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1 .•JA 1 PI.1 it .Lh .h +.► w , 1R1 CAtf 1Rw wf w w 1 •• a. a ,L 11. 1..1 . <br />' � � 11 -I l.f f�,1.,, t -wd•1 i•( -. •:!„ i ► 1 1i R f•fflt t•rf♦ 1,•i 1U r ,1 t tt f+•fw • ►♦ <br />r'1. ,..•s•1 •••,F 1,'111 /f�+r.•r..l.• Ir• <r•, r.a ..:t f. •t 1.`11 -IJ /•,I 1. •, <br />(a) 6bk A sum equal to the ground rents, if any, next due. plus the premiums that will next become due and payable till <br />policies of fire and other hazard insurance covering the mortgaged property, plus taxes and assessments next Jue <br />on the nxlrteaged property (all as ts[intated ht• the Aforrgagcv' less all sums alicady paid Ihcrefoi divided by the <br />number of months to elapse before one month prior to the date when such ground rents. prentnnn,. !axe, and <br />assessments will become delinquent, such sums to be held by Mortgagee :n bust to pa) ,aid crt,und rent,. pre <br />miums, taxes and special assessments; and <br />(b) brh All payments mentioned in the two preceding subsections of this paragraph and all payment= r„ he made undo. <br />the note secured hereby shall be added together. and rile aggregate annnutt thereof \hall be paid by the Mor ?pagot <br />each 111011th in a single Payment to be applied by :he Mortgagee to the following Items tit the trader 'et ,,Fitt <br />P�K _ <br />(I) bW ground rents. taxes. assessments, fire and other h: /aid msuruirc prenuunu: <br />III) GC interest on the note secured hereby and <br />f I I I)C auwrtization of the principal of said note. <br />Am deficiency in the amount of any such aggregate ntonthiv paynrent \11411. unless Ilradr 21-If h% the \1u; ?- <br />gagor prior to the due date of the next such pay me,,F. tt;nStitufe an e%ent „t default undo: tilt., :n.,rgagc- PIC <br />Mortgagee may collect a "late charge" not to exceed t,a:r cents 00 fw each dnllat IS 1 ! of :.lCh 'ay o,ent <br />than fifteen ( 15) d;tys in arrears to cover the extra expense Involved tit handiure delinquent payments- <br />a <br />:i. That if the total of the payment.. made h} tilt' llortltaeor under Xj of paragraph ° preccdin-, -hall exroed <br />the amount of payment. ac[ull1v made by the 1lorigagee for around rent -, taxi- ant! - -<• -mint- or In -urant t' fire <br />mium., as the ca- -e may be, such excess, if the loan is current. it the option of the Mortgagor. 1hal! :x crtdited hs <br />the Mortgagee on sub- equent. payment- to he made he the Mortgagor, or refunded to the %11)rtp:agor If, ho%%v%er. the <br />munthh pa)mll made by the Mortgagor under 4X of paragraph prc'ccding shat! not he efficient to p.ry ground <br />rent, taxes and a.- e..menl. or Insurance premium -, a- the case mad he %then the -am(. -haft If- )me due and pa\ <br />able. then the Mortgagor =hall pa} to the Mortgagee an} amount necf - -ar% to make up the deficiency , nu or before- <br />the date %%hero payment of .ugh ground runt.. taxi -. as -e- -mint- or in- ur:lnce premium- -11411 be clue if it am <br />time fh[• Mort;,+agor .hall tender to the %lortgagee, in accordance with the pro%i -ion- of the note - ecurvd hereh�. <br />full pacment of the entire indebtedness repre.e•ntr•d therehp. the %lortgaeee -hall. ul computing the amount of -uch <br />indebtedness, credit to the account of file Mortgagor <br />any haianEe n•mainine in tilt• fund - accumulated under the provi- ion - of •X`f paraaraph 2 hereof If there <br />.hall be 3 llE +fault under am of the provi -inn- of lhi- mort_•x ^ +e n•sullin_ in a pubiic -ale of the premi -e. ro%ered <br />hert•h1. or if tilt• 1Ulnaa et' acquire- the proper%% oth<vwi -8 after detau!I. the Murr_agre -hall app%). at the time of <br />the tnmmencement nl' -uch protectlirtg -a or at the time the pront•rh i- uiher%%I -1• inquired. the balance then remair- <br />ing in the funtl- accumulated under ,X %of paragraph '! pn•tedine. a- a <'rediI ag ;tin -t the amount of principal then <br />remaining unpaid under -aid note. . <br />A. Thai the Mortgagor wdl p:,% ground refl. la-s. .,,,c „mint, rr r :ac,.. :n1i othc* ,otcrnnrenta ur munlapal <br />charge,. fine,. or impo,ition,. tut %%filth pw,i,i fn if;,, not hcen mncic hrruni,c ?ure..,no In delmil! [hereof the Mortgagec ni : :% <br />pa% the same and [hill the Mortgagor alit prompik Jcli%i-r the ofh: iel rc,clpi, thcrrf ur ;-I the Mutt^_agcc <br />c The Mortgagor kill pal all tcoc, 1 +hi:h inn% I,, It.,IcJ 11p,,n the Morlg.,gec 'nlcrc•,f m ,.,Id •ca' c,I ;Ac .gnu Impro%e•- <br />mcnm, and which ma% he le•%Icd upon till, rnortgagC „r the Licht ,rcutcd hereh•. ,hot ,mil to the e \tent th41 ,uch t, nut prohihn- <br />ed h% !;I\% and only to the c\ic'nl thal ,uch kill not m,Ac It- !u.In a,urlr.u,t. hat r\cludnlg anv. Iconic tf \. IF Fedcr;Il. <br />impo,ed on Mortgagee- and kill file the oThLI;Il rr:cipf ,Ftow111c ,u:h par, ftient +, im the \lortv;!gec t pun %„ ;IUOn of till, under- <br />taking. or if the Mortgagor i, pruhihued by ;,n% lak no%% „f hcle "Mr c\I,tmg ftom pe%Inp the r. hole• it .I n,, portion of the :Ifoiv, <br />,aid ia\c,. or upon the rcndcnng of any ceurl decict: pr„ hlhtttfry the pa%ntcnl h% the Morlgagr,r I„ .,n% ,uch tn\c,. of If ,uch LIw <br />ur cic,:ree pio%life% that .m`. amount ,a paid h% the Morthacal ,hall he :rcdltc,l .,n the rr,rly :ice Jeht the Mortgagee ,hall ha, c <br />the right to give ninety Liar,' %%open notice In Iht• okncr I,f file murtr:a_rc! P!rnt,r, +cculring !hc p;r%rnenl uI file nufftgacc <br />Licht. If uch notice he gk en. the ,aid dchi ,hail het„ Ill[• due. p : :y able .Ind collc , rlhic .ft the - \piralion of said nmcl% da- <br />f,. That should tic fail h, pa,, any sun, ur keep .111% case, : ;, +!,: plo%idcd till In 'fit, Mol!gage. then the Mollgagec, et 11, <br />tion. ma I, pay or perforn, the wine. and: II c \pendilutc, ,,l n -li: sh.Ill he .idled h, [tic PI Inctp:11 ,llnt I%%IrE kit the .Iho%c note. <br />,hail he secured herch%. anti ,hall hear intere,l It the talc ,ct forth In the ,aid norc. until p;ild <br />That he hetc•h% :IS,igm. transfer, :Ind so, o%c'r to the Mortgagee. to he .1, -shed toward rh% p :I%ntcn, r,f the note .rod " <br />um, ,ccured hereh% in ease of a default In the performance• of .:n\ of the tcr;n, "I'l .,,ndulun, of till, Mortgage ,,I flit, ,;ud <br />note. all the rents. re%enue, and income• to he JCFIl Cd from the e,urlg:Iged prc•nu,•,, Jurinp ,11:11 Ante' .,, the mart ;;silt, nrdel•tcd <br />nc%s shall remain unpaid. and the Mortgagee ,hall h;oc iii -ct n, .,p point oi\.,tccnl .,r nit, ^t, II :nits dc,nc !,n file polpo,e ,,t <br />repairing said premi,c, ; nJ of renting the ,.,mc .rod ,,01elling the rent,. 1t, %coot,, .,nJ 1n,olnc. .Ini it Ina\ p;:\ out of ,aW nr <br />Comes all e\pen,es of repairing ,aid picnu,c, :rod nccc „ar% .nnunl „u at, ,,n,i c \pent,, mswle•d In Icnnng Old managing the <br />,wtic and of collecting tenfats then•from. the h,dancc rem, :mIng. If .011 1, h% .fp {shed i.k_id the dl, :h,itec „f ,,,td lnortgag, <br />indchlcdna,,. <br />k. That he will keep the mtpn,%eulcnts nuk c\I,llnll ,, hcrc.dlcr erected .n the moiigoged praprrll. in,urcd :I, ni,r% hC <br />required from time to lime by the ki,ligagec .,gmn,t lo„ h% fire .ind othc, 11.,:.111,. %a,uaWc, .uld :uallIIgVI1LIv1 in .u%h <br />amount, and for such period, a, may he rcqulrcli by the' \I,ulgap.ct• .Ind %%Iii p.,% pf,nn pll %. when duc. any prenthun, on ,uih <br />insurance plo%lsion fur payment of which hat, not been nnlde hetctnh0mc \11 msur,nlre ,hull he :;tined nl c,anp;auc, .,I, <br />proved by the b1ortgagee and fhc politic, and renewals thcleof ,halt ht, held h% the Mortgagee rind h;oc ;Illa, hcti thefct„ !%,,, <br />pin;lhle clauses In fa %ot of :aid in form acceplahic to the M,utpagcc In c,cnt of 1,,, Mortgagor k ill gl%c nnined is notkS 11, <br />mail to the Mortgagee, kilo may make• praol of lo„ It not flack prontprl\ b\ Mortgagor. and ea:h msurantc :on {,an\ c,al <br />corned IN herch% authoriicd and dlrvocd To make payn uu I'll ,uch lo„ due, It\ a, the Mong:fgcr In,tc.ld of to tilt Mr11ga.III <br />and the Morigagcc ioliltk- and the "I'man:t proceed, 1 .,n% p.ul thc1cul 1112% he applied h% the \lofIP,,F :cc .It it, optila! -;tilt r <br />fit file reduction of the mdchic,hic” herrh% ,ccured or to Flit, rc,tor:Iuun IF ?,J),” ,,I the prol,rn% JanLf cu In cu'nl „t 1-c' <br />sure of Flo, mortgage or nthcr ,ttul,fcr of title to the m 1rtl.a;cd plops 11% al ctllrlyul,nnlCnl IIt flit: nitichttdms, v InI, hct%i•', <br />L it right, title and mfcre•,I of the klortgagor In and an% trl 11r.11IL puhrlr, Iht•n m L,r, c ,11.111 m the Purth. nlrt <br />4 That a, additional :end e011:110.11 ,c.'unl% fiII Ihr 1`•�'•mein of flit rule de,.rll+cd, and dI .ant, In',c,unir !u, '111,101 till, <br />111e11g,lge. th% Mortgog0f Ileleh% :,,,.Ikll, tt' the M„ Iles ccc ,If ploill,. I% e'llic, „%•I It „', II!'h 1, !II1l h, Ilt'171, II ill' „ L� <br />last <br />Mortgagor ender nn% -gild all till Intl oil, Ica,e, nn ..uJ !••rnu,r,, kWh Ilk tilt I. , and `, rip I iht <br />rtit'rn to ,ail uldrhtednt„ I, %%cll ht f,nr t, flit r ,It, 1 +tilt m Ihr , ....,trot •„ 1f. <br />tut arts nisi,v cl nu% '.M lr 11.11 Mcni, k ht'n d- •snit 11.11 ef,lr h If I,,,ll n„ �-c :. will I ! II„ .,• u.I I. I.' <br />sold i =c,.arr ..If .stmt _,,I tipnn Irk,, ,.c of !hl, rnnitvavc <br />