<br />N 77
<br />00537; _•.._.
<br />Rule ZIU ptu bp Z Vase ts, 7i54 Whereas, In an edion in tle Dub-ad Court of tow
<br />$1 eyFilth--- __..Jaditiol District of the .Skit of Nedraeia, wAin andfor the Cm of. _ ------- - ---- --HA_l - -- . - - -- - ---- .. .__.. wherein
<br />First Federal Savin s and Loan Association of Lincoln
<br />- - - -- -- - -- - - -- - - .Plairot +jl- and
<br />Gerald G. Morisch and, Mary.. E., Noriseh.First ,Sayings C�mganv,., Et .al., ,_ -_- defendants.
<br />- ._ . -- ._
<br />eJanuary 1sL _- ._,Terra A. D. f9R5., of said c»urtFirsL Federal Savings and Loan Association
<br />lidoilaiaadsedemF +dd7t/rltheeisdarfrom Gerald
<br />G. Morisch anrt.`lary..£.- .Moziach
<br />AN of Lincoln
<br />First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Lincoln tlwsum
<br />A. - - -- -- - -- -- ..... _._._.... - ... ... .. _ .... - - __ _ - -. _
<br />�Fifts_- aiz_Thnusancl.F�ur - iiunrlre� _Nfnetx -twp a ^�. G�3f�.��! �5��,'!��..�?� _ _ ...dollars.
<br />and costa of suit tatter at_ - .-. --. _...- ._._.... ..... . - -- .- _ _ -__- .. --- _- .. _ _. dollars, and, wher[as. it was Ilan and them
<br />jsw-Aw' ordered in the said action that in default of the payrneni of the sum so f ound due !.y fee said___Gera l d C. Mn r i -- e n and
<br />}inTi.sch _ _._. ._ ... _.... _._..__ ...-- - -...__ _that_ --.. -- - - Charles Fairbatics.,_ _ ...
<br />Si riffgf said County of- Jiall should cause the lands and tenements hcmir:af!cr desrribed io be
<br />adeertixed and sold according to law io pay the same. arui, whereas, default baring barn made lfierrin, the said....- .._- .... -.. _..._ ..
<br />Charles Fairbanks ......,�hcriT of said county. under and by riefue &f the sett decrer and
<br />the order ofsakto him duiv directed, did onthe...___ -_1 L?. _ day,,' August- _ ... _ -_ A. Is. 148`
<br />City rand IslanA
<br />at the. Inver. f. ..- .lahb kit rf the Caursly t.vw! house .r t!r ... . -_.. -_. . _. of ...__ ..._.
<br />in said C.aanty of ...... ..... . . ....Hall ......... -. -.. - .... . haringrsst gisen due and legal rwlw of tie lime and purr of sacd sate
<br />Gram Isian,1 '.?aily I11dependent
<br />by puldiration oner !n Both nrek For /nv ..-urrr,;sir, rrv•r k.a n ! hr.-.___.. .::._- ...._-_-..-__-- ._._�__.._ .- -._. a nrnxpaper praded and m �,rrnrmi
<br />eircu&dmre in said County cf........_.. - Hall, -- -- .--.., "ll said premise at public auction to_. Firs t.-- ge,q -ergl
<br />Say; gs. ante- F,OW71.Asso.c aL2.Cn. :...- Lircoln... _ -.. torihesama ;._Sixty -nne -- hnusanr? Eight liund,-
<br />re!;- Ninety_ a.nd 97'100 �. 61_,5 -9 n 97`_ ------ _- dollars, which sale was aflrmwd al Do._ .an.- 31t -_ -- -Term oesaid court.
<br />A. D., 19 -3 examined and ron meld and the said- .- . -_.._ - -.... Cha 1e 9... Fa_rbia_rhS. - - -... - - such Sheriff, <xdemd
<br />' +�st Fer?eral Savin s ar.a Lean Association. It Lincn_n
<br />b earmry the said prrmuKS in fee simple iv tl¢ said.. � �....�._ _..._... .. .� _... ._ - - . - -- -.--_. -- � - --
<br />Aohl i9terefore, 1, the said__._ _.. __ _ Charles Fairbanks Sheriff of the Cours{v of
<br />w aforesaid, in consideration o f the premises and by r&iue of the foams resled in ne by lac and the
<br />v'rst Fe^?e -al avings ana L ^a^ r-gntiatl. ^n
<br />jeerer of said court, do her*, Give. (,rant and Caaney to the said_ _ "
<br />`'f s_nco n —_.... -_.. __...._ .... - .___.. _.._ -.. heirs crud .,rigs, the p.,-emurs su as afrsrsamd so.d, w wit:
<br />Lot Fourteen (14)s Le Heights Fourth SLb4iviSiorm hall ."unte, Nebraska
<br />-STAMP. TAX-
<br />_-- __._..__._................. .._ ... __.. ....... ..- _....._. _- -_ - _ _. With lhr appurtenances.
<br />go *8be Anb to *Gib the &aMt untothe ad First Fresera _ 5avingr and '
<br />an _-
<br />Association of Lincoln ,- ._ ..... heirs and assigns, and to them and their uar and bdm wAf forma.
<br />38 geghmonp Wbereef. I bar, as such .Sheriff. ar ff. hereun set my ;rand thia_.. __. - Z2nd .... aay of
<br />October _..A. D.. 195 -5..
<br />Esm" and driaw in the presenm of Hall
<br />Sheriff of --- ------- ...... ...._._.__. GrAP11•. A'ebrasha.
<br />R.L. *!U1140%.__.._......._..._. -.. ___ ................_
<br />J on uu....._ 217.1d.. .- ..- day ,f
<br />Cash gG--_ _............Hell _.__._........ ...
<br />.
<br />L. in and f w said cwurdy, personally appeared the met _
<br />Charles Fairbanks Sheriff efsaidCounby,
<br />!o me persorally krawn to be the identical person who signed the foregoing instrument as grantee, and
<br />lie acknowledged the name to be his eolantary act and deed. as such sheriff. for the uars and pwpow
<br />(\ y 0mrsinsetforth.
<br />UtiilesN my land the day ardarrar�asesC',�'�' '^'
<br />