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DFFD OF DISTRIP(TTIO "; �0054� <br />1 Ry <br />PERSONAL P.E PRESENTATT7.7 <br />'OHN, W. DAVIS, Personal ne�,reser.tati•.•e of the Fstate of <br />Gary L. Nluhm, Deceased, GRANTOR, conveys and releases <br />DAVIS, Trustee of the "Family Trust" Cursuant to Article t'T cf <br />the Last Will and Testament of Gary T. 81;1} dated June IQ-79, <br />GRANTFF., the following descrihed real estate (as d..fir.ed in *,eln <br />Rev. Stat. 76 -?01) located in Hall Ccunty, Nebraska, to -wit: <br />An ur.di ri ded one -hal ° 4 rterest_ in <br />a certain tract or real estate comprising <br />approximately ?0.008 acres comprising a 7-'art <br />of the East Half of the Northeast Quarter <br />(` }NFi1 of Section One (') Townshi- rle %en <br />(11) North, Range Ter. (10) West of t -e 6,-,- <br />P.M., Hall COurty, Nebraska, more <br />particularly descrihed as follows: <br />T <br />neginning at P. point on the east line _' y <br />_id <br />Section, One (11 , sa i d point be in.; 71r-ur <br />iunr:r.ed One and Sixty -Three Hundredths <br />(401.631 feet south of the northeast corner <br />of said Section One (1), also being a ccint_ <br />cn the southeasterly hiahwav right- n` -•.a'; <br />'.7ne; thence sou'theri" aura the r:�-�t line <br />Faid Secticr. One (1), a distance of Six <br />1:undred Eight-,r-Four and Twenty -'Nine <br />Plindredths (684.29) feet; -hence deflectinc <br />right 90"00' and runnina wester',.', a distance <br />of Three Hundred Gevent,,r and Se' ent•:—Two <br />Hundredths (370.72) feet; thence souther'% <br />r,arallel to the east line of said Secticn.Cne <br />(1), a distance of Five hundred (500.0) feet; <br />thence deflecting right 90'00' and runnina <br />westerly, a distance of Eight Hundred Fifteen <br />and Ninetv -One Hundredths (815.91) feet, to <br />said southeasterly hiahwav right- cf -wav line; <br />thence northeasterlv along said right- of -wav <br />line and on the arc of a curve, whose radius <br />is One Thousand Fight Hundred Thirty -Four and <br />Eighty -Six Hundredths (1,P34.86) feet (the <br />long chord of which deflects right 116159105" <br />from the last described course), a lonT f -fiord <br />distance of One Thousand Sixt�.� -One and <br />Fifty -Nine Hundredths (I,061.59) feet; them -e <br />northeasterly along said riqht -of -way line <br />and on the arc of a curve whose radius is <br />One Thousand Five Hundred Seven and Two <br />Tenths (1,507.02) feet (the long chord of <br />which deflects right 39 °3x'55" from the lone <br />chord of the last descrihed carne), a long <br />chord distance of Five Hundred Three and <br />Forty -Eight Hundredths (503.48) foot; thence <br />Ldeflecting right 14-01 from tho long chord <br />o *' the last descri)-,p_ <br />d curve, and along .', id <br />*,quit- of -.wav line, a r3T tance of Two; tr T <br />rorty- .., <br />T'i'.c� and e� +� %. - ?`)1t1F' �r,ir.dre�d *1::� <br />c� <br />atsd <br />(24,.791 feet +.r thc= 1grF 1,,,r�innirr- <br />M <br />