B5-- 0053606.10
<br />U'NaFoRm Co% I - 'yNis
<br />L Paywienit of Principal and Interest; Privpayrrlent and Late I'harges.
<br />the principal ofund mivre,i on thcdebt evidenced by the Nort� and an - \ TL:FLjVTrleT)1 and �:r:Irzc, JuL! 4ndci :i%.
<br />2. Funds for Taxes and Insurance SUbjecli"WUPP110�NV111%� �rioi�riilczi%%ar.ei
<br />to Lender on the day moritfili, payment, are due under the Nn •• LiTill] OloNoic P:41d -111
<br />one-Twelfth of" W yearly taxis and assessments vkhOl TIMM JTIWTI pnon:, o%er ft, ir'i I !rk
<br />leasehold payments ter ground rents cot 1he Properti, if any: i--; yearn hazard 111I,t1rXI•C PrCYTJ,1Ti`),: :Ulj lk4;�
<br />morlgw msuranoe premiumt,. if any. These items are ,,lied "ecrou nLins." I.L!ni;:T Tina,, estimate i,!e Fun,], J111: a nt
<br />hasis ofcurrient data and reasonable estimates of fun "re escrow ;,. cm,.
<br />The Funds shall he held in an institution the dep(isiis 017 ace ousts (If 'A h1L:h 4% illItil-tJ Or fo lV7c.
<br />state agency i including Lender if Lender is such an institution 1 Lender shall app] the I".j., 4, pad , I he 1, !;LM,
<br />Lender may not charge for holding and applying the Funds, analyzing the account err vrnfN in v the oscr,,v% i:crils, _�n !L-S,
<br />Lender pays Borrower Interest on the Funds and applicable ]a" 'perm!!, I. ender i c; make such j - fi_t ce, Bo-To-,k Lr jn,,;
<br />Lender may agree in writing that interest shall he paid on :fie Funds. Un)es,, an a-,r-emcni i,, n,,A6e _or 3ppfic: tl_, tau
<br />requires interest to be paid, Lender shall not he required lo pad BorrmAer LiM Mle"C"I IT 'Tl III,:
<br />%hallgivew Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting :)f the l'und, Fond-
<br />p1JTp0Wf0T which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are picciped a, iiddllwnal eciirlt%
<br />this Security Instrument.
<br />If the amount of the Funds held bN Lender, together unh the f',11UTL morohli pzi�meni,, (,fFurjd,,i paisiNv T-71-7
<br />the due "Ics, of the escrow items, shall exceed the amount required to pax the escn,)cl Item, -,%loin due.
<br />at Borrower%, opiton. either promptk repaid to Borrower or credited I,, Borrn%%er on pa}mrn:, L,f FL;T-,,!, If._.
<br />amount of the Funds held b-N 1xi-ideri,not sufficient iopay the escrow iiem,. tit n
<br />t;lZr ,h it Pat, ' Lz:rldc-
<br />amount necesiar\ to makeup the deficiency in one or more payments as I u b,;, Lender.
<br />Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Insii un,C.n!, Leiiccl shall pi-ornpTIN 7-efUrldi 1, 13,1T7,1v1_
<br />any Funds held b% Lender. If under paragraph 14 the PTc)perix is ,nld or acquired I,\ ?_ender. Lena c_- shall at p. .:n,
<br />than immediately prior to the sale off lie Properi ' I, Or Its dCqU11,1ti0Tl by I vndtcr. a- n FL:iidk hv7d i,ti Lt-nd�,7r :1, 71,. �rnc
<br />application as B credit against the surrissecured b\ this Security Instrument.
<br />3. Application of Payments. Unless applicable !a" provide: olheru ise. -ct -e.:c1Nvj IS I
<br />paragraphs I and 2 shall he applied: first, to late charges due under the Note: sec,,Tid, t,, prep ti VrCT17 '"Lra LfuL' _trader t1,r
<br />Note: third. to amounts payable underparagraph 2: fourth. to mieret JLIC: and 13"l. Jut!
<br />4. C%wW_r Liens. Borrower shall pay all Taxes. USSessMenTs. Vhargeh. fines and ln,!T,011110!1, attrihutahle t. life
<br />Property which may attain priority \ over thi�, Security Instrument, and le-a%ebold PJVMVTIIs OT UTOUTIJ if Lin%
<br />Borrower ,,hall pax these otifiganon, in ih° manner pro% ided in paragraph :, or if not p2id a, :ha! TTLiTITIVI", borr, vleT shat!.
<br />pay them on time directly to the person owed payment. Borrower shall prompil% furnish in l,t-ndv- all 11,114-L, j 7410 U T'.'.
<br />to he paid under this paragraph If Borrower makes these paymen!,, direct h. Bi)rT(A., hill prompfl_h vnjc:
<br />receipts evidencing the payments
<br />Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has pnoritx o% or ihi, Secure N I !:Nt, r; u%!nl Bor-k,-A -_r ! -i I
<br />agrees in writing to the Payment of the obligation by the lien in a manner acceptable %, r: (h I cnntestn In Z, 10C
<br />faith the lien by, or defend-, against enforcement ofitie licr in, legal proceeding, which m thc 1-en ivr', min4m I,pvr - 1- 1"
<br />prevent the enforcement of the li!:T) or forfeiture of any part of the Proper.II: OT -4:1 11:Ci,-t'l :,om iinc holder of the ?:L,.l an
<br />agreement satisfactory to Lender suhordinwmz the lien in ',hz,, Sccur!,r
<br />Iris*. rUrneill if LTizic- Jvicrmlnt, M
<br />the PropcM is subject to a lien uhich ma} attain priority over Ili!, Stcurit} I_1_ILit:T --!%r
<br />Rz7�!,�L!T :i
<br />notice identifying the ht-n. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take wic f::-1* . :,n
<br />ofitiegIVIngol' notice.
<br />S. hazard Insurance. Bi,r. ower ,fia I I keep the impro , cmct; I, i,, nk ':\ 1',11 ITIE! 'T in TC,111 V7 C v.:: L I!! L r
<br />insured against i,,ss by . fire. hazards included within the term "e), terided co% erape" and an,, of her hI 11. IT 1A n-1, I _1 C:1J::T.
<br />requires insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in the J171:1- - rl 7',L! f"T the neri;Id, that I
<br />Insurance carrier providing the -llSAlr:1nCV hall he chosen h� Bw-r,•%VT 1Ui)tCL': !I- 1 01c l
<br />1c17 7unreasonably withhold
<br />All iTlSUrAnCC POI)CIV, and renewals shall he acceptable to Lender ant 'hail lil'ilio• j ;-mIrlgJzc
<br />Lender shall have the right to hold the policies and renewals. If Ixndcr requires. I3ITT1I1ACr
<br />all receipts (if paid premiums and rvnctital notices. In thcc%cm ,f loss, BoTrowcr,liall
<br />,:arriffand Lender, Lvndcrmak make prtx,f of loss if not made rnntpt ly by Boirtn%ei
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, lrisurum:c proccvds shall he JPVhed 07 TVI""11
<br />of the Property damaged. if the restoration or repair is economicallN, feasible and securiii i, :I,,*, lc,scned It !it.,
<br />restoration or repair is not economically feasible or Lender's security would be ;o,wned. the msuT'XI,C j)T0CV1-CiS 11.111 he
<br />applied to the sums secured by v 1his, Security I Instrument, whether ol" not then due. with any cx,:c%s riai,:i to HI,rrt,wr-. 1;
<br />Borrower abandons the Property, or does 17101 ;ITIS%CT within ',0 days a nonce from Lcrider that the :'Witir:AnCe -arrier has
<br />offered to little a claim. then Lender may collect The insurance procceds. Lender may use itic procved,, ,, repair ,,r
<br />the Property ar I(, pay sums secured by 111i'I Security Illsi!u'ricill. whether or 1)"T Ifivil due Thc 1-J.'Ix
<br />v6blen the notice Isgi%crj. PCNOd hvj!IT�
<br />Unic". Lcride-rand Borrower oill• agree in witting. anx appliva"'IC'n 01';'1`1-cot:d, I'' PTITII:IPJJ shall 71111 CNICNJ '!
<br />rK'#Ap0tic the due date of the monthly payments reftrred to in paragraph, I and 2 : IiA: ;o7wui,T A the ;Ia} mv-_7, li
<br />under paragraph IQ the Proper) 1% acquired by Lender. BOTT01,%er," right jo aTl% lnsUlilMe poll"ICS and p-
<br />. o. vej, v 17!
<br />from damW to the PrfiperTx prior to the ac(4111011 shall pass to lzildcr , , , t h e 'ctivni of The w ii, ic,ill C*d! h, ,n:, St, L;i li
<br />Instrument immediately prior to the acquismon
<br />6. Prewwrtion and Maintenance of Propeny: Leaseholds. B, rT I �A cr , h.: i! 71"! ot: T1 ,. , %1 T!1" 1:1 i
<br />change the Properi%. ailo% the Property to deteriorate or t�orn in ii A asie 11 1h! , s,-, ;!;,! , I rj,i 1 lj;! ".Ti 1 1: t ci,. ;,1
<br />Ekytrower shall c(,vrr.p]N with i fir pit i% jqoris of the lease. and if liorri"A VI a, t411;! C', fee I zT iv I,
<br />fee title shall not merge unless Leader agrees to the mviyvt In "ruing
<br />7. Protection of Leader% Rights in the Prt)PCTIY; Morlizage Jn%urancv. It lio!:a(-r
<br />lTIYI`UInVrII, ,,r !hoe L-V ;1 ! -!%o III,$%
<br />Lender's rjghl% in the Proriml, 1,,uch as a prt:,L-t• inp in fiarli,711pto,
<br />Irfullilloll-0,1hen LJurrna} do grid pax f"TAfiale%el I1T)CL'm,.jr% !h( lu, "I Til i'!,,;Ivf', .111,: I c ndc?
<br />in the proe'virt♦ I.Cniarr's act)"fl, 11r)a% jtj,-jUjr pjyjljp dj1x U71III AI!), 1_11:.
<br />Instrumem,appCarlur tat lut.i. tees and t:T)jvIl1i1v „Tl 'fit !Tj.!kt Tv p."!, %:III
<br />L Letidertruix IakVJL!WTl under ". I vndvr dom,Iwi ha%vl, d,, •
<br />Aux ifMOU111', dl4hlJIsCd bx Fvridc? undVI 71111 h, !,i, 1�,!I J, K;
<br />SK.,vurl!" fil'irtrnt-Tl 1,71v", HfI!1M,VT tilld I vl!,lVr jpIlIc
<br />Ittv ,Sant
<br />:4, I'llt .+nd "hIj;1
<br />pti mcid
<br />M
<br />