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a <br />ADDITIOF:AL TnMS 85 -JQ04 • O7 <br />PREPAI'NIENT AND ACCRi :161,()F I'll F. FINANCE (-'If ARGE: tern Ihoveh I d+, nil hale to l,.,, n,+,rc Ih.:n the te_u!a, .,he,itirJ nlan( III y pacruenl. I halve the right <br />la prepay the whole anitgtnl ow mg Io hou m Bill at am nun• or :n par( root ante «, unx• If the lending ,n,wtul or hank that buys n,y enntr,r(n,mpiue, the I inance charge <br />duly. I know my trounce charge \,711 be less It I mak an catty lro mint. and t ,o III be hteher It I[).,\ <br />rc,ugn +n• Ih�tl my n is ,gut alpu,ungm (o nn wrist Imuna• <br />charge w dl he reflected in my total hill I -list, kmo that The amount, ,beset, n the t sere sine lot I I In n ;,• (',cage 'I olal It I pnlents, and file'f'otel title Price are esu- <br />Mates based on the assumption that you will recc•tce each of the payments wall% nn rt, due date aoi 1 know that re w ill he l let and it I prepay because Thor is nothing <br />to refund it I am charged on a drily bast,. II the lending m,ntution or bank d 1 nut nnpwe the furore charge daily and it I prepay the whole amount. cou will refund <br />to me the unearned portion of,hc finance charge (nrter,sn by the accounting pm„ dare known :u the actuarial maduat. and the amount of n» rebate will tx• ligured on the <br />scheduled date, - and:mtuun, of I,\ mowhly pa\ I nI anal not on the actual Ziale, and :unnunn of the prepay n,cnl, That I pay to cou. I know that it refund of less than $1.00 <br />wdI not beotade. ;- i I ( <br />IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT WARRANTIES: <br />(a) We as SELLER HEREBY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, OF MERCHANTA- <br />BILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ON ALL GOODS AND SERVICES UNLESS SELLER FUR- <br />NISHES BUYER WITH A SEPARATE WRITTEN LIMITED WARRANTY OR SERVICE CONTRACT MADE BY SELL- <br />ER ON ITS OWN BEHALF (WHICH, IF MADE, ACCOMPANIES THIS CONTRACT). <br />(h!lhayt read. n:dc!ad, tile •e•parere "nil- Yp. :1RIT'% Ill' PD\\'A RR•\ Vl -) " which. d made. ai cnmp;nnr, Iln,.nnttaif itc•,plains the condition, and eireunsnmces <br />inwh;chthe manutnilure• dpi,.i,et, \a.Ill he t,'I'M rJ nr re :de nauir Tit lhr hnut,uras stn the, rt,um .ul.i!},atucular ! l rrcogntre that anyimphed warranty which <br />apples to the g xx ' . t. oil .1 n <br />­ow an ant% I air utracl <br />ti I I lao ,ad. u: the ,Vp.oratc' L1 \11 "III) INSI AI 1 \ flON \\ *A\RR A \'I 1 e mlo n n,.wv..,, +,mq,.,n e, rot\ contnn. It,\plain, the condition, and cir- <br />cmn,Iance, m winch the in. to lanon+, the,,,hng seal IV redone I coke looter utihr hnuterun a ,the ,s,rtr,r :+ } „n,: nLoly recognv °that any ❑nplied Warcanty which <br />upphc%!othetn,ud Lt «on a t n she t the +r vrnh •a•n ,,r,nntrui <br />SPF('IAI. -ORDER (iO(IUS. l klmw that \, u ha n _uteri n, hou,,• ,:III T Letting, ,n than , rn ­w m : :kc N•t P mdu:I I lit rile p Irti utar house I take notice that the <br />good, Thal are nianufactur 1 for m, ,t V di, house pn,hahk w,It not lit em ihu huu,r,.:md under ,a, h ,onannas 1 01­% oral I :ant, i cmcel this conirahcl at anytime <br />after the pcnr,dit itnl,gocri to rte•, by Lnt, 111 luch inc,mc,l. . -\her drat le,. 11. •nail of iii n• Iknuts thwlh.orth hl eel, Tit pi \.urn toll the am ants sued <br />OBLIGA11ONS 1 ERI AIMING TO PROPERI-I INSI'R IN(F AM) IIS REAI. FSI A I F: i I It • , "Pi_ 1 a Ili coca rcp,ai .Ind To keep it insured for <br />at least x(W H I\ pl resent t alto by buy mg a fire and ON tcndl. I t arc m,mana• pahc , lY„ I. urn ,! me Tit I ,} I rot 11) t u. and the policy n»rl have <br />a Fla to ie i- n list e which ay, Ihw , ,1 .11 r Tn he 1'. 'd ,, there „ Thr m.u;.,n... +, q,,u,s ,tut a_r.1 !11.0 t I t , I ny 1­11C% s,th n,1 first Telling s - tt. I eu- <br />thorny -the ,mwanie ion',pwty t., pay 11,11 Jar :, (Is Nor .try lo,,. 1 r .III :t Ia u,, du, n „Inoue p.o melt m, n6c, ,. p v ,ntnunts l nw, ya u it To repair nn h uae <br />1 hate the op lion of Prot «hoe pruf,<•m clout -mcc thnnitth an ,u,tm_• pubs y +,r Lim L,h e ry +h, 1 nu!rtx ndn,t!, ,dn.uncd and paid !nr ht ma. I oho pnnnP.w• that l \, III not <br />allow .,roan, else to place am hen, on m•: read eclat, wohout cum ,\ rnte•n IV,,n ? ! pu,nusr ❑: pay ..II lasses.,mrrt, :Ind „tier J. orve%an my real estate when <br />due 7 1 prmmi,c h, timely stake all pay ntcnb, n n,y prior !tan, ,ecwcd h,, n,1 Ie,d a,,.,R• I : L., I•u•nu , That 1 1111! 11111 ,\tend, tent\, or change prior loan, without your <br />w raven Perna „nut. 5 If I do nisi n,ur my h isc or tuhill nn th r uhh, m n r, •m , .Inc Its n , . an 1 , 1 it a \ctrl! htti , ,u It, not has lo) If you du <br />p: % ant a,I these ohilpauou, for me. I ay,r e To pars u ! I l .u, de-and phl u i i •,t .a Ili, nest lk, ! ant - . lal, I ; nlci t t. ,ill I p,s ou back . these amount, will <br />be adda•d «, my debt d, sou 1yhi:h :, "aueJ by ,n, std e I:nr and h n„c I ku, •t filet , ,+„ dr..1. ,n not have it ul I:un any homeowner <br />nr lrely, hty m,uran,r <br />SALE (IF %II HOL SE: I pnnnne wl I,, ,,II ieas' for mt hone l,+.,m, n_ until l h :�.r! sill „'r.nai n„ .;chi t„ a•e <br />DEFAULT: I will he to default under this contract if. <br />L I don't make a payment when due. or <br />2. 1 break any promtx 1 made to you In this contract. ur <br />3. Something else happens which cause, you to hehcvc• tit god faith that I do not intend to pay you as pronu,ed: i,r <br />4, 1 default on any obligations lot which I an) using my home as collateral: or <br />5 Something happens to my house which threatens your rights. it any. in it <br />IF F AM IN DEFAULT: I understand that you have the right to tmeciuw the \hutgage I have even to sou and have nn htw,e sold to repay any amoums 1 owe you if <br />am in default under this contract. Before my house Is sold, you will do everything that the law rcquucs. If you hire an ae«,rney h, :asst you to sell my house,'gr, to sue rite. <br />a, to protect your nI its. 1 agree to ply you for your It! son attorreys fees and for Tither rrlated expenws such as coun costs. title searches amt money you expended <br />to protect my house, it you are allowed to collect such amounts by law <br />OTHER RIGHTS: We can choose not to enforce any of the rights under this contr:ut as often aas we want w show iosrng them or. we can delay enforcing any of the right-% <br />withrwt losing them. We can also use any rights now Tit in The future given «, us by law <br />DELAYS: I know that you will use your hest efforts to Install the products I au, purchasing ,a, my house. but I a,o understand That in some situations you may encounter <br />delays that are caused by strikes, weather conditions, delay% you have in obtaining matrriads, or (or mhei reauus that are beyond your control. I understand that you will <br />two be liable for such delays. <br />ARBITRATION: It 1 have a dispute or clan, with you tancenung the quauuly, quakily or perhorntame Tit the product,. I understand that my dispute may be submitted to <br />and settled accundinp to the mediation - arbitration progtem that may have do velopeol tit ns , unhnlunog I :d,o km,u that any deasum made by an arhttraltxls! would be en- <br />tered in the court having )un Woo. tion over me and you <br />5.41.1 AGE I: \LIF.: 1 knots Ih,t rho w;n,h, +\,. +,,. n,ht „rk. ,�.hn;:. hr �.k ., u+t.ghc, n,.drnei•. I,., .. - _.n. .rd b. 1....o. qtr. n,st.dlaoon have NO salvage value <br />\S "In•„ v,u n•naor them. hou :;,n bass; the Tit !u, 'a belt +r, purpn,. <br />SPECIAL SITUATIONS: Duc to the umyueness of %orhe of the pnxdui is that you ,ell, I understand that to special sduawris that your Regional Office may have to review <br />and accept this contract. 1 also understand that this sale ocn,rted in Illy hone and that you and I Tnav not have had all the urrrect information Important to this transaction <br />ai tour fingertips, 11 give you my consent to correct any obvious errors that may have occurred when the .blanks in this contract suer,: completed. <br />INVALID (PROVISIONS: It any provision of this contract violates the law and is unenforceable, the felt of the o+ntracl will he, did If any pan of this contract requires <br />eJ �' <br />a t <br />