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TRUST DEED 85-004812 <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, made and entered into this_ 27th September 85 <br />____day of _ 19 <br />by and between_ ob rt J 1•s 1 a and Sally A i°r{nr eFy <br />aaa_ �--- _--- -- --'. ftlor, and — ._- - - - --- <br />Security racific_'inance Corporation <br />and — -- ---- - - - - -- --- -- -- - -- — ..._.____. Beneficiary. <br />W]TNESSETH: That the Trustor do by these presents grant, bargain and sell, convey and confirm with Power of Sale <br />unto the Trustee the following described Real Estate including all buildings, improvements, and fixtures of eyery kind now or <br />hereafter erected or placed on the real estate, situated in ___..-_ia i 1 County, in the State of Nebraska: <br />Properly known as: L t jlo k 4 amb rt -s Addition to the City of Grand Island, <br />�ral 'Conn €v, 1Qekrae�a. <br />Filed for Record at - -- — - -,Sf, <br />in Book _ of _ <br />Page <br />and possession of said premises noµ delivered unto said Trustee; <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, with all rights, privilege's, and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the Trustee. <br />his executors, administrators, heirs, and assigns forever. And the Trustor hereby expressly "awes, releases, and relinquishes <br />unto the Trustee all right, title, claim, interest, henefit, and estate µhate\et, in and to the above- described premises and each <br />and even' part thereof, which is given by or results from all laws of the State of Nebraska pertaining to the exemption of <br />homestead. And the Trustor covenants with the Trustee that he will torever warrant and defend the title to the same against the <br />lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. <br />IN TRUST HO\ %EVER, for the following described purposes: \ HEREAS, the Trustor did on this date execute a <br />Promissory Note evidencing a loan for I he principal amount of S 5403.21 <br />and interest thereon <br />according to he terms of said Promisson Note; said Promissory tiote t•ung payable in monthly installments at such place as <br />the Beneficiary may designate in writing from time to time. fsotwilhstanding am provision contained herein or in said <br />Promissory Note to the contrary, if riot sooner paid, all sums due and owing under the trims of said Promissory Note shall be <br />paid on or before uctober 2, 1989 <br />11 is agreed by and brtwccn thc• parties herein shat ulltll I111ne tit Volice tit Defaull, the Trustor shall: 11) Pay <br />all present <br />and future taxes and assessnlenrs, general and special, against said pi upe'rty before the same becomes delinquent or actionable; <br />(2) keep all irnprovrmenn erected on the Idnd insured as slay be required from time 10 time by beneficiary against loss by fire <br />and other hazards, casualties and :ontiti r,encics, in su:h amounts and foil such periods as are reasonable and may be required <br />by benefician, and to keep all pohcics tit such insurance in €nice ur c'lfect upua the properly herein described constantly <br />assigned and delivered to henetl:iary, (?) pay and cx,mPh `41111 ail of file terms arid :ondifons of any lien, claim or <br />indebtedness that may he senior to or fake pret.cdcri e to this Trust Deed a% soon as any uch paynlem on such lien, claim or <br />indebtedness shall become due: and uPorl failure of Trustor Io keep auy said agreements, bc'nefician may pay such tax, pay for l <br />such insurance or pay of€ such liens or claims or Indebtedness as the case may be, and the nuney So' <br />expended together, thereon <br />as provided by the terms of the attucnientionrd 1'rotnisson Nolc, %hail he secured by this Trust Dced, and the Trustor agrees <br />to repay the same upon demand, seal upon iarlure 10 do su the bala11 c let the attached nU[C Shall br ilitlC 9mnledlalell die arid <br />payable at the option of the beneficiary; 141 spcollcal1% cooler upon the T rusree the power of sale as provided in Nebraska 1aµ; <br />(S) retain possession of the premises and ie+hCot ?he rent% and revenues iheretroisl. <br />Upon payment of all the sums secured by this Trust Iheed, the Beneficiary shall rerluest the Trustee to ny unve v t he• <br />property and shall surrender this Trust Dmod and all notes evidencing indebtedness secured by this Trust De isd to the <br />1'rusrtor. Trustee shall] rec:onvey the property without warranty to the lesson or persons legally entitled thereto: but if <br />default be made in the payrrtertt of said note or arry part thereof or any of the interest thereon when due or in the faithful <br />performance of any or either of said agri mients as aforesaid, then the whole of said note shall he come due and be paid as <br />hereinafter provided, and this deed shall remain in force; the Trustee or his attorney niay IM,iCt -eel to sell the property in <br />its entirety or in parcels at the option of the Trustee hereinbefore described at public• auction, to I )le highest bidder, for <br />cash. However, the power of sale herein conferred upon the Truswv shrill not In- exercised until I I I the Trustee shall fir,t <br />file for record, in the office of the register of del.As of each county wherein the trust prulierty tie erne part nr parcel <br />therein is situated, a notice of default, identifying the Trustee by stating t he n,sint-s tit I he Trustor and manes therein and <br />giving the book and pap whta•e the suarne is recordtx]. is description of the tru,l prop ertp, and curtaining it statimu•nt <br />that a breach of an obligation for which ftte trust property was conveyed as s,K urity ha, ()('curled, and ,ell ing forth t he <br />nature of such breach and of his election to sell or cauk. to be sold su; ,, P"'Pert k to Id' I','.% the• 41ligat i,in, anal i21 titter <br />L the lapse of not less than one trtonth, the Trustee :hall give notice of sale as prO'%ld r br \'.'" "'ka laµ r V ter tl.a ire Of <br />default and lapse of riot. Jests than one month, the Trustecr ,ball Five written notice t.t the init are+ blare i4 ;:ale• <br />particularly describing the pr.ul>Ert} to lxr sold by publication of such entice, al least fire tins iaur a wrs.k lot Ilea fs <br />ron%wutive weeks, the last pubhcatioui U: I)e at least 1U (la %s but not moire Ihar: an,fuss liiuu t„ th, -.oil•, ,n 4 „r.0 <br />newspaper heaving It gtrneral rircuLitmo m each (fiunty in which the jenrlxvt r f <� fM ,nie3, r ..n „- ;,,rt e h. i,•,.t r us +i,•,.i <br />UIM.111 iuch tale, the Truster- arhafl exe'c'ute• arid deliver a ticect tit ,:,mre'yaner .,I ttlr pn.jw1re ,,,l,i t„ .Lr ;iuitin : <� ..r <br />purchasers theraa ?f ar,,I saris t0 14 meat tit rec'itetI of fiat ill ,Ll( it (feetI „i relalI uol 1,. t hr • v, r.:., � ! t h, ,s, r �,.i, .Intl <br />sala, hf. lint; u -tied,..a.i1M- 411.11” runi- !neludtngre• cha)se„ nrrr' ninh::> lmit .ltr,f,J. r t,;.;ti <br />nrawa d default. aAni rs,.lina ;xn +t tt,. ln.11,licr,rinn aiid prrstint; t,t, r . <br />rr.utliliante'a � � nl.,tl, .- . ,e <br />hal;r,nyliti+lertrtintt h it] nti;�i•,,. r <br />tv,., <br />