RnolvaU Oen by Zbeit 3presento, Thal, j,, be., in an action, in (he District Court 4 it-
<br />Hall
<br />E I e3Z
<br />ant- h__..- ......... ... Judicial District of the &We of Ndmvs&, irighin andfor the Coun�y of wherein
<br />Commercial Federal Savings and Loan Association plainfiff.. - and
<br />�
<br />.... ............. .............. ............... -- ---------- .............. -
<br />Dale E. Eddy and Carla J. Eddy, Husband and Wife
<br />........ ..... .................. ......... � . ........ .. ......... . .. .... ..... ...... .. .. .... . defendwd-s
<br />Tam, A. D. 105- ofsaid mut Commercial ia 1 F ed era 1 Savings and
<br />Loam- A>'s-octatton
<br />iidsioninadmwfindi+ wAdth emisdaefrom...__- D. a. 1. e ily and Cax la j Ed dy.
<br />,,,__......_...--- _.....-° oercial Federal Savings and Loan Association n ------ -- -- i1he sum
<br />....... ... ...... .... I I ------------ ............... 1 ..... ...... ........
<br />e v e n. T b o. u s..a. n-,d. a n.. -d. 8 7--/--lR.O-_. 3 7 _1.800 . ... dollars,
<br />00)
<br />............... ........ ..
<br />— — ------- --
<br />— ---------- ------------------- ------- -- -- ----- * .............
<br />.......... . . ............ ....... ...... . . ........ ...................... ........... ---- ------------ -
<br />and cads of suit Wed at ..... . .................... ------------ ... - ------ --- dollars, and, rMereas, it uas then and there
<br />j1P
<br />fwow ardsvd in the said action that in default of the payment qf the s— soloand due by the said :DA-Le
<br />1
<br />Carla J. Eddy Ch-a.-r..l e.s. Fai-rbank,s . ... . . .. .... ...
<br />fhj ..............
<br />.. ..... .. .............
<br />11 a .................. should cause the lands and tenements hereinafter described to lie
<br />Sheriff of ovid Counly of ------ ---- - --- — -------------- ----------------- .. ....
<br />sold according to law to pay the saitm, and, uthereas. default having bern made the"in, the mid
<br />adverth"d and
<br />Char - l - es Fairbanks I;heriff of said counify, under and by virtue of the said decree and
<br />--------- --------- ---- -- - --- .. .. .. . . ... . .. .. . . ... . .. ..... ... ... . - ------ ------
<br />October 85
<br />Ae order of sale to him djjtA- dinecled, did an ih,,. ........... lq-t ........... D. 19.
<br />lobo b b y *Mai *W q the count, rouct 11., it, thi q. C T- a. -n.d I.s.1 a.,n.A,.
<br />q 11 i at V.JRY��r .... .. . ... .. i t_y._
<br />F-41, i in said Courdy Of ... ......... 1xmingfirst given due and legal rudice of the time and glare ofaidsale a-A
<br />T E for nwre than thirty days prior am. in the.G.rand ._J.s la n.d,,,:R;i ily Inde end en ta neirspaperprimW and in general
<br />Commercial
<br />�Nie
<br />In
<br />Hall at public auction ldC.o r.
<br />eivulation in mid C"inly of - ------- --- ------ ...... ....... sell said premises
<br />Three Thousand N in
<br />Federal Savi and Loan Association Thirty
<br />the sam of ............... .. ... ..... . ...... ......... ...
<br />. ................. -- -- ------- - 1- ------------ --
<br />sale uw aftertatirdatthe.1a.n.. .IS -Z... Term /; /said court. nr�'
<br />1iu to 0
<br />_r._ed..Fp.r ty.
<br />ZI p.
<br />'a irbanks
<br />A. D., J9.55, t=onined and confirmed and the ma G-harle.s.. T -twit therm ordered
<br />pn
<br />ioamwey the saidpresnises infer sirnpL. to the said.
<br />Cornme.r.cial ..... Federal Savings and Loan -As.s.ociation
<br />Aft Zberetart, i, the mid.. CharIes...Fa.ix.b.anks--.. - sheriff of the County of
<br />Iall
<br />as aftersaid, in consideration of the premises and by virtue of therwmrr.v rcsird in nw by for and the
<br />idComtnercial Federal Savings and Loan
<br />decrerof said court. do hereby Give. Grard and Coney to the so . .......
<br />Association Aries and assigns, the premises — as aforesaid sold, to wit M!"
<br />t
<br />Lots One Two (21 and Threc-- (3), in Block Two (2) of Firs an
<br />of Cairo, Hall Addition to tjj(, County, Nebraska,
<br />STAW TAX
<br />�i -HED
<br />AC
<br />OCT 22 196
<br />V,
<br />trith the apparienances.
<br />C 0 In in i� r c i a I Federal Saving f; and
<br />90 Y#AbC SO tO f#01b tbt ibaMt n90 the mid
<br />....... ....... . . ........... .............. . heirs and assigns. and to them and their use and briuwf forever.
<br />3a twimonp Iftred. I hair. as such Sheriff, hereunto ,,,I niv bond this 7 8 t
<br />day of
<br />-4
<br />October
<br />85
<br />le
<br />Executed and delivered in the p"senceof
<br />slwriff of a.1-1. CAjd,.Arbroka. q
<br />?,L. i11 ii11R5
<br />. .. .. ........
<br />On (his.
<br />1 1) 4., r
<br />f9..8,5 .4wfore nu, Me undersigned 1; 1! r
<br />o, armijor said cuunly personally app ewed the said q'
<br />Cha r I o,.,- Va I r ha ri ks
<br />sheriff Qf —al C'4&n4y, ti
<br />to nw;Aonafly kronin to he the iderdwal iorm., echo .ign'd instrunardw f;"ohv, and
<br />IF Ar the tutc, sit powe
<br />heacknoubdit,;( the sane P,), his "tador�yacl ar.14-4, a h di,,i it ur
<br />GA U 61invin ocifforth.
<br />WillItfif "iy lured and,,ffietalo'Alfhcd,jyeitidvror,ilm,re it,oillon
<br />Alm w40 0 so
<br />L IM M
<br />• OWL is at a NII
<br />f qr
<br />",p
<br />p gw-
<br />