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85-- 005356 - <br />ADDITIONAL TERMS <br />PRE.PAY?1F:NT AND ACCRI Al. OF'rHE FINANCF. CHARGE: I -yen though l paynn'nt, a hace the right <br />to prepay the whole amount ow ore to you in f ull at ;try time or in pan tram time to time. If the !endhn_� ui,uwunn+,r hank drat hut, r,-o. v. luracI compares (tic I iaan.e charge <br />dads, I know• my finance charge ±rill he less if] make an earl%paN nreni. and it will he higher it t pay tale: I also rccn,_nve that any ne: c,.ary adiustment io my total finance <br />charge will the reflected in my f tool bilk 1 a!ur km w flirt thz amounts shown on the reverse side for the limn Charge. T ail of Payments, andthc Total Sale Price are esti- <br />mate- ha,ed on the assumption that you will receitc rc h of the payments exactly- on its due date: and I know that there wd• l h no refund if I prepay becau,e there is nothing <br />to refund if 1 am charged on a daih basis. If the lending institution or bank does not compute the I inane charge chili -, and it I prep;» the whole amount, you will refund <br />to me the unearned portion of the finance charge t interest t by the accounting procedure known as the actuarial method; and the amount of ma rebate will toe figured on the <br />scheduled dates and amounts of my monthly payment and not on the actual dates and amounts of the prepayment that I pay to you. 1 know [fiat a refund of less than Sl.dx) <br />it l not be rn8de'. 4 4 = # <br />IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT WARRANTIES: <br />(a) We as SELLER HEREBY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, OF MERCHANTA- <br />BILI AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ON ALL GOODS AND SERVICES UNLESS SELLER FUR- <br />NISHES BUYER WITH A SEPARATE WRITTEN LIMITED WARRANTY OR SERVICE CONTRACT MADE BY SELL- <br />ER ON ITS OWN BEHALF (WHICH, IF MADE, ACCOMPANIES THIS CONTRACT). <br />(btlhav Bread. in detail. the separate ­10-YE-AR LIMITED 1v'ARRAVT) ' eta il iI oade.accontpa ",thtcn r a ! hevplauntheconditionsandcfrcum ,lance, <br />in which the manufactured products wdl tx: repairedonepiaced. I tide notice of the lomi anon,on rho w:uranrh and I paln,ularh recognize that um irnpliedwarrano which <br />applie, to the good, last- Iva, long as the wartanR or sen-i:c contra: t. <br />Ic 1 I have read. in detail. the separate " LIMITED INS FAI.I_ATioN W ARRANTI "' "hick. it madc. eco"llpaoie, this contiact. It explains the conditions and cir- <br />cumstances in which the instalLuion of the siding w ill be redone. I take nolrec of the limitation, nn the warrant%. and I par[nadarlt recognize that any implied warranty which <br />applic,to the tn,tal ]at on asts,.,n,Nash+nga,the-warranty IT cr%Icccontract <br />SPECIAL-ORDER GOODS: I know that you h.o'e measured ,,, house and its openings "t lhau you can m,:ke• the products tin fit my panicul ar house. I tape rxaice that the <br />gods that are manulaemred for nn specific hou,e prohahh will nut tit .tilt other house•,. and under such conduwn,. I know- that 1 cannot cancel this contract at ans time <br />after the periodof time gas en Lt me. hs !aw . an which to cancel. Atterrhai Icgal period of nine. I know rhea I hat e the obligation ro pay x ou in full the amount owed. <br />OBLIGATIONS PERTAINING TO PROPERTY INSCRANCE AND Y11' REAL ESTATE: I I rwousc to keep my house in goal repair and to keep it insured for <br />.It least 8f K'S of it, replacement value by but ine a tire and evtended con cr a • irnuramc policy. — the m,urance omipam must toe approved by sou, and the pcdicv must have <br />a banefrciary clan,- which o, that you arc to he paid it there i. a o,,. fire m,urana <: nrp :tin- mu,i agree that a will not cancel my pr+hcy w ;thou[ first telling you I au- <br />thorize the tn,uramee company io pay xou directly !ter air, loss. You can choo,c• m u,e this ir.,urmce ray meat to etcher repay any antrum. I owe you or to repair my house. <br />1 have three option of pro, ntng nropern insurance through an exrsnmg pnhc t nr rhnn :ph a Ikdrey independently obiamed and paid for by roc. 2. 1 also promise that f w ill not <br />allow anyone else to place arts lien, om my real estate svuhout your "ritiell 1 c•n 1 „ion.. ? _ I protmw to oat ail tare,. assessnrunls and other charges nn my real estate -Abell <br />due. 4. t promise w timely make all pao Incur m my prior loin, cured hs nt% read rn a ako pnannc that I will not extend renew or chan_ a prior loans without %our <br />1%Men pemris,ntn `. If] to not inure my hou,e rn ttdfill nit otherohlivatioll, !o n r real estate then you can do II for me If \Litt w ant (but x'ou dot no hax'e tot. If Noll do <br />pay any of these ohlig:uion, for nc. I agree a> pan you hack nn demand piu, 1me1C,1 al the inghrst Los till contract rare tit inlet ";, t :ntd I pay you balk, these amounts "rill <br />be adrkd to m , debt io you which r, secured by m} real estate and hnu,e. I i :roe :h :,t -1 ­u dc, :de to 11w. m,urm,e for nu that sou do nor have io obtain any homeowner <br />orliabilm in,urance. <br />SALE OF )11' HOCSE: I promi,e not to ,ell, lease or en c my hou,c ,, tin. nnc tort I I h ::r e rnlP. repmd my dcht u, rot <br />DEFAULT: I will be in default under this contract if: <br />1. I don't make a payment when due; or <br />1 T break any promise I made to you in this contract, or <br />3. Somelhingelse happens which causes you to believe in good faith that I du not intend to pay- you as promised; or <br />4. 1 default to any obligations for which I am using my home as collateral. or <br />5. Something happens to my house which threatens your rights. if any, in it, <br />IF it AM IN DEFAULT: I understand that you have the right to f t eclose the %iortgage I have given to you and have my house sold to repay any amounts 1 owe you if 1 <br />am in defauhsnderthis contract. Before my house is sold, you will do even thing that the law requires. If%ou hire an attomev to assist you to sell my house, or. to sue me, <br />or. to protect yy��wr 60ft I agree to pay you for your reasonable attorneys' fee, and for other related expenses such as court costs. tale searches and [Honey you expended <br />to protect my horse- tf you are allowed to collect such amounts bylaw. <br />OTHER RIGHTS: We can chase not to enforce any of the rights under this contract as often as we want without losing them. Or. we can delay enforcing any of the rights <br />without losing them. We can also use any rights now or in the future given to us by law. <br />DELAYS: I know that you will use your best efforts to install the products I am purchasing on my house. but I also understand that in some siluauons you may erscoun[er <br />delays that arc caused by strikes. weather conditions, delays you have in obtaining materials. or ,r other reasons that are beyond your control. I understand that you will <br />not lie liable for such delays. <br />ARMTKA71ON: If 1 have a dispute or claim with you concerning the quantity. quality or performance of the products, I understand that my dispute may be submitted to <br />and settled according to the mediation - arbitration program that may have developed in my community. 1 also know that any decision made by an arbitratorlsi would be en- <br />tered in the court having jurisdiction over me and you. <br />S.AIA AGE 1'AI -f E: I know that the u endow,. woodwur k. ,rdmg. hack .rod other mawnal, chat Iliac to he remit ed by you Litt this :rot lLuton have NO salvage value. <br />When you remove them. y ou c an has them lo, w liar,scr, pwp,„r duu a ant. <br />SPECIAL SITUATIONS: Due to the uniqueness of some of the products that you sell. I understand that in special situations that your Regional Office may have to review <br />and accept this contract. I also understand that this sale occurred in my home and that you and I may not have had all the correct information important to this transaction <br />atourfmgenipsa give you my consent to correct any obvious errors that may have occurred when the blanks in this contract were completed. <br />'INVALID PROVISIONS: If any provision of this contract violates the law and is unenforceable, the rest of the contract will be valid. If any part of this contract requires <br />PaYr"M of mtort i"Wern than dre law pcmaits, then you will only have the rightto"441 from me the ansoum of interest which the law allows vat to collect <br />COMPI- FTENE$SOF THIS CONTRACT: This contract can onl,, he changed if both you and I agree in writing. <br />• <br />,t <br />