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85-005045 N <br />1 (a) ft A suet equal u1 the ground rents, if any, next due, piles the premiums that will next become due and payable f,n <br />policies of fire and other hazard incur:utee covering the mnngaged property, <br />its [axes and assessments next title <br />on fLe mortgaged pmprny /all as e.\tlnruted hr flee AlnrtcaRe'c/ Icss all sums a ?ready paid thetelordivided by tile <br />number of months to elapse before one rnonth prior I,. the date when sll,h ground rents. picminns. taxes and <br />assessnlenis will become delinquent. such sums to be held by :1lortgagec in oust to pay said ground rents. pre- <br />miums, taxes and special assessments: and <br />(b)(X* All payments mentioned in the two preceding subsection, of this paragraph and all payments to he made under <br />the note secured heroiiby shall he added together, and the ,pgregate amount thcieof .hall be paid by [he Mortgagor <br />each numdr m a single payment to he applied by the Morlgagce to life lullnwin ,tents ill the older set firth <br />w <br />(I) (bbl gltaulll rents, taxes, assessnlenis. fire MId othci hazard Insurance prenuunls, <br />III) 1 interest on the note secured hereby; and <br />( I I I I anurrwation of the principal of said note. <br />Any deficiency in the amount cli any such aggregate monthly payment shall. unless made good b% the Mort- <br />gagor prior to the duc date of the next such paynle,.l, c,.usiittrtc an teen' :11 default under Iho nwrtgage- The <br />Mortgagee nary collect a "late cIialgC" not 1u exceed I„I;I cats 1-tdt tot .1, 11 e ?ollar ly l ? n? ea;h payment nl,lre <br />than fifteen (t �) Jzl. s u, arrears w cover the extra expense involved fit handling de?Iny iem payments. <br />:3. That if the total of the payment- made, by tilt, llorteaLor antler f ,W tit paragraph 2 preceding ,hall exceed <br />the amount of paameHrt- actually made by the Mortgagee for eround rant utxo- and .i-- e- -meal= or in- uranc•e pre- <br />mium.-, as the va._e may be, -ut•h excess, if tilt• loan Is current. it tilt option of the• Mortgagor, ,hall lie credited by <br />the Mortgagee tin sub- eyuent pat- ment, In be made IIN the Murt,ae;nr, or refunded to Ihc, Moruragor If, howe\er, the <br />monthly payment., made by the Mortgagor under B of paragraph preceding hall not he sufficient to pay ground <br />rent. Iaxe.: and a =,,e- rnent, Fir in,urutce premium -. a- the case Il; \ he whorl the -amt -hall become due and pa\- <br />able. then the Mortgagor -hall pan tit the 1loricagee any amount nee( --ar\ lot make tip the deficit-ncy, on far ht-fure <br />the date \%hen payment of -uvh ground runt -, tare-, a, -e, -merit- or in- urance premium- -hall he due If at an\ <br />time the lionlgagor :hall tender to Ili(- llortgagve, in accordance \\ith tilt- prom -ion- of the note <ect red horeh\_ <br />full payment of rho entire indebiedne -- represented Iherehy. the Mor gJ,- VV -hall. ur eumputin_, the amount of -uch <br />indebtedness, credit to tilt.• account of tile Mortgagor <br />JavjbNty balance rema?nintc in the fund- accumulated antler the pro%i -tun- of i a. of paragraph Y hereof. If there <br />-hail he a default under any of lilt, prod -ion- of Ihi- murinaee re- tilting ill :+ puhlic -ale of if c premi -e- ro\erotl <br />hereby, or if Ilte Mortraget, aequlre- the propurf\ olhor,\i -e after default. the lion;rr_•r.e hall appl\. at the lime of <br />the commencement of -uch pro teedin �,l-, or at it,,, lime Iho property 1- olherui -e- acqulrod. lilt- hala'acv [hen remain <br />ing in the fund - ac•eumulated under I , of paragraph _' prt-redin.j,. u- a credo ;ILFain -t Ili(, amJtnv ul principal then <br />remaininet unpaid under -aid note, <br />�wwflDpbdt <br />�. Ihal the Mortgagor \\Ifl p;n gnnlnld rem`. I;r.e,. a„c „nicni,. ,,:,let ;arc,. .Ind outer co\cnlrrlcnWl Ior inutticlpill <br />charge,. fine,. ,I trnpo,ltion,. hlr ,,hwh plo, haul ha, 111,1 hcen ;nedL• hcic•rilhel -c. and Ili dcf;l";I ihercol the Morlgagec nt:n <br />pan Ihe,arne: and Ihia file %forig.,gl,r ulll pn,nlpil, 'it lncr till otfirl "t re <elpl, Ihc :rl.n f,' Ihc \fl•rlgaecc <br />(he Mortgagor „Ill pa, ell t.:\c` ,;inch mat he Ir, left up:nl !hc \torlclgt'c', urlvfc,T tit ,.ud real t-sime and inlpir,c- <br />racnt,, and irhlch ill :r, he ie•,Ie•d upon Ihi, rnr,ng;lgr or The dlIIT ,c,: urea flue!`, Ihw md, I„ the C\tl•nl Itlal such I, nut pr,!hrhrl" <br />ell h\ taw :111d unl% to the cxicnl that "I.Al ,oil n „I make fill, loan u,unouv. I'll; c,rludnlp ,:n\ mC.v"e I:r\. Slaic or I- cdcl;ll. <br />tmpo,ed on Mortgagee..ind a llt file the 110M.11 TCLCIIII ,hn,t nlc • u, h {,.r. merit a Of the �Iwigaccc i'ptin \ iol.,uon ill Ibis under, <br />Taking, -if it the Mortgagor I, pnlhlhllcd h\ :m% I.n\ lw\\ uI hef, Alcr”, ,],title 1rwn pa,ing lilt dilute nrrm% portion of lilt:.Ilorc. <br />,;tnf tart,. or upon the rendering aI .tin t'anit[ dc•crtc prohlFnnlg the pa, titan h, the \loricagor of ant ,1101 Iesc,. Fir It *uch;,v, <br />or dearer pr-ide, that .,n\ ,noun! •, , p.nd h\ the hill! he , rednc,i on Ihc morliacc ftchi. file Morigagec •.hall fi <br />:', <br />the -I011 It- _L•1A'c M[[[elt if ;: %, HritlCn fIti!ICe• I., the �rv.nel ,11 the Inorl L':o L•t'd prCml,C,. fcyWrink file p::, rin'JI tit the mnlinaRe <br />dchl If N,ch Ill hCC he Ili, en. the ,and dchi ,hall he, me ,?Ill. pal.If,If .Intl a !It'', ill le .,I III, e'`.p11 ,!1 "171,1 •.and mnel, flat , <br />h, [lull ,Ilrl)Id he rant to pay mil ,Jnl ,J kcCp .MN , ,.•:[,nil pro „lded 1of II; 0.1, Mnrl�agl'. !hen Ihc' y1tillvill!Cc..,I It, "g- <br />oon. nlay pay ur prrferlll life ,a!r,e..lml .111 c\I.cnd l nfre, ,,, m,;dc ,h,.I! he added I„ ;ht' f” 11)' q;d ,Jill o„ Inc! fill• <br />I'll ,Ih,,,e rMle. <br />,hall he ,retired hereby, and ,haft bean 1111CIC,I a ncc :,,it: `cl tr.rth tit the ,aid role will; anti <br />' . Ihat ht! herehy ,,sign,. lran,ler, :Ind ,et, user to !ncc ttoll;;:,per. to he epphclt h " rd the pin Till fit of Ihc null .Ind <br />.Ill <br />,am, se•euted hcrch, in case of , defeull Fir the {,cfform. :tile of an, of the tam, ,mi .ondloon, .,1 this %fortg,lpt. „r Ihc <br />note. all the rents. reremue, ant! mt.['Me to he dense,! frt,n! Ihc ! ;llollw.,t d pn'r,n,c, .hlf Inl: ,ucll Hine the nunfgapc mdcl•ICd <br />.I, <br />tic„ ,hall rennin nnp:nd: and the Mortgacee ,h:dl ha,, p.n +c, fo ,lpponit .,In .IL,'nI of Item, It Ina, Besot- lot Tilt' P1111U1,c .!f <br />repairing said premise, find of rcmil!C the -.,mc and "dic,Hnc The rent,. Ic,t'mic, .111'1 nlunnc and II r1M% pay out of ,.od It <br />dome, ;111 expenses of repairing s::ld prc rrler, ,,rid titre,,.: rornml „Inn, .!tie; c,peJ,r, mrnrit-d ill Icnum” .Ind 11"ll,glilt! the <br />same and of o4lecting rental, ahcre•from, the f,•d,olcc rem.•Irmc. If ..n,. I., ht' .:p t,hcd ; (it, Ihs,.hal r . I ,.ud morre.i <br />;•e <br />indehledtic ". <br />M. Shat he will keep the lolpr, > \cnrerrt, non esl,llng u, htl—ficl cic.Ied .,n file m"Ill,lgcd pn,prrl\, minted tiro i,c <br />.a <br />rcqufred from urns to unit by the Morfg,,gce ag.tln,i lu„ ht life end othcl ha ,tlJ,. ,..,",life, ,,Fill tonnnpcnllc, m ,ul ll <br />;uriuunt, anti for such period, a, . nfey he requfrcd h, the Mnitiagvc• .,(Ill \,III;,,,, I,lompfl, ...hcn d"e, an, plcnnunl, on ,Intl <br />insurance provl,ion for peynlent If &IIIJI ha, Hut hecn made hcreinhetorr U ul,"Ier1u shift[ he <br />,,tried Ili ,omp.lnlc, .If` <br />pro,ckf I,,v the Mortgagee ,Ind [lie public•, ;Ind renew :!h thereof ,hall he held by The MI'lle.lece .,;af h,: \c .Ine,hrd Ihclrlt, Ins, <br />p:tYahle 'hili,e•, In f;I%of lot ;lild Ill tooth ;fi., CfILihIv to) Ihl: Mtiftgi,ge't' Ill t•,('lll tit IO_ k1wivaem "III cnc' uliflledl.tit nollic h\ <br />mall to the Morigagce. %till many make proof ,.f lo„ If not nsade Inaoplh, h) Mollgal ;or. and each m,u1.114t• <br />,nmp;nn ,,:n <br />,Ctncd Is hcret,y aurh4Ifired and Ihre.nvl h, nJ,kc pa forth for ,",h lo„ duel[[\ To Ihl \L„Igagre ln,lead of iti tilt 1LJtt:.I;W <br />and the MorlgatpVt• 141108%. and Ihc n,w;in e proceed,. tit ;tit% earl Ihcicof. nut\ he al I 'Ird I,\ till \folu!aF'ct 1•„ , oiler <br />.,I puon t <br />III file reduction tit tilt ntdebu•dne hcich, •c, lord of lu lilt' Ic,tolauon m rcp.ul M Ili( I,rl,;,clr\ I Im.,l cd h1 v\ till of I"T", I., <br />,-lie M chi, Itlnflf.•,.Ig C''Ir other Ir :lll,fe•f l,f Atli' w ffic Il lorig;Ilwd pl'ope'rl\ in v \llllgl11,1111will „f the Illdchled tic„ ,Ct mltj licit 1`s <br />,II right Idle :I led tlllcre,l if the Minlp"g I !it !fill to ,Ill[ !n I1 /: II, I 111 It', III II If I„I I ! p 111 t' I'1Ir♦tl,"cl I 1. 'lll'1' <br />Y f bar a- itliffl .Jai Ind odi lfer If '.Irtl\ f 1 ill l'1, !11 III fd [it, ""t, { „I i` i irw <br />r!1„Ifk lye.. the x11 fIF'Ir�t 1 hcrch\ '1 IF r1, !., the' f ,Ili let 'ill tits.[ I, I<••. 11!1 ,. 11. II 11 i !,t Ili ill, l!I I„ <br />.I� lit I! I If!t <br />%f6,ftP gm w0 r; ;tl\ ,Plid ,111 „11 old ,a, !, I l ­t •.Jd I ! Ill,[', 151111 Ihl III 1 <br />C1:1 <br />111Cin If- •. :hid I, r f .t dnc,�., ',LII ht. t.If< 1, (11'1 1,11,­11 If, It., If dill: ,11, .,! Ihl• •I, -I I,'.,,..' ,i 1. \.to ., 't !..t ,lo ,. "il - <br />�'• <br />1„S.InIt'f.” ... I, ,, f11.'fl1'. .i ht it , ;Ill :..1"I I'.".hi,' !,111 .111,101,11. ,. ,i. I.,I <br />.�. i,' <br />"t'i . 5111 , �, '.rl ,ill I,'I .i .I .1:1,1' 1,!,.I It "wl" <br />