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_ s <br />- - - - -- - - ------------ <br />knots ZLU On by Zbtgt Pre MM, That, wt... In an adios in the Dulrid Coon of the <br />Eleventh Hall <br />Dssfrict o! the Sbk of NiMosha. wilkin and for the County of.. - ...__. - -__ __ -- _ _ - ...... -_ --------- whmin <br />Comercial Federal Savings and Loan Association <br />- •-- ---...... _..__....__..._ ......_....------....__...._.__•.-•---- --•--- -- ----- -- ---- .— .— .- ---- -- -... --- -- .............- --- --- �iwitf --- as �- <br />s Cameron Fox, Ruth -E. Fox, and Commercial National Bank and Trust Compan_yrn -s <br />.____...-.. - -•-- ......- - - ................... _..-- ---..._... - ......................... ............_...................... 8.. ............ - <br />adriat__ Ianuarlr 1st ................. Tom.A.D.1085 o said courtA ZM =2erQ1.3.)....F9de.Fa1...-d._i11 s- _and -_Lgan <br />did aiisin a isnevr finding tied there is due fwn CAMerCM..Fax.. and. - &uth-.E.... F.oz _ .... .......... Association <br />.. ... <br />Coaasercial Federal Savings and Loan Association The sum <br />�'- - -- -- - --._.. _ -- - - ....... - ---- - -_ _ <br />qf�zty.!!1omr..T'bouaand_ seventy . =-o a and _.011100._ -CS.44..0.71 01) -- --------- _.. dalt� :, <br />__ ------- _. -- ..— - - - -- _ -• - --------------- .. - - - -- ---------- .... .... - - - -- - - - -- --- -- <br />s: and cods of Suit fazed at ... . .. .... . . . .. ........... ..... - -. _- .ddlars, and, whereas, it uas then and there <br />fwdhar ordered in the said action that in default of flip payment of the sum su found due by the said..._ .._Cameron Fox and <br />Ruth E. Fox .............. ...... ._..._ ... ........... .._that <br />__......_....Charles. Fairbanks- ---... <br />- S%eriffof said Coamly ef._... ... .. -.- -- -- - -.. . --- should cause Uu lands and Tenements )urreinafler nteseribrd to be <br />adw ised and sold aeeording'to lam to pay the same. and, whereas, drfardt having been spade therein, the said.-------------- -- . <br />. Char lea Fairbanks .Sheriff of said counly, under and by virtue of the said derm and <br />the order of sale AD him duly directed, did on the, _ ---- __._._. 7th, - .__. _. .. ._ _ _.dayof ......... .QS.t-obCS -------------- - -.. -_ A. D. 19. -85 <br />d oc, lower._ lobby - JLXgpM. of the Caunly Court House in the .- .. -_ City. of Grand Is i and <br />in said Coantvof______ ._..- ....Ralf _- . - -_. _ _. - -. - - -- havingfrstgieen due and legal notice of the lime and place ofsaidsale <br />Grand Island Daily Independent <br />by publication oner in rash urrk for four surrrseiw urrks m The . . . . . .. ... -------------- _.___..__ .... ...._...... a nerncpapre printed and in pricral <br />eirwai lion in said County of - .._._. -.. 1'1al 1 - - - -- . - -- ...... ... -.- ------- sell said premises at public auction to- _.Cq tnmere i a l . <br />Per!.... Savings and Loan - Association. for thesomof Forty. -ere Thousand Seven iun;!red <br />_ ............. .. ..... - <br />F anr!- OO r 100 ($.41.7-50....0.0) .. ......_ ......... dollars, which oak was afienmrd at lhe_. Ja_ n, l st ---.Term of said court, <br />5 Charles Fairbanks <br />A. D., 198 ..... eanmuud and confirmed and flu said..._ ..- . -. -.. __..__..-- ------ _ - -... _ - - -- - ._._as such Sheriff, ordered <br />tooxweythemidpremiwsinfecsinp tothesaid_- ..�2mmercial- .Federal Savings and Loan Association <br />- ... .......... ..-. <br />Charles Fairbanks <br />�3alp 4herefare, I, the said ....... . - -.- . - -.- ..- _ _ , Sheriff of the County of <br />-.Hall .- aforesaid, in consideration of the premises and by virtue of the powers rmkd in me by law and die <br />decree of m idaourt, do hereby Give, Grant and Convey to the mid ___.Commercial Federal Savings and Loan <br />.... _ ------- .. -_.. -. ..._ _ .__._..._...._ _. <br />Association - ^in. and assignor, the prrmisrs so as aforesaid sold, to u•it: <br />- ....- -- _._ . ._....... <br />_ __..._.- -.._.. - ...... -- <br />Lot Forty -three (43), in Wolfe's Subdivision in the City of Grand Island, <br />...... Hall County.,. Nebraska_ <br />_. <br />_ ........... _....- _ _NFBRASKA DOCUMENTARY <br />....... -.. <br />... ... _..... ...... _ ..... -... STg&MENT ATTACHED with the appurkrwrurs. <br />Wo *abe anb to Xpala the Mauve unto uu, aid Cotetmercial Federal Savings and <br />Loan Association ......... heirs and assigns. and to than and their use and betwof fanver. <br />__...._ .................__ �.. y....... ......_.................................... <br />3n �iatanp Whereof. I have, as such Sheriff, hereunto scl my hand this _. _ .... 22nd day of <br />_ ._._........October._.....__... _ . _A. D., 19....85 <br />Eamuled and delivered in the presence of <br />.Sheriff of_.......... _H.a.l.1 ..... ....._(:uanty, lYe6natha. <br />R.L. Williams <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, 29nd October <br />On this... ....................... <br />Crud--.._._ ... ..........4ia11._.._._......... ........ � . <br />19.M...., before me, the undersigned.__.... R.A.dacr". L.... 4ii i.114ma _. . <br />L in and far and county, personotly appeared the said ... . . <br />...... ._,»hsslea...F.airbauks.. ....... ......... ....... Shen;FQf said County. <br />b me pessonolly known to be the identical person who signed the foregoing instru nera as grwaor, and <br />by aekrww &typed the same to be by volrurfary ad and deed, as such sheriff, for the aces and partww <br />a1G►L Nsreirt Kt foelh. <br />laltttttesx my Nana and oFic' the day and arose mritka." <br />aim <br />