65• 00541.9
<br />1. Payment of Principal and Interest; PrUpa} ment and late Charves . ! i.
<br />I tic micrc,,i on 1 tic C\ ILICIlL Id In I !-'I \"!c 1`1 I'Ll tin
<br />2. Furl for Tags and Insurance. S uhl I I ' 1 1
<br />to Lender or I 11I llav 1710ylthl N llay 111CUT, like Jtl,i tllltl" 1311- NOTl'. LI 111 11 t il
<br />one-l-AcIfth ,I fit) ,earl, iiixes and llcnt, ,\ -h it 111:1N P11"!
<br />leaschold pa\lnerij,' ,r ground rent, ;j the proilcjl�� 1!
<br />mortgage Ill,,uranct: premnmi�. ir,jn\ T H!l'
<br />ha%isof,:urrcw data and reasonable esimiates of ILl1IIfCk1s-It1%k I!clll,
<br />the Funds ,hall he held Ill an ,tIlLjj,TI thcdcp(,,,lI—r IL'It 111111!
<br />a Ili ljj,jr,
<br />state llgejac� linoluding Lender !f Lender Is such an Ins-LIIIIIII,71) I cndcr !t.lil •11" 1 arcs, ..; i i,c
<br />[%�l , .1 :-LI",
<br />Lender rna� not charge for holding and it Pr 1 1 1 1e the [-,it n ds. : 111 h
<br />it nog I I : I I I T I
<br />Lender pa�N Borrk,N%et interest on file Funds
<br />and apl,hcahu 1:I%k P.'.'nl;" 1 "1" mike such li.. 'I It% tT
<br />I ender
<br />map igree ill vrrumg that interest shall b, paid :.,c Fund , [ !i_
<br />regal=es
<br />-es inlerc,l it, he plud, L,•rlder shall not he 1equjild T'.i� 13"l-T-.kc:
<br />i lri'l, 1
<br />shall gl\ c ill Bo7roxklcr. \%jiliku chilrge, an aTjljkjaj
<br />purpose lor %%Jn,:h each dchn t;, tile Fund, ki,
<br />.
<br />i�! !�.lj 11 ,
<br />I
<br />this Sccitrli !11,1111711(11 [
<br />if th ""I"LlIll if the Fund, held h\ Lender, togelticl %kol;
<br />he due date, hc
<br />, ll" I Cscrou Oijil c\ cad I ill' 111)OLANI Y C,461f-I-j . l, n ;t, t
<br />at Boiroixer's
<br />I m, either prompik re-lint' 1` !1"k r'"kC; OT r,-LjIT1--l'
<br />Of The I-MIL11 held by I cndur I, 11"t pa. ! A
<br />.1,,unt neces,,ar.� ii, fral,c ill) 'he I`lcfiL:IcfIL'\ IT Onl% • i lll;lfC
<br />P"n Pai File!;: 111 t'itIl Of it)! "Urns Set: LIrL-,j h\ I Ill,
<br />N Funds had
<br />an - he I clider. If imder p,iragr.JPIj 1" Ill(• J'I;IpIrj, j, I
<br />.I.,11 linmedialck Prior to the aic filic Propl-tl\ 1'T :1, 1 11,41
<br />^ phcahonasacrednaganxitile ,urn,securc•dht'Ill , sc, I:,, i 1:11, T,
<br />3. Application of Payments. Unic- ill%'
<br />pul,lglaphs 1 arld =shall he apphl:d first. 1( ]:ti• ch,trgeN due
<br />I
<br />NO%-, jJr1J()UlIjN pa�ahlc Under paragraph ', 4, 11-1 h. fit It
<br />- '
<br />. :]I ;-I I
<br />4. Charges: Liens. Borrower hall pa\ fl
<br />P-�-Pvri� �%hzch mill :al.tjin priornt\ ti%cr this sit
<br />e"
<br />,
<br />it 1 it 27, tld hot rA cr 'hail p!v thes• uhltgations in the
<br />ruitrne, j,r,„algal i
<br />rt, hcm ,n time directly to th• person (%cj pan ncni Jim T tic r o
<br />31d 11
<br />under this paragraph It Borrotkcr nlakc,, Tilcsc ;%!I Illcp:N ::Tl%, IF r-A
<br />1
<br />%111-1111, - t0viicing the pat inems
<br />horrok%cr shal! Pr""'Pll\ dJ1L halFi!L: all\ l!CrJ "filch has rf It'! !I %
<br />1 tic hen h\.. ,i defend, .,gnj,j In 1,,r cvTjIcjT he I 1cri !!I. L'L!,ii f'f e d r I
<br />knrc%crnt file clilotIcri-lont of the lien or tOrfell"ru ol :i!t.% part of :f qp,-r!
<br />lo Lender tibordillatni,, the !)C,l !o U-;t\ 1:�—
<br />I Proncft% 11 lublecl 1,1 l hell k%hik.h ma,, attain rwr!-,k ,%IF i�I!, Ii
<br />1 110:111 �JnO the !Jeri. liorrimcr -shall sijtj,f\ the !'111 07 take ;"]l'
<br />i�;v Hill 7!ollcc
<br />Hazard Insurance. Horro%%cr lijili k c cp I It I I n i
<br />fI`e - afro fric ict-ni
<br />1-urinck.- •,hall "I MiIlW,1:fICLI •Tl !!11 3
<br />I ii ranee ;.I r,, ivr Pr ',I : 11 -1, 'he I I i,ti r I If L I ,hail "V il t "I. ;; t•'\ I i'
<br />- \ "Ithilicid
<br />All in,uran,,c polict•, and %nctkals ,hall be aLeptahic i, �h,!,
<br />Lender 'hall ha,c file right it, hold tile poII,:lc,- and r•llcujl, it 1
<br />7
<br />FVLelpfl(lf Pj1d premiums ;and rene"al notices Ili jh+.
<br />rrerasui cT',iL!t Lender rim I, make loss
<br />proof tit If If('! MaLIL !'T
<br />Unics, Lunoct and Ij(,r "
<br />ro%ver qherN%j,,,
<br />agree in %% ruing. m,uram i -"C"' '!-:i "k ;I
<br />he Propci-i \ d.jillatted.
<br />if ;h1- T cNiorai Jon or repair is cconon, 111
<br />ru'Zorilitin or repair I , TI(,l c,onlim)"Oh fcasl"'U 'lF Lender N III '-'! If\ :,L L111
<br />-ipphed 14, the LnnN wl.:wcd h,, this Secijrii\
<br />tt:cll
<br />B,kr.,,i,Acr ihandons life I,t,,)pc*m. or does n' "ll all"Ner "iIhni Li:ll�l
<br />ffrred to 1,ellic ;I ,Linn. then Lender Ilder ill"\ ""IeIl the InNtlfctflt,C PI
<br />'fill'
<br />the PrOpUrl} Or N- Pa} Sinn, Sll:,CUFed h\ SCL Law, Instrument. ,\ holier Ilt !i 1
<br />or A ,11 .1,l, I�t-
<br />,%ficrl the notice 1, ,'I +` " _•'..
<br />Llaetl
<br />L !11001 Lender And li-vro%%cr ,1hcr%\ise grcc in \m ore. III\
<br />P"NIP"Ic the dU• dale III the nionthIN pa}vlcllt, TvIcried !it Ill i"n
<br />.under paragraph lo the 1 1i,perj P
<br />N Is d,,,jtjjrcd I, Lender. BLIHO%%v! •
<br />. right
<br />front damage to file Prflpctt:� prim I- the aeL4tj:'1IlI(,II shall pass !" I cildc! It)
<br />!hc 111" iml, It
<br />1 170 w rn
<br />rurne Imedlatch pri"T Io lie acqul'iflo 1
<br />6. Preservation and Maintenance of PropertN ; Leaseholds. li,,i
<br />7,
<br />chance file Propvft} . alh," file Propurl% f(t delcrwit'alt,
<br />livirfluct-Ifiall comply % \k ; I I I 1111 ''? conuill: nest, It 7,
<br />Ir - � % I ', I( I T1 I l! 1111 i
<br />1 , ea sC. ! t I I I I ! I j ' 1! 1 : '1% IF
<br />fee title sh-di not merge Indc's I ender agree, to I tic Inctin:1 in a rIIJI)4
<br />7. Protection of Lender's Rimht% in the Property; MortgaLv Insurance. II I l, 7
<br />city `. .
<br />vilarils and , oinjilied In I Ili, Securit % ln,i tlj;?Illll 11"t !, , ,
<br />,, :!;f' I 111
<br />Linder', rivht% Ili the Prop rte 1, .1 pI'l,CcdIllP ill 1
<br />I. ; r ! 'T
<br />rej!ulaiwos). then Lander nlan oand pa\ !,,I %0lalc%ct 1,
<br />fIf%t1 ,.ilI ,pr l._I
<br />ill life I,T(,Pc:l% I cildt-t'., anll,m, 1141% '!),lade pak,iny .tin. illt,! I,\
<br />lflslrtlmefll. apps arniv Ill wull. 1,;!\ life Ic•is.,fI;IWc
<br />it"!" ind "T 1 I'll!' I��, 1'7L';'� 71111-
<br />I :! (it- r ma \ t ;I 1,( 1, )it
<br />I, n,i If 11111 11.11 �t :1 11 h lefldt , 1,
<br />Aw, It .... kill! r wit H% I
<br />titdtl !1,!,I( r fill" it'll h%,
<br />Br fr,,,kcr Ind I crid'.1
<br />wfif
<br />it ;l 111 0 tilt.
<br />