TAW, Wheraw, In an action in the Dairsd Court of the
<br />Eleventh -__.Judiaml Ditirol of the SAwArqfNebradia, within and for the County of ------------
<br />- ----------- --------------_---- .. wherein
<br />First Federal Savings. anci ^Loan ----- - -------- ............... and
<br />G. Wa ne *Ick and S' I n Mnl e &I
<br />-------------J- ck . ..... t ......
<br />-------- ---
<br />49 TOM, A. 1). 19-U., ion,
<br />did d6kin a dMerfutdow Aw am ir MnIck of Lincoln
<br />Firstehezal- ._Savings -anti- roan AA�ncistion, Li
<br />------- alp
<br />nr - -------------------------- I - - ---------------------- the sum
<br />4f_S_AV_CDtY.__Tan- - Thousand __5Ux Hundred-9.eywity Kine_._artd 02I.ID-0 C$ _72-6-7-9-0-2-2
<br />- --- -------------- - ------- --- --- ---------- ... ...
<br />---------- --------- ____ ... . ............. .. ................ .......... ...
<br />------------ -
<br />------------- ------ -
<br />................. - --- ---- -- ---- ----- — ------ ---
<br />and onfrof suit tamed at. -- - -- ------- - ----------------- - - __.dollars, and. wherc=, it was the. and 1h,
<br />in default of the paynient of Ihe.. found dut, i-y vie
<br />jwww ordered M the sad ad.. V.1 and
<br />Sharlene J. MrIck - ------------
<br />----- ------- ----- ................ ...... ----- ---- ----- -----------
<br />Slwdr of so id County of ------ ........ - ------------- . . ....... should route the lauls and terteneniv !l.arjrr j—i6ed j hc
<br />41116—iwed and sold acwrding to law to pay the same, and, wherms, default having been made therein, lire said....__ -.
<br />Charles Fairbanks
<br />------- ---------------- 1'____ .......... I - --------- ------ Sherif, of said county, Under -Id by erriw' of the said decree and
<br />Me wvkrqf sale to hint duly direded, did an Me_
<br />do yo f ......... Ij. I!,
<br />at ih ..... Iqyer lnbbv
<br />.)WWMW of the Counly Court [louse it, the.
<br />y_ I I .- I—. of - -----.. - - --
<br />in mid County of.... . ........... _.__..Hall... -__.. _--_. --_. _.. _ having first green due and iegal twiWe of the tone and pto'. of
<br />said sate
<br />IkY P"blicaltor, one• in eue),,-Fk fortott, i,j Is 1. an!! Da_i I , In-lependent,
<br />...................... ------- - - ------- :. a newsloape, printed oral i, general
<br />carcuiaiian in said County 1161 .- ....._._...._..._...._...._ ------- sell said Premises a1 public auction
<br />__LPAP AjR!iO.CiaUO!G. .0L.Lincair --------------_ for lite Start of- __Z_P_'zP_r _I.
<br />Hurvlreel Sever, Nine and DO(S7R 47
<br />............ . ...... ... .........
<br />wit izi, sail wa,t of terwaed ai 1h ... ... of so td 'CO i.
<br />A. D., 19 examined and confirmed and the mid -- .- . .. ........... Chat lets, -Faix_hajkE___ luch Shefir
<br />I ordered
<br />Jiocorwry the -idpreinars inji, sunjol, tolh, ttatdf.irslt Federal Sfivingr an-I Loan Asrnniat-�on of Lirtr 1
<br /> .... .... ......... - - _ - _t'
<br />10AW Zbenfm' 1, till it, Charles Fairbanks
<br />Hall the Count,• of
<br />.. . ............... ...... . ... ...... .. us aforesaid. in cormideratign of the prmijes and 1,.y ""'W' Of the X-w- taste( In me by law and the
<br />decree of said court, do hereby Give. Grant and Conmy to the saa,-F irF t Federal Savings an-I Loan eissne:cc* nn
<br />------ ---------- --------- -- ...
<br />of Lincnln
<br />...... ................ ------------- :r, and assigns, the P"Miffir-I az oforemill arid. it, Wit:
<br />Southwest Quarter (M-) of 9ectinri Two
<br />....... .......
<br />Tmqn-;h--"T I
<br /> ---- -------- - Range
<br />t.he.6t.h lial', C;Ounty Nebraska
<br />. . . .... . ..... ...
<br />STAWTAX-
<br />-OCT
<br />-- - -------
<br />-
<br />2
<br />........ .............. Wim IjW a"PuTirna"W,
<br />90 ftn Anb to *81b tbr 6011Mt unio th, mid, Tir.F.t
<br />A"Mwiation of LinenIn dn� j'.'OAj"
<br />- . .................__...... ..............._..._.......hers andattign" u to them and fimu- use and be*uqrforew.
<br />32 W49iMOnV 3P*rrot. I hare. as such .Sheriff, heMU,&&, "I rt'VWnti tfjis
<br />October fik- Of
<br />_A. 19E71.
<br />EMMUded arid eirlarred in the Imegetter of
<br />R. L. William Shelff Of ......... Gtouni'v, fvebju&�U.
<br />on
<br />wore nx, th, urk'i'W.L ............ nrldp'e:
<br />L"I and Jar and ""M0,,,Wr@onaliy, uppestrd the ,jtd
<br />�harl.ns Fairbanks
<br />M FW f#fF#OfMajj' knoull J,, It, idenieal ?react wla, seeds( (hr he a4twuliffigal Me sad' (4, or h" Twunk?, act and deed, W such issetrumbent a, grungor. and
<br />40""An self":, uch 94-Ifffal the I"M ar"I Parr"M
<br />Y horul
<br />wr-11
<br />L .. . .. . .........
<br />two* it ft
<br />J
<br />