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7 <br />85- 004983 <br />iit ADDITIONAL TERMS <br />PREPAY NIFNT AND A( CRI. AF Of I I IF FINA% CFCHARM- I h 'LIZ h I d.111.1 fi." ;"",I th, I Z"L IWJIJ lilll TIt r, I I Pill rill"11 ­111"!Chl <br />all h. I kno, lc,,,t I Tr_,IL; riI I im, III ht: it ­1IPL1I11t1Iv i,cit, chlr _- <br />iih't III I ;I 'I I'li-ii-neni I., I-- finarl" <br />:h urea 01 be reflecled,it rN inal hill: I !­ kill" Oil! r, ,r LIII , h,, I, ,,i iht� <br />!e, cr,c -1c :.,r 1h, l C.rr Ce. ot Pill n rt nJ I,,, T,,t.i -SA, P.­ it.— e,.- <br />rtat <br />h-ed On ,he as,unimov. ;h,z , --il I! The Pill, men r. [I !I, Jile ulle Lrid I k;)"" Tre %, ill het r, ?LmT1 it I pi � pi, rc,LrC,, I, nothin, <br />!hat th, <br />te!und it I am charged, n a ja0N I. the rildirip T,ilumon - hani, Li�,­ not ­,nplac the finance h rge I.T1% nd it I rr,:n,, the %;hlil J <br />mairull and 'h amoLml orl 'ohine , III +,r I_,�-,ircd on the <br />'he une-med poron ofilic kne" a, the v_,m,uru.,­T­fl refird <br />_4 <br />ed led date, and an unt, II n-le"T L"d .hr ac,t.a du.. ;,n '+- that ii 1. <br />I. not he :Wade I repl� ment' ITIll I ra� I" -,11.11d I'l 1, " Than S I N) <br />IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT WARRANTIES: <br />(a) We as SELLER HEREBY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES. EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, OF MERCHANTA- <br />BILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ON ALL GOODS AND SERVICES UNLESS SELLER FUR- <br />NISHES BUYER WITH A SEPARATE WRITTEN LIMITED WARRANTY OR SERVICE CONTRACT MADE BY SELL- <br />ER ON ITS OWN BEHALF (WHICH. IF MADE, ACCOMPANIES THIS CONTRACT). <br />h L I T-_,j T1 ,, !tli . h", er v ": I I N E AR I ILLII I 1 11 %% ARR A \'1 11 hIL it 11 I'r e 1, 1 1 TTIP,11111' Mill L111117irI it ih . condmonk and circumstance, <br />In . hit: " the rli.nutli,lio l"! :I, Ijz;c ;, , Il I he I - I epia, ,� I TA, nol I, 0i;: TI, :iIL1 1 :It Lila; 1 recl­m7v that am imp! led % arrant,, xk ii I, Ii <br />applies wihe­7v7-"7, —7F I I L - ioni as the , Larrairt, ..I ICIV 1,1 . L'1111-i <br />ha,", re,d , I, az-:l.J� 1h, LIl'rjI, t \1111'!) - 1\1, I A! 1 A-I It I\ AFZR ii% I", it ll­ll:':: IT IlPlil!o• The Conditions J9J LIT- <br />II I !A, <br />"P, x Lin, :mPlled will-ranz, tocI, <br />I !I', ;,,:ht, Ti,, <br />SPEC IA[ ORDER GOODS: I rh,l <br />th'll ;,Iloul ­nai ­,l ­I, :!,c III-ILI'l, !,'!!I :It, p,ir-Illar hoo" I flitrouce :Ihal the <br />' 6 I�J "' ­­i !,I, ­ntraici lil n, vn,v <br />atieritiv ;onic H, i:­_!, h,,h io—n-i Ail,, <br />OBI ICATIO'lllS PERTAINING TO PROPER11 PsSI R AV F Ali,[) %IN REAL F.S I At-] E; `!'C III, i-Ilt !'I 1,� krr it ;­.t•d !"T <br />nt,T",., 'la- i t II xi.. Io ;,.I; " I i�`: L <br />nit c, <br />M, r0h, I] -,,I tell;11- ­1! 1 au- <br />pa, —a to, lm I o u it it <br />I orm �'j' -, repair III, G. p—m- that I ­I] not <br />pIA-011 lir' r" 11J! 'jjiTZ.,, I', ;n% tell estate h_ '❑ <br />LJLJ4- 4 1 niCil' <br />­ f;,,Tjc Pr"', thow our <br />rlt PC! T1T1­lV c oliai! t, . ( ­ . J" I'll! III"- Il'i It ­ 'Io <br />. hp . these 'IT n unt, ,!I <br />ry jJj <br />o: <br />SALFOF %I) Hot SE: 1 <br />DEFAULT: <br />1 1 con I nul a ilmyntil when due, or <br />2, 1 break any s nn)tnlw I made to you tit this contract �)r <br />3 Something else happens which , auses you to beilc%v I, tj faith ti,ai I do s,,,T mt.nd I,, as rg,,n,,,,..,a <br />4 1 default on any obligation, Wr which I am uslic rrj% i1i,flic as collateral. or <br />5 Sortai•ihing happens III nii house - hich threatens ', ICr rights I ar, . in It <br />IF I AM IN DEFAULT: I understand !hat Lau h,t,e the r,vht I,, f.,ol,j e the `lI,,T­iE.p,- I ha'. e )c Ikeil Ill Lou uld rare rnL tilluse Lod it, repay arc amounts I owe you if I <br />am in dcfuuh uttder tat. contract Hefr,rr .m beta. a xdJ ,vu u.6 Jr. , rx,Lhine [hit[ the ILIV, Teclatcl If Lou hire -uorn- <br />--t, , 4'e, ­0 "the" Teitilld 1IILh L!Ls ­Iur . t"Is. Utic ,exchc, ,,nJ oney you expended <br />tx h, it,rotec, your !agree it, na% %m lot �our reasonable at!(, ,,a it, e;l nnN house. or. it, ita, c. <br />it <br />to protect TnTv "s'l if n, allowed I,, LzIlitl a,.h Litil', h. il, <br />OTHER RIGHTS: We can ch.ill not it, vnil,rCc all nl the rights under this ­;arLL,i 1, them <br />without lo'li-ir thcrit. WI: call al- use arl, r;gh!, liou or the ii ujure riven I() III, hi, I_ i can III, Lr, rnfol-cmg ims tit the rights <br />DELAYS: I know that lcu -Ili use , i ur he,! cf,rl, 1,, ml,iaii the IrmcLILL-1, I lin P­ n-ol" 'r 1n it, a— o., inct—Land tha I I . ...... c srtuauors %ou may encounter <br />&la% s that are caused by titnke,, trather Jell, s v— I,," 'r, ,b .......... c 1• I!-a! 1C hv­ro ontrol I understand that , IT will <br />not tic liable for such dela) s 'o it <br />ARBITRATION: It I ha,r it dispute ,r ciao , th ,I. Lan cern ma they tianto, rhj P-, duets. 1 and '.land that Tro, dispute lnmy he submitted I(, <br />and settled 4"OTdIng i the I, p-gram that 'il,LL I, ill, e d . 011110—iii, I al— I,n­ that an% ciet: ...... I '—dii arbitratorts) would be en- <br />tered inthe coup <br />il <br />he T' I il I' TI �7 1 '1,11 t I LI ;ILI I j 3 1 111 I.Il , N 0 ',ll , Lice I, <br />SPECIAL SMATIONS: Due tothe a,lique,l —Tric r A thrprod-t, th,i understand hill 171 S11CCIal IoTj!I,ns that %ourR.-itonal Office may have to rii,vea <br />wild accept this contract. I also understand that this sale o,Lcurl in rill Irtmic aod that ou and I eta, not have had I) ITT *trilo" non I <br />at ourfingertips :l gi,e you my cvnsrat to corset! dm: nh, loos ernns that <br />riaN hille iv­:�vj,,,hL,nthe I li correct . ;I mportani it, this transaction <br />planks mi—intract were ­mPil,ted <br />