<br />0054# 11
<br />K40RTC-AGE
<br />MORTCACL LO-,kNW,. T.
<br />10NOU'Al—' MEN R) TNI--EE T'Rf--';E%•rS That Sir. Grazruxiger aria Patricia Ray Grizranger, each im ::is
<br />am ner cwn right aril as spouse of each other, mor'-wor. Whether one W n",,. in =njadmut'r, of the sum of
<br />LARS
<br />kmuwd to said tinortpgoIr '—h Th, Equitable Ruiddingand L-ean kisocjalioriof(,rLnd
<br />Said ASSOCIATI(A. Certificate No L 24,423 1 do hexbv pant. _-.anvn and a gate uI110 ItIt said *',SCA 'AT10% 'he f:itiowimg
<br />described real tmate. situated in [jail Counts, wrbrjsJz.
<br />iTb,_ Nortl�rly T,aerttv Liao (22) , Feet cf Tim Fa-,= ji.
<br />Bl,----k Forty. (40), in the original. tz&�—. cf Grazzid Is land,
<br />Ha 11 C zainty , Nebraska.
<br />UVICIbm.-T WIM ad the IVIgintenji, herv-1:tan-mmis arl.; appurlcnapC-,-s Mh(`:: L.,:,; :TIC;udtnR au2azhrc, 'A 2? ZvVvInp.12 wmdCWsCTmm_
<br />wmdow shadr.". himd%, storm wria"w'- iI'A"rung" hrblinf" air COI
<br />aid wire 4qLr;pT.wmzni aczr5sorje, m
<br />Mfr*rial,: rs. and other i_.X1urc,_ " i-quI--WTII rhl� • hC.-c1,7:r- zZlic'Wi �o , iLwj %:IN Wj -�=, estate -
<br />And ucrve ,
<br />whereas Itm imid inormwor fizi. agreed . d ao" nurm Lutc Clc -_-I,T!ezpM lihall and A111 :;F., "' ZaXf!� and zsWmm=nt5 jeN-md aT
<br />- an
<br />REWUe- 'Jjw'T, Said p"Intae, arid u;x;n 1�,s �,rigap. wu! i b �.7ul�L 1-hC ;aims �taL I"ec"Mr �r!mquirni: to apwove'
<br />iniamrari'mr a;n the hullumigs .Iri said VW!'tU it, 11', SUM AS 61), CICO. C)C) 'L, -QIJ k.,;_�x` X�ATICA and To dfli� to said
<br />ASSCKIATION thr ;wiicjr� Im ;aid in,,Lrimcr. and -Inl !,, ','M' 11 ter: ,
<br />- 7L;T OT 71CM1111 iin' Wal.t 113 1T ibi,' U1 sad 1 1 aj�iC t.
<br />in :tar <If default it tht• wnmmanc :v "i are •1 T,',r :rim! and mdnjons It I; rnouzaZc -,! rIt h,nz 'C'�urej hr-,Cr,� .7107tgMft shkil.
<br />he --m algid i. imniedlair ;x,s.W%sw's 1"t, 1111rigaged plrrrIwi into ;ht: �,ssk_m., :--risfers arid Itts ovr- uw
<br />rnUT`9a9CC all `ht _Ir�"s, 'CV--rUC% WIG MCaIrM 10 tV JCTI�-j f-,Drn ihAr mol't-captc! PT=-Ise- �-,T - :nr � e Z5 rn,37, mdetne . she cn=
<br />LaTu'd and. mov.=Iect siftufl 'Lavc the tic gape : dneu
<br />!, AM,rn! Any agent or ;fprn,.- ;I -17.N t,�; cle P�iq�5c of ICnair-Tv Qtd pmmucs anj Tenting
<br />the SETTV ZTIJ coflrn urg *hr rt-vrnuc,, an,! moorri•, ard it Trz% nett (ILI Said M.CoTTV all !�XDrr�SVS i !Cratr- Said And
<br />,x�mmiiw,m arid ex;vnw. jn�-utrvd In Tr-!!jnF arid MiLaring the surne Me prelngrt,
<br />, -Olicclmt -hrrcln� :he balance Trimning. if am 1v
<br />Xpplwd -�,WUTLI 1re aajd mII-zzagt! Wni! A rr PtT' -A'such
<br />e ma� Zy- txrr�is"' a: aril dur-Int the rx: -te
<br />5, n=
<br />defaui-, r,-c%pccovr of an% 7crrr;vIrzr% waiver of
<br />These preserm. are UT-T; Tlr.:, r said W7!cap.,, 7cp. M the MATUIM Of Ja,41': ahWirl ov
<br />gaga- T-wn:'Jv li, •&d kS`,C.X'lALTlr-,N ,,f !he sum sTx-Ifitu m ltw ir,% 7- as mnlc-,C,: 4nd. pmzwapaj.in "std loan, ;t_ .
<br />ore
<br />he I wmuc III ux% ,I each ur,'_ trn men um i i sa,d !,;:In :-, f uil, pa Id , pay ad -.j m-to 41, C: ;zscs%mr-p 1 s ir"t d AZILIst said premises and on M
<br />aria the &,"d seourec, there ^. 11 C dt i Inq jt-' C I UT 1151- APPI I lVeLl !tjsU fanCr Oros tic7m;r, m '_hr sum rzc" pa4ibir
<br />*,I, �aId A&V)CLOWA rvpa.c LITN'ri demand all rmme% t=". :I -,mld fn• suci; taxes. Zsw".Trmnt> AniJ msurancr With inl"CrCst at
<br />thf t..aXIMUM It-pi -.aIC •1!iCTVt1V. TIOTTj date I . abash M '11parm, 4e•07" !,pile'JrTtrtn-Thl Was, C ar. said PTt-mists. keep and zompi
<br />J�j c1l Wtj , ,
<br />WMM all 1hC AUeCITICT111, aI-.d �,'ITIdIItLKI.N c the Et):TJ h;r S 60 ()�c) . ()q 1his, _1,. pw, ",., ?•w said M0,TIM290! 11 laid A.&SCX.'?ATfO%, and oornpiy
<br />with all 1,tw -,rqucrenwnts of .:he f r,rmlluln and R; of said kSS, X'l A710% ._:hel t!"ICS& "7--.Wn11, Shaii tVCCO•C TILL and vow, othem.1w zhc%
<br />AW1 remain III IUD forcr and may in ioic-cloac-d a! the untion 11 OW S;oj ;tej f: ru :r fL7 ,It" rInt, z ir
<br />ake an% of sang
<br />Payment.% kn be Am- rnotilhi In armut, m ..:king skjd mtAnhh pZYMC711". 'IT rO 41tZ.1 _=U -:M the averrivnis and cxmdittims,,f !Ww Bond.
<br />and WrIppoi apml to -I&"- a 7t%zwrT appIumicd iorlhwntl "D such orcclosuyr
<br />If Ocie is any.;.4aripe in ownership of 'JAC -maj urifiti• rKmgbped heirm, b. M;v ur U'lev the enter rertnamitV indebtedness hercby
<br />Wcuried d4all, at itle I,qn-on of The f-Mimabic Building and Uxzri AskbcLa6c.n off;,-and Nand. Ncbmska.hc n• mnitjjjatejy due and payabkwi-ttout
<br />funters m"Kc. and 11w affioum mmmirm due und.-T said bond. And any otter hand li-li anv addnwual ad,%;I»s inadc thereunder. umu. from t1pr
<br />dine (A rimmise of skud iqxnm, bear InICIL-M at the --n3mmum l"PI rate. and This VritrTlEbYr 7121y !"en be 707eclDsed to satisfy Or ummant due on seed
<br />bur,d,mtd my Egfwr hand for additioraO, 3,dvwj=, tcmcitsry with all surm paid tTy and Pic 1:qunzMv Buildung and Lcam Amoclawn of Crand lganj.
<br />Nebraska fm iftwTatim, Timm and asaessnwlnrs, and aiINZTAC1mg rxtrnsw t charges. W;! "Iferron- from date of RaymcrIT 21 the !"Mmmurr,
<br />Jepi
<br />.0 ;"(A.Idtd I" Itte bond X:.Utc!d hric-fiv, while On!, M1111AUC rfmBMS ��, e",�L' :N ffh1rigaget nut) :iveiiflcr advance additional sums ,o the
<br />In
<br />umkiem of �smd Wmd. Own amirin,.n %u, I V! c.�i W hIGf] "hull jV A T I p; 1; 1 r, I, w'.ul nil 4 !h I I I nor. W� I, !his %& It ve as :11m funds or tprim it %
<br />wcure4 lh re the futal affoun, principal debt n 1z, CXcxcd 41 arIV Igm, ,7W.TrIa; amount i hm morirAu
<br />25V', C ctot-
<br />4 A
<br />STATE (k NEIKA*A,
<br />0
<br />(DUNTY (M. HALI v day A C -'0 1,- 6 S . b6ofe --w.
<br />L !I-r urIdv%zjmco, a 1`uhb� ir� and im �d t unt.v. ptrsonail.% ,2rm
<br />'im Griminger and Patricia Kay Gra=rusiger, i�each in �Izs arx� rx--r -Y.Ti,,rignt and d5jW
<br />usL
<br />each other,
<br />"r III he Ifffl kTItKAi jar mm d'j,k, j 14!-
<br />w Tivix I aXT-.
<br />.5 sewudlw av
<br />ayKFM.ew' "d OT $illy, di {, 3 k rat fl u 1,t ti e I r —lum;i11 act
<br />WITNI's." m. wo ito"! N"falial 41 "11, Ajit • &OL�
<br />Op
<br />