STATE OF NE13HAShA, County of .. ........:
<br />Filed for record and entered ill Numerical Index oil
<br />............................. ............................... at .... _.......... o'clock ................ Nl 85— 004760
<br />and recorded in Mortgage Record .. .... ........ .......... Page ........................
<br />.............. ................ ..
<br />............. Its• ...... ............... .......... Cie ........... k o ..........
<br />County Clerk or .I pu ty County r
<br />Register of Deeds Deputy Register of Deeds
<br />Jerry R. and Sherry J. Nott, husband & wifg hrr,•in vallvd tln• mortgagor whether one or more,
<br />in consideration of Six Thousand Three Hundred and no /100-- - - - - -- Dollars ($6,300)
<br />reeeived from mortgagee, does mortgage L, Life C;i_ty of Grand Island, Nebraska,
<br />a Municipal Corporation, the .otl -owing described real estate, to —wit
<br />Lot Seven, Block Twenty -five, Russel Wheeler's Addition
<br />to the City of Grand Island, Hall County
<br />And the mortgagor dues hereby covenant with file mortgagee and with mortgagee's Leirs and
<br />assigns that mortgagor is lawfully set:ied of said premises, that they are fre;! from eneumbramte, that
<br />mortgagor has good right and lawful authority to convey the wnu•, and that mortgagor warrants and
<br />will defend the title to said premises against the !awful ri,u;ns of all persons whomsoever.
<br />This mortgage is given to se : -urr file, payment of !ite prumisaory note of this date tirade by
<br />mortgngor for 6.300.00 pa)uble, in ac corcian, < said note.
<br />Mortgagor .ha:l p„y all tasrs toil usar;wncuts lv%ied tipun ,unl real property anti all other Lazes
<br />Icviro unt. t :i•. mortgage- or tho 1!w, u,.;rtgage a t;,%..•:, to .: eure brf +:re the same become dehn-
<br />yornt :ui,S dial( manes :n inn,•;,rirt im I rxtrmi,a t"v,.age insurance vend: a mortgage clause on
<br />Ow bnildiug•, ou :nod !n•rua,rs rat !hr sin:, -,f b 10,000 if mortgagor fails to pay such taxes
<br />and a ;,ca,rueuts of' pror:ur smlh iti:,:u; +urn. :.t trt jr, nr; :,• mit} pj_ -, such r,xr, sail purchase such insurance
<br />an+l the .,urmut do ativiun•c,i %rti% n tr :,.,. at ,:u ;runt ;,rr annum ,hall be se,•ured by this Mortgage.
<br />In rase of ,ierault. it. th,• I•aynt, nt „i 'i;e �•i neip %1 tiro .,i arty installment thereof nr of ally inttrca
<br />0l rom %% hell flit, same -Jtall b, .- ;,,;�.,� ni u, ,&• of Ow n.:n.pavurent of any taxes or ussesstnents ar of
<br />tb,• failure to inatutatn irt,r,ran,, a, hrrrin Its.; :i n„ :rignr,r.• may at tic option of mortgagee, with-
<br />out notice, at any time dnrmg the rnutir :n;rte, of siwh ,iefautt or bread,, deelarr the whole debt secured
<br />by this mortgage to he immediately due ao,i 1. iyabir an,i may foreeloile this mortgage.
<br />In the event of defaul! u, the pvrformarwv -if in ::f tin• t,•rnrs amt rOWIM611s of this mortgage or
<br />Ole flute stcured by it, the tnurtgi,go. siocll In• ••ntal• :1 to i1w;w. iatr po,�wssiai t,f the property above de-
<br />ei•ribv,l and all the rents, revenue and imv,otr it-rived Own -from during soda time as the mortgage in-
<br />i:ebtedne�,m riatains tmpaid shall be applicd by the llvwtgj,g ,• io tlse payment of the note and all oilier
<br />111111, k.ecured hereby artvr dednetwnt of ally access ry coat, of rollectiou
<br />Dated April 16, Ig 85.
<br />...........................
<br />SPA'T'E: t11` NH1;RA,SKA. County of HAT. 1.
<br />ltefnrr nu•, a notary ImMir giiabftcd fw- ,wl comity, personally came
<br />Jerry fl. and Sherry J. Nott
<br />known io rile to he the ;,lvniwal ;wrson ar prrnona who sigued the
<br />foregoing invtrucuerit and arhnowlcdg,:d file exeeutiun thereof to be his•
<br />her or their vmWnlary act ant, deed.
<br />Walnesa mY hand and mrturial seal art AFti,l 16,,, 14135
<br />ttlstaw ,Imam -th«. a r'
<br />XAD"AtiA11110U1T( { s� s ti .„r• !'a1,it
<br />fly .:•,.,,n,•aaion rat,,.,, .1! ..t'� �• . la ,
<br />3•'eaer 'r � ni :t•r,3 t,�•i F..� v t.. ,. ,, P�.u..„ # a.,v ,,. .•..,b� w.e�
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