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85-- 004636 <br />ADDITIONAL TERMS <br />PRFTAYMENT AND ACCRFAI.OF THE. Fi\ANCE CH AR( E: I =r n thnueh t dr nil t !ill I, I ps orC latch u hr:utl d r n hh p , neat. I h he right <br />toprelk-n the whole Arrxtum++wing toou to tell At sac tine or mpan,ronlittle vrlimy It hr fonds nnut hnk tt hu,. mvmina tcomputestiny'in t °c hargc <br />dat1v. 1 know env finance charge will lie less it I rnake an earh payment. and it will tv ht b •r it I pa, n I ;., vnue that in, ne -c an adjustment to met tai finance <br />r ,ttargc will he rtefta ted in my tinal hill: i also know ,hat the an ,t rrls sI,—n r +n the re,erse de tiny ltx Fri n , (7 it . Tonal Ply morti s. and the Total Satc -l'rt c are esh- <br />newc, based on the msumpttirn that wit wili reccrye each rat the payments exacu% in it. titlejaic. anti I kno„ that there I ill to no rotund it 1 prepay because there is ncithine <br />to retuned if 1 am charged nn a dai!v basis. if the flatting institution or hank does trot cornpute the finance cnarF dill.. and it 1 prepay the whole atniwn[ tw will refund <br />to ear the unearned portion of the finance charge i mereso by the accounting l nwrd, t known as the Actuarial mrthiei: and the Amount of in% rebate will be figured on the <br />whedukd dates and amarunts at my monthly payment and ran on the Actual dines And .anuunt, „t the prepayrnrnis that I pay to you I know tftat n refund of ic%% than 510) <br />wilt wit he made. <br />IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT WARRANTIES: <br />((s�) We m SELLER HEREBY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, OF MERCHANTA- <br />!llllT I AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ON ALL GOODS AND SERVICES UNLESS SELLER FUR - <br />NISHES BUYER WITH A SEPARATE WRITTEN LIMITED WARRANTY OR SERVICE CONTRACT MADE BY SELL- <br />ER Cif ITS OWN 13ENALF (WHICH, IF MADE, ACCOMPANIES THIS CONTRACT). <br />,h,i haw read, indmo. ,hoes arate' tittF-kRI,0011LIPWARRA\T'i''h .l m dr s rtpat• tY ,wzzm l - plaimihecond ,tson,Andcircumstrncrs <br />in h,I n the niaValf -Towd, r rua.t> —1; he Crain d.n irpla;ed t yoke nrn,c, rd the . r, the a:nra, •.. ate: i p attKLletl i1ovnije that any Iniphed warranty 'w'hicti <br />apples rr, i}a p,<xicFiTu� Doti s a. k „tc a. the Warrants ar ,an ,r: entrucz . <br />t, 11 <br />hae n, acl: sn rx s •hr sp, ate - t.l }t!i EI) tNST4i.I.ATtlt\ N >,RR A\ 'S h!, t T .. 1 n r tin t [ra.1, It e,pwn, the condition.s and cir- <br />cnrmtaaccswwhichtnc; naaksuona ilk .iiitng� !tlx-1onc•. I rake ru+noC "t ih; fun tar„ till ,a,.,, , — 11;I:.r,cuiarl, gwre that an, nnpliedwarrarin h"h <br />applie* m the imwltattonrsF j— lo:iLa, the z,artnt+t`•:,r per+,.Cconn:t:t <br />StFt'1A1. )RDER G4XH)% : k n„u !iral ! to i w Twe lw,.Jfrd r t i A10 t n n if ill ol f) u: n : t ant ut P ,u.e 1 Tdle notuv that the <br />tLS%is dia€ are mans artared _o, i!n ,i _, ,l It h,'— yr ,h1lh. , —. 1 n 1 1 t' : -n, "the, !w( ,,, 'mi tin ' u; t : Ala If L A1 kn, that I .inn 1 , Arc_l this cPntracl At AnY ante <br />Aherthe per—j of Pipe mr.', s_m a: ht.n,, el Atl,rriral§ -,Ai la ruwt,I t ten- I+.nt,,. hx I':a.ethc •hi;e:a nil: (-gin u ill h0l tiny amount —Cd. <br />Olg1.1C,.ATlO %S PF:RTAIMM. 111 PROPER 11 IN44RANCE .a \D h4\" REAL E51' 1TF; : t pne•m kc: t, Ili, hrtusc'r e-1 rcpait and to F:rep it imurcd flit <br />as least MV,, ; t t15 rep a+rimnt nfi:. 5e up. , ra Aid '.slc t k :•, rtaec In r .. -r a a, fn r m- r ; n n, ai '+e i -try ? i h, —U •nil the p„e- c muN hair <br />a ±ie.ietu,ar, u. fissn a, t �. 's e do 1 r -. a .. T t i x t t -+ r_ ,r a t ih t ail ri b i.n t MIT u first ttiilns u, i au- <br />ttutrttc• tiny in assn. . +rinpa >, ( 1 r t a I y t it c �c I n u c a x -Yr t o r im v I,,., - u it t repai rn, i air <br />I nave the opit n )t p", »} s -,a-n, a i1 h tF I c s i ^,:. -.r t r f I s t +. A i n .: r ht n i pr m_� that 1 t. t nni <br />a8aw anri,rx c Ise t p;ae st fie t., : t t e. :•mots et s -it n I ".i t , t.: rid n r r }c m, real estate when <br />doe. + hpn n.usr to trrK.e ri.akt ;.0 I>:t ,,..H, r. , 1,r,.:+, .dl + let, fie 1 „ , c t -r sex r h nr par + am wiihntt vrwr <br />w �ii0.nF+tnn <n ? islo 1+. :.•raft r d ><. r h ,r :r: -am h soup u,, huyrtt lf,oudo <br />guy anv •i tbryr dr L,atn n t r , .. , i , � s_. n i i , i t , t u ,n t 1; _d l , u haak these jrni unl, s dl <br />tt added 0.r nisi ,der - to y nu u rich ....:1 ..,: i , , n., .; ❑ : , +.,. , ..,' .. .::: ,.., hu, n._ .. :- b.x ¢ n,-t r,. ,t, . n+ tau, c m „}eau, an, her wrier <br /><n Ind+ritr: sn,utanrr � _ <br />SAGE Of 111 "tit .SE: i1 cr.,st =,. i -s <br />DEFAULT: I will lie m detaull under this c xntract it <br />3 I dcaz't rtrgke a payin ,49 when due'. tr <br />1 break any pritmust I made to v.w to that ant. rall. i -r <br />? Scmxdlung else happens which cata.K yew tsr by-line in 9:4 -d taath :hat I do nor mtrz l t., pay you as Minn Icd..rr <br />S 1 default uM Any oNiptuma lot which I on ci tag err) 4i,nl At ',Uaterai: or <br />y. something hapmw to my Bane which threatens your riFlit,, it an,. tr, it <br />IF 1 AN tN 11F.1'A11.1: 1 undenta d that wt, hair the r.gh1 r,, 0 —i: i,,u site W, npage I hs,,c F +.en u• si,u Aral hn:r in, tk.use u•ld to r_•Iwv any amwms F awe y.x, it I <br />tun sit dettutk umkr dtis cvrwwi. More my h.,use :, ,,ld. v,,u will obr r,.-rythrn : that the law yet; ^.,. It yew hire a•, at,, v tar a—st you n, se.Il my hou -w. rr, to sue roe. <br />rift to protect porn rights.. I agree to pay you tort ytwr, rrasonahit urzornry, tees and fin nvMf trlated eyrrfry such a, c,wri arts. utlr searches and n wee } ou expended <br />to pvim4 t nay fKAoe, if you art Alin ?wed to collect such artn +atilt, try law <br />0T#wA Mill we can chrrtae tug tit cnt«ce any of the. ,Fists undet tint, ,ontra.1 a, oncn A, we N ins a ufa,ut Irr,sng :hem i N, wr an klav enforcing am of the rights <br />wrthaag kntng than Wean ale, use any rights rntw .ir in the future gr,rev %, us ins law <br />DMAYS; I know that y,w will use y .ur ^t,: ettt st, to install five Ir,4u, r, I airp at, ins nF ^, . rt rt sr nil I a!,., :eider fond that in wwsr sttuau:ms you may etutgtmer <br />Oelayy dw at cau+lef by strikes. weather i imditl,.tla itchy* %ou Ravr tr vmratnit.g 11144M A11- al,. , If tin .r•hrr rcae i rn .hat Are hevond vnur control I understand tfwi you will <br />ant tw hahk sex autiv delays - <br />421MATi(M it T have a dtiputc.n : iarn ash ,,•u : rsnaernin} :hr .juantit, ,tuai,n , a 5wr1 t,An_ ,rf ,hr fen idiot,. I urnkrstant4 that my dispute tttay be submitted to <br />And wnkcd acc;xdwg k, the retrdidr,m- Att+aratirm pn,gtatn that may tiayr ek it Till : :mmur,r, i A ;- know that Am decision nraoir toy An Ar Intrausris, would be en- <br />terind in elr c.nat hAVing lusfsdiction :+vrr rw ara71 nu <br />SAL% UJ % Alit I ki'— trial •tx l rid„ ,a,. <br />A'hvir „,4 yenta 1-, ".:}flat . , tut t e. t ,f.r .r..., F +,1I,- ♦ r . - .u.. <br />SM14L SM ATiOVS: Dtw to the untgiw. -Wss lit st +mr' of Itw pttnfu;'t, thal "it, wil I anderstand that in tx« ra? sheaf rims that your Regional Office tray have to review <br />and accept this caaattmt. I Also utiekratW4 that this saie:...wnr in 1119 ate: thai you Anna I :no, nIi hayc had sit nine•t inlomation intpnnani ut this tran-sacv<m <br />slow fiagerttyn: i grve you m} conform fir, t (inrcm any r+irvirAis error., that rtay ha,r .n Burred whrn six blank, to sin:, +: r>nn'act weir: ompleled. <br />L L J <br />Jill <br />I <br />