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85-. 00475 <br />Loan No. _..65466 -1 -18 <br />1 ADJUSTABLE RATE LOAN RIDER <br />NOTICE: THE SECURITY INSTRUMENT SECURES A NOTE WHICH CONTAINS <br />A PROVISION ALLOWING FOR CHANGES IN THE INTEREST RATE. IN- <br />CREASES IN THE INTEREST RATE WILL RESULT IN HIGHER PAYMENTS. <br />DECREASES IN THE INTEREST RATE WILL RESULT IN LOWER PAYMENTS. <br />This Rider is made this __ . .... '-7th day of .._...September_ ]9..85.. and is incorporated <br />into and shall be deemed to amend and supplement the Mortgage, Deed of Trust, or Deed to Secure Debt <br />(the "Security Instrument ") of the same date given by the undersigned (the "Borrower ") to secure Bor- <br />rower's Note to .... .._ ..... ............ _ ........... ...__................ _. ................. .......... ................................ . -- .................. <br />First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Lincoln, a United States corporation <br />.......................................... .............................._ _ _ .... ...... ........_......-.___._. ._._................._....._..• . <br />(the "Lender ") of the same date ( the "Note ") and covering the property described in the Security Instru- <br />ment and located at ..21.16__ Viking_. Road_.. Grand__Island_...Ne..... ._688u1 <br />.. <br />Property Address <br />MODIFICATIONS. In addition to the covenants and agreements made in the Security Instrument, Bor- <br />rower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: <br />1. INTEREST RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGE DATES <br />The Note has an "Initial Interest Rate" of .... ...4 -u 0_ % <br />Interest rate changes may occur on the d7 day of Novembe.y 196 ... and otg the <br />Ist day of .......................February 19. .... and on the Ist day of . _... .... .., 19...11.._. <br />and on the 1st day of .. - .....I— August' 19 . ...... and on those dates of those months in every <br />year thereafter. Each date on which the rate of interest may change will be called a "Rate Change Date ". <br />Changes in principal and interest payments to adjust amortization of the loan to correspond with <br />interest rate changes shall be made on the 1st clay of _ ._ _ _ .. ..November .............. ... 196.6_ and on that <br />date every _777-7.77...... year(s) thereafter. Each date on which the principal and interest payment may <br />change will be called a "Payment Change Date ". <br />2. INTEREST RATE CHANGES <br />(A) The Index <br />Beginning with the first rate change date, my interest rate will he based on an index. The "Index" <br />is the: (check one box to indicate Index) <br />(1) j 1, "Contract Interest Rate, Purchase of Previously Occupied Homes, National Average for <br />all Major Types of Lenders" published by the Federal Home Loan Bank Board. <br />(2) X-, Monthly., average yield on. U.S. Treasury_ Securities <br />adjusted to a constant maturity of 1 year published by the Federal Reserve Board. <br />The most recent Index figure available as of the date 15 days before each Rate Change Date and <br />45 days before each Payment Change Date is called the "Current Index ". <br />If the Index is no longer available, the Note Holder will choose a new Index which is based upon <br />comparable information. The Note Holder will give me notice of this change. <br />(B) Calculation of Changes <br />Before each Rate Change Date or Payment Change Date the Note Holder will calculate my new <br />interest rate by adding ......l1l5. .. . percentage points (.?r750 . %.) to the Current Index. The results <br />of this addition will be my new interest rate until the next Rate Change Date or Payment, Change Date. <br />On each Payment Change, Date, the Note Holder will then determine the amount of the monthly <br />payment that would be sufficient to repay the unpaid principal balance of my loan I am expocted to owe on <br />the Payment Change Date in, full on the maturity (late at my new interest rate in substantially equal pay- <br />ments. The result of this calculation will be the amount of my new principal and interest payment until <br />my next Payment Change Date. <br />(Check box(0) <br />(1) (rl It this box is checked, there will he no maximum limit on changes in the interest rate up <br />or down. The interest rate as calculated under Section ° 1 H) will In the new interest rate. <br />(2) ;D If this box is checked, the interest rate that 1 Tray shall not increase more than . luo <br />lercentage points on any Payment Change Date. <br />L (3) IL1 If this box is checked, the interest rare that I pay •:hall riot dcwrca::c nora than N j <br />percentage points on any Payment Change Date. <br />(4) w1 If this box is checked, the inicrest. rata that I pay Aiall not int-rea.- more than <br />le.rcentage pointm on any Rate Change Date. n <br />