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85- 005448 <br />1 if Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Security Instrument. <br />Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the insurance in effect until such time as the requirenlevi fur the <br />insurance terminates fn accordance with Borrower's and Lender's written agreement or applicable law. <br />S. Inspection. Lender or its agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. Lender <br />shall give Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying reasonable cause for the inspection. <br />9, Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with <br />any condemnation or other taking of any part of the Property, or for conveyance ml lieu of condemnation, are hereby <br />assigned and shall he paid to tender. <br />In the event of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall he applied to the sums secured by this Security <br />instrument, whether or nor then due, with any excess paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property. <br />unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing, the sums secured by this `1eCtlrll% li ,trumen! shall be reduced by <br />the amount of the proceeds multiplied by the following fraction: (a) the total amount of the sums secured inlmcdiatch' <br />before the taking, dn!ded by (b) file fair market %;title of the Property immediately before the taking. Any halance shall he <br />paid to Borrower <br />if the Property is abandoned by Burrower, or if'. after notice h% fender to Boriow'er that the conden!nor offers to <br />make an award or setlic a claim for damages. Borrower fails to respond to Lender wit hill 30 days after the date the notice is <br />gi%cn, Lender is authonted tp collect and apply the proceeds, al us oplinn. cditcr to restoration or repair of the Property or <br />to the sums secured h% this Securn% Instrument, whether or not 1111.11 due. <br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any application of proceed, to principal shall nut extend or <br />postpone the due dale of life monthly payments referred to in paragraphs i and _' or change the amount of such payments. <br />10. Harrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a "aiver. E%icn,mn of the little for pa%nlent or <br />nluditicatlon of amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor ill <br />mrerest of Borrower ,hall not nperanr to release the liahillty of the original Borrower or Borrower's successors hl imtcrest <br />Lender shall not he required to commence proceedings against any successor In Interest or refuse to extend tittle for <br />payment or other%sc modify amortization ofthe sums secured by this Securn} In %trun!cni hN reason of arty demand mule <br />h% the original 1lorrllwei Or B(lr'rowef s successors 111 inleresl. Ally forlleatance h% i coder Ill excl'L ising,, all%' right or rellled% <br />,hall not be a wal%er of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy. <br />11. Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Several Liability; Co- signers. the covenants and agrecmcnls of <br />flits Security instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to file provision, <br />of paragraph 1' Any' Horto%%cr w ho co -signs Iii, Secunt% <br />Instrument but does nut cxccute the Nutt: (a) Is co- signing tills Sccurtn irslrunlcnl onh Io rnurgagc, grattl and carve% <br />that Borrower's interest in the Property under tilt• terms of Ihls Sccurug histrunlew (h1 is not personally ohhemcd Io pay <br />the sums secured by this Secunty Instrument: and (c) agrees that Lender and oil% Other liornn%ci may agree to rstond. <br />nu,dily. forbear or make ;ill% accommodations will) regard 10 the terms of this Sccunry limminent of the Note %%tlhoul <br />!hat Boi row er'sconscnt- <br />12. Loan Charges. If the loan secured by the, Security In,trionent IN subject 1r a I:r%% %% 111,11 ,cl, rn;lvnnun ],),it) <br />charges• and that law Is finally Inlernreied so that the inlere,l or (,flier loan chaIcL -1 0Ilecred .0 I„ he cnllectrd nl <br />connecrion with the loan Ckcecd the Permitted limits. then: la) ills �uch loan rharcr ,hall tl, n•ducc(l. I,y the .,mount <br />necessary to reduce the charge to the pernimed limit, ;Ind (hl any sun' (,, alrr ;ufy collct icd frlml Borrower %%hlch e\Lce•dcd <br />permitted limits will he refunded to Horrowei Leudei maN :h00%L ..• In :,ke !ifs r „fur,,'. by reducing the pn11clpal ,,wed <br />under the Nole or hy making, a direct payment In Horrnwer If a rvflini redo es pnnclpal. Ihr rrducnon coil h1. Irealed a, !1 <br />partial prepay'mcut wllhout any prepayment charge under the Note <br />13. Legislation Affecting Lender's Rights. If enactment .,r rspn, Of ipphn ahle tan%, has the ctle,l Of <br />rendrnng any pru%l,um of the Nut (,or t ifs Secunty I nstrutecot unenti,rccahic ,1,:,,nhng 1•, u, :et ns. 1 endrr..a It, npn,!r.. <br />map require nnmedmic payment ill full of all ,urn, secured by !fill Secunl% In,uurrlcnl :Ind nw% usokc lilt} n•tturdu•s <br />permuted h% paragraph IQ If l erl(ter c•xefLlse, till, oplll,ll. I.c` title) ''hall lake Ihc,le•p„pcclhcd Ill 111e sect,nd pat.lgraph lA <br />paragraph 17. <br />14. Notices. Any 1101ILC Io Borrower pro%nlvti for nl ihs Sccmit� Insltunlcnt ,hall he gnrn h% dch%cnllg It Of by <br />mauling It by first class stall unless ipplicahle law regrmrCS use of another ntcihod I tic notlec ,hall h, dlrrcled In file <br />Property Address or any other address Borro%tet designates by notice to Lender An} n,i ice to Lender ,hall he :U+en h% <br />first % ass mall it, Lender's address staled herein or ally other ;Iddres, I cnlle•r dc:sign•oc, b) nano: In ilornl%cl , \ny notice <br />provided form flits Secutuy Instrunicn! shall he deemed to ha%c hecn gl%cn lit fi„ntlwcr r,i Lcndel %01e11 gr\cu is pro%ldcd <br />III tills paragraph. <br />15. Governing I,aw; Seserability. Phis Secunty Irsiiunicni sh,Ill he c ,clit,'d 'i'% Irllcl,ll !,n% .Ind !h1. a%k ,.f the <br />turlsdiction nt which the Property Is located In the cent Thal any pro%slon m ,tart 1I ,,,,, SC, only III.1fCIIWol "I lhL <br />Note conflicts wltll apl,hcahle Low, such cnntttrt shall ttul atlecl ,lilcl I'll,, I,lon, „ I till S"L UUI% hI'll1:111 Ill In 1111' Nnle <br />which can he goer effect wtthoul the contllcting prll%I,lun to fill, amt the pl ;l%hl,ae, Ill Ihr, "k, Ill u) I:1,Irlunrnl .luau lit, <br />NISIc are declarcd fl` he ,CN clahic <br />16. Borrower's Copy. Horn l••%cr di,ill be ) %en ont, tad„(,nled c„py „t the \I�!, .old I ;hl, 1,,ulll': II I',!? lllnilll <br />17. 'transfer Ilf the Property or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. 11 all •r .ol% I,,ul m tit,: Pl-,I,:it� .a .oli <br />I111crest Ill it I, sold it lran,lerrcd ((,1 Ifs 111011A'Llal Im CIT,I Ill Harrow et I., "'Id or r1,111,1CIT'd ,Ina( KIT Il,w 1.'I N lwl ,I Ilallo'll <br />pers nl l wllhmll I ender', prior %%rl1!t:ll %:,Il,c'111, I.elldc'r Ill:(). al ll, t,pli„tl, rt•(ilint' ;,'illl,'dlal,: l,,l %!lic'ni In Illll „I ,III ,nil, <br />,"otcd by [ills Secttl'll% lll,lrtollcol Ili.,%ke \c•r. Ibis oplion ,Bali 11,11 he ,' \t'I,I,t',l I,% I , III, .'I <br />!cdcnd law .1-if Ihr: date oaf 11is til:cmnt% hl %i l ulllcill <br />H� codel' cxer%I,es tins option, I.orndcl shall gsl. Hull :roe(, nunLC ill dccl :lcl,i!n,rl 111, 11. 11,, ,11,111 pl, Id( .I t„'1;,I,1 <br />of It'll is „thlin±!-NaysIrinll the dalfc the fuillcc I,delnfredof Itladedw;l)IOnwlu,hBolt,Iq: I IIIII',1 p.t, JI b% <br />l iii JC%nrlty Instrullleel B' BAII I I)wct fall, In pa% Ilicsc Slims priol TO t he l' %1,11',1111 ,Ii •,! 1111, Pvi lod. I rlldc! In:1% 111-1 -, .:Ili <br />f !'1tttd1A's Ile: l'r11111ed h% Illt "�"%I.c'llrlly ►II,Irilnlelll wlthow fiinhel n,`IIC, Of delllall<1<,II liollo%%,-I <br />Ili, Borrower's Right to Rein %late. It But rower meet, I :,:rcnn %ondlllon,, linrl„\%rl ,11,111 11.11,' lilt' I1i'111 1, 11.1 \:' <br />gulf il"cleew fit till, INC, all, 111 II i nl nI (11 c Inlln,lc% 11 III% Iltltl plll I II.1 t 1111 , I I II I It, I I I I •, I �� <br />w i <br />.il f II It >lt' 11 n i% '•( II Ill -loft ! I III I IIeI, 1 I 'f III I „1,.'. I' 1 ,II,t Ill , 111\ <br />'l,. i 11 II: I Ill II• ( t '1!= 1 ill, 71 III t :III I I I -I' Ihr '11 I1r I IIIL'I 1 1 1 1!.1 :II <br />tat / �I 1 ail t .1 1 f; It ,( ! : 'r% d Ira 'I I h I st �. :IIn 1'I, 1' I I1;1 I It l I''s l I 1 <br />,i <br />la A c II: ..I _,.., , ,. .. , 1 ;II•.! 1., L 1 ;,1 1: IM !11 .. - II11! , 11' . II 1' ... ,. I - .1.1\ <br />-r4 1.5}• .I. i - r .�1'. , :I -. `,• IIi I. 1' ,:I 11'1 .II. I .Iar. !,1 , il 'i 11 1'. , , I.. 15. � , <br />it <br />