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a , a.-. rr ,t.....,77.7.7AI%.Aet••..O.1. oo..•.rracn,♦AOrf. A,walwt wAf • <a♦eetef•.ffaf lw♦ <br />••1'.a •.i •.. • ♦1•! -r •rl I•, ♦. ••ri.♦�h Oh tt.OA i. wAOr �G :•...w �t ♦•w1•ifw wAflf,v. ♦ f! <br />( . <br />(a) 1W A sum equal to the ground rents, if any, next due, plus the premiums that will next become due and payable c,n <br />policies of fire and other hazard insurance covering the mortgaged property, plus taxes and assessments next due <br />on the mortgaged property (all as estimated lit, the `Ifortgagcc) less all sums already paid therefor divided by rile <br />number of months to elapse before one month prior to the date when such ground rents, premiums. takes and <br />assessments will become delinquent, such sums to be held by Mortgagee in trust to pay said ground rents, pre- <br />miums, taxes and special assessments; and <br />(b) (of All payments mentioned in the two preceding subsection. „I this paragraph and all payments to be rnade under <br />the note secured hereby shall he added ingether, and the aggregate amount theieoi shall be paid by the Mtortgagoe <br />each month in a single payment tC, he applied by The Mortgagee t„ the loll ,wing items ter ilrz order set forth. <br />{I} ground rents, taxes, assessments, fire and I,Iher hazard insurance !' e:n!unts: <br />(Ii} interest on the note secured herehy: and <br />(III } (E amortization of the principal of said nole- <br />Any deficiency in the amount of any such aggregate !noniblt payo,Tertt ;hall. unic•s-, rnade good by the Mort- <br />gagor prior to the Live date of the next such }:.: mrlo- :insr.tulc an e%cr,;,,f ucfauit antler tins mortgage. The <br />'.-Mortgagee may collect a "late charge*' not to cxcccd 1,,::1 :eats I -41) : • each •.iol!ar (51 ) +,(caclT nayrnenl ,- ._,I•: <br />than fifteen (15) ciia ;ys it arrears to cover the extra expense involved in h:a;dline delinquent payments. <br />.. That if the rotal df the payment- made by the. 1lonea or tinder rxa/,f para_raph -' preceding shall exceed <br />the amount of payment- actually made by the Mlortgagee for ground rent -, tax(-- and a - -v- meat- or in- uranc(I pre - <br />mium -, as the c•a -e may be, -uch excess, if the loan is current, at the option of the Mt%xtgagor, shall he credited k <br />the Mortgagee on subsequent payment.- to be made b% the Mortgagor. or refunded to the Mlorteagor If, howe%er. the• <br />rn f paragraph _' preceding shall not ble sufficient to pay ground <br />monthly payment- ade by. the Mlcingagcx under okxo <br />rent. taxes and assessment = or in- urance premium -. a- the case may be "hen the -ame -hall become due and pay- <br />able• then the Mortgagor =hall pay Ili the Mlortgagee any amount nece• - -arx to male up the deficieric%. (in or before <br />the dark- when payment of such girround rent -. taxe.. a-- e= -meet- or in- urance premium- -hall In, clue. 11' at am <br />Lime the Mortgagor =hall tender to the Mortgagee, in accordance with the pro%i- ion - of the note secured hervb%. <br />full payment of the entire indebtednc -- represented thereby. the Mortgagee -hall. in eomputing the amount of such <br />indebtedness, credit to the account of the Mortgagor <br />a{M any balance remaining in the fund- ac•c•umulated under the pro%is ions of XA of para_raph _' herimif. if Ihe>rc <br />-hall be a default under am of the proiii -inn- of this mortgage resulting in a public -ale of the premise- 4o%erud <br />hereby, or if the Mortea_e•e acquire- the property olhvr%%i -e after default. the %fort age, -hall ap p IN, at the time of <br />the commencement of such proceeding-, or at Lite time the property i- otliI i -t acquired, the balance then re•maill- <br />ing to the fund. - accumulated under ;P) of paragraph " precedin!. as it credit a_ain -t the amount of principal then <br />remaining unpaid under -aid note. <br />e� <br />+. That The \lortgagor %,II" p.,� gn,und rcr,t,. ulyc,. a„c „ttrnt,. '... : ?cr rale,..1nd other co%ernmental or .nuli:ip.:• <br />charge,. fine,. or impo,ilion,. f%Ir "hip h prm i,ion ha, nor been made heiclnhcforc. and In dcia?dl thereof the Mort ,:cc ❑. <br />pas the,ame: and that the \lortg;rgw a Ili pmnlptl% &IlI cr the o!b fal re:clpt, Therefor to the %for!gagce. <br />�. ]tic Mortgagor oil' pa% oil I,!\e, %%blob !n::% he !e%tcd upon the \loiTg;lgcc , inicre,t in :,id real c,tuc :Ind impro,e- <br />meni,. and %%hich may t e Ic%ied upon tilt, nmriptic -,t Ihc dehl vLtn •d hcichl, !but on•I% 1,- the e,icnt lhat ,uch i% not pmhinn- <br />ec1 h% 'a" :end ualy to the c,lcnT Ihz:t ,rich ill not make Ihi, Joan !;,unou„- hue _,n% income toy. 1[atC t,r hcdci :: . <br />impo,cd on Mlortgagee- ,and will the the• oilicia! rc• :C•ipi ,ho%%inp ,!r :h p ,r, meat % %ith The Atorlg :•gcc t Pon %iolsiion of Ihi, undcr- <br />taking, s,r if the Mlortg:igor i, prohr'rncd h% ;,ny la" nim s,r herc.iticr eu,i n l frorn pat mr the u hole r,r n} portion r,, the aforc- <br />,aid tare,. Ire upe,n the rendering,lf :III•, :hurt %1c cfC l' prohibiting the pa%ritcol h% the NIortpag(,r of in% ,rich IA \c . ,I if %ij, f h,%% <br />or decree nro%idc, Thai are. ;:mount ,o pond hi, the Mmlluawtn ,hall he :rcdi!cd on the m„rlg;,ee deht, the NloiiCagee - h.,ll. t ,\I: <br />the right t„ ur,c nine!% da%,' %%rittcn notice to The o" tier o£ the nn,rtgaged prcros,c,. requiring the na%rnent of the r•„rt g; :ec <br />Licht. if such nelice he ci%cn. the ,aid dchl ,ha!I hc•come due. pai, :ihie and collcarhlc :,t the e,,limown of %aid nines\ d:,%, <br />f,. That ,houfd he fail to pas arm ,um or keep any covc•m -zit pto, idcd for in ?hi, Mortgage. [hen the \lorigapec. :o r, op. <br />tion. ma} pa% or perform the ,acne. and all c\pendiiurc, ,,, made ,h;dl he added to tire pnncipai ,um owing on the .,ho%c note. <br />,hail he %ecurcd hcrehy. and %flat! hear mIcrc%f ;11 the retc ,et forth in the ,aid note. until p:uti <br />Thal he hereln a „iga,. Itnn,fcr, and ,cl, o%cr to Ihc \lnrtg:,cec. to be applied i„%%urd the p:,%mcnl , f [he trot, ,,nd .ill <br />,um%,c,uied hereh% in ca%r of a dufauli In the perform :nl :c of ans of the tern!, :Ind :,aadrtuln, of IhI1 \lortgagc or the , nd <br />note. all the rents. re%enuc, grid meoroc to he dcri%cd front Ili,: mortgaged preri,c, during ,u ::!r nine a, the morlplzi: mdcNo :0- <br />ncss ,hall remain unpaid. !tilt [tic Mor(gagee ,fiat! lm,v pnwcr to appontt un% agenT Ill :uenl, it 11a% do %irc for the purp,,,c of <br />repairing said prenike, and of renung the ,ante ;Ind roRe :tint: the rent,. rc%e•nuc, Tld rncomc. :,no it pia% p::% IM! Of %aid it) <br />,orne, :dl c %per:kvs of reptunng said prenu,c•, and ogle „are commis%um %:ltd eypen,c, n :owed In rcnling and ea;,nagtng the <br />,ame and of ;ollecting rental: fhcrcfrom: The Kilancc Tenc ining. If am, 14' he .tpnlIt'd hI%%;.rd the d„ch ;:ILC• Id ,aid nn,ltg;,uc <br />ndebtedne ", <br />K That he wit! keep -tic impro%einerit, Till" cyntmg ,, herr;,fter ene:tcd on the ,i,- tTLagc,4 pr „i,cr! %. in,invo I, m, ,I he <br />Ieytured from rime to time h,, the \loitg,tgcv ;scain,l ill„ h% fire and other h : :r,rei, ” %ua!ne, ::nd :ot,trngeftcic, uI ,u :n <br />amount, and for ,1101 PORI1, A% riTJ1 he reytined hs the Mortgagee and %%all pa% nrwn.;-N\. "heft prenuunT, or• ,u%i, <br />ni,urancc pro%ivonr for payment of which ha, nor liven made heremhef,ar 411 n,ucilce ,ti, l he :allied in %%Imp,,me, .:, <br />pio%ed by the Mortgagce and the tallicics and renewal, ?hereof ,hall he field h% the \ wIf,:,rgcC .,nd ha%c .,111.01cd rheicl;, k” <br />pavahic % :1X11 %C, in fat of Tit and in form acccplable II, Ili, \1%Irlg;Igcc 11 c,crit I,f !(I„ Morlc.,coi u 111 gl%c 11111nc';ll;iie ?t„iB: e' I'% <br />Iriail to the Wrigagee. wfio ma% make proof of lo„ 11 not Tit :rdc proniplh by Ml urtgagor. X111 c,:h m%ulancc :onlp;rn% .on <br />;,rued i% hcrchy authortzt•d and dirc:ied so make pa%iticn! for ,uch lo„ dirVOk TO Ihc \111lt !gee It.sterd „I t„ IhC \111uc ogrs <br />and the origagee iowlli , and the in„ttalce pr +ILec%I,. or .nT% patl Ihercof. lnal Iv epphed h} file \Motlgagec it n, option either <br />Fill, r <br />So the leduehon of Ihc indchicchrc„ hcra:f -% ,voned or r„ tilt• ic,tor,ihon,'1 icn ur of 1ne pinpcn% dent -,t;cd h1 c%rnt „f h,tc- 1,, <br />Ndry If thi, tnottgaite or (,tftel tian,fe',If title Tt, Tile alorig.1tictl ptoperl% in elnilglll,lmrcill ,11 Ihc Ilidchivitlt”, `e:lilcII <br />L <br />stl right- ink and inicre,T If rile blortptagot m and to s1t nt.ul. :n :e poll :le, then in I„I'v ,liesi t-.P -. is the pu , h,l,cl :n clmilcc <br />Fi. -1 hat :r, ,!ddsntmal ;did o-11me.ra1 ,e :n!1% I „• the t'.: %mrm I11 the noic de” "'tail rw ,,II ,I,•n• T11 hr. bole ,h!c ,del ,1111 <br />- <br />he \1nrtc,.sgvr f -reh% .I„iyrn% III !tic 11,I,pes :rc , ! pn,fn,, Ic%unl%,. r, '• it 'will. I r ;hr <br />� <br />13;,rtk.,1:..t nnlcr .,w.. ,,rd :,.. 01; .Intl I•:,a lc'.I,1 r. %urd (I'snn,c,. : %uh Ibr :vh 1.• n.s I•.- ,I <br />ire >: 4 �s1.1 oriel +lydne,.. v, c-!I tkf rte : aflc'1 ielr,ult I,I the, boat 1, n_t rill, :. _., _.t, ! ., •_-., %, _, :, ..out „ <br />°. 'I IfIJ .. .,e :. v.. .pit. , .col• ., lit 1, .,psi p %• <hli h!o ,r:,!. .. ,. ! . .. ,.,:'.. , ', • , _ . <br />