, and water stock, and all fixtutes now or hereafter strached tat the property, all of which. indtding replactramnats and
<br />additintr the elo, ska0 be deemed to be and ricinsm a part of the propney coveted by thts Deed of Trust; and all of the foregoing, together wash
<br />said property tot the Woe" estate if the.► Deed of Trust is on a kawhoWl are herein referred to as the "Property".
<br />TO SWURE to t.ettder (a) the r"Myment of the irxkbttttttess evidi nCeJ by Iiui rower °s note dated
<br />thwsa •')riots.,), o the principal war of _L TY jK 110.
<br />tvlth f wren thi soa, fix monthly installments of prindpal +uW interevt w tth the -t of the imhebtetdt►esit, if not sooner fail, doc
<br />PayMtk grbw ._ _ m _N_. W._ __..__.w._
<br />OW •• V r a - --- -___ .. a.... e_.m__., :ohrprytttsmeof All other %urn %.
<br />witch smiltrain thereon, advanced to ttcc;ordonce hefewith to protect the +ecurity tit this Deed tai I ru %t: and the imlortnanice of the tomiants ana
<br />aplieninoo of *off~ Warn cotttawticl; and (b) the "payment of any future advances, with intrust thereto, rriade to hortowa by 1 enda
<br />pitictimm to prapaplt:S hwtrof (bwan "Future Advant:es ").
<br />pain" coMMM that Borrower is lawfully raised of the estate hereby conveyed turd hers the tasht to giant and coanvey the Pfo;mt%.
<br />amt tie Prouty to unimirimbend. and that Borrower will wattant itnd defenJ genersily the title to the Proficrty against all claims and
<br />dicamds, sub"at to any declarations, tabinnimus tit restrictions listed in a whedult of neefxio nt to aotveiage in any title insuramr pcaitc%
<br />sainaning Loudw's imerea is tie Property.
<br />tat: MKMCOVEMAWS. Borrower and Immler covsaant and attaa as follows:
<br />1. tptisiM et ftMdpl sad l Mena. Bnrower , hail promptly pay when due the principal of and initie%i tMi the tndeltledaM% evmdefl, eW
<br />by the )rives, pfepsym M Md W* cMtgas ns poovided in the None. and tht ptimipal of and interest on any future Advanves sauced by Chet Ittttd
<br />of Tno,
<br />& Rai gM low sad I aaits, 9ab*1 to aw"Icik how at to a written waive by lender, llinrower %hail pay to Lender on the da i
<br />mocaft M1ttnBtMaMs of prictoopal and intwatt are payable under the !watt, until the [Vote is paid in ful), a suet ehaean "I•undti -I equal to tim
<br />the yewh u sarg is which fMy attain priority over this Deed of Trust, and Ipiwnd rentscm the Pfolitrty. it any. Iduti orw
<br />ittiu of yearn pry tot harafd inwawm, plus one -twelfth of ytariy prsntium instaiimenis fa mootgagt onsurarive, if any _. all
<br />ip Npflllated and ffoxa floe lea llm! by Ividn on Elte Mats of It and Ialls arxl rea5iatutble estimates thereof .
<br />TIM tiandi► ew fighowto an Mmitwlioa the tlepuittta tx a6aouats e(whooh we imuted ox guatantesd fl)' a Federal iii %fait alloy on%itidina .tom
<br />LAMW if I.andw h twh as tnonvicfon). Losda ►hall apply the funds to fay soud taxes. avie"meccas. tnsumamce premoint s and giounti irtsta
<br />1A040 way am tiyrgr fat to hWdftq acid atiplyfag the Funds, analyrina said account of etiifyipis aria a:rmifitfing !aid aii%rit cierst a stag: 'N-
<br />WAM
<br />L Pays Barrontn 1"I"em can the utows and aplikis ie law IM1110% I CMieT 10 make soma A , iaatpt th i tirwti amid & riidti tiaa rpm
<br />w�iit� � tl4t i3rpe of tslK:ul� tt( thas l�tnS of 7 r� i�t iM�resr ,iri tilt )'un�ii �laafl tat f+iiad tr. psis, =rrt. �rsi3 :,�1¢m, ,� �ftrrcoa,cesi s. >rz�.t *_ d <<
<br />