<br />PREPAVMENT AND ACCRUAL OF THE FINANCE 1:;olethallibe I e�,ulatschedtiledmi)tithlypaynwnt. I IIAVCI,�, right
<br />to prepay the whole amount owing to yall in full 41 IIISC or in from
<br />AM part little IF, time Ifil-lelendinvins ution tie bank I tal buys in), contract computes the harge
<br />dtaly% I know my finance char 116cle.,sifi make jn early paySvent. And it will be higher it I paylue: lalmliecognizeiliataiik, necessary adjustment to in%• total finance
<br />will he reflected in myfinalthill; I also know that the amounts shown on the reverse side for the Finance Charge. Total ol'Vayrnems. and the Total Salil"fice am evi-
<br />mate, based on the a%sumplitn that you will receive each of the payments exactly on its due date; L know
<br />and that there will be no refund iff prepay because them nuthing
<br />a) refund if am charged on a dAil)-basw If the lending instittitio'norbAnk - dlvsnol compute the finance charge daily, and if prepay the whole tia St. You Will rcfurai
<br />nou
<br />to milt the unearned portion of the tinance charge jinivrest) by the accounting procedure known as the actuarial method: and [lit amount of in y rebate will I be figured on the
<br />scheduled dates and amounts ofirty monthly payment and not on the actual dates and amounts of the I I know
<br />prepayments that pay to you. that a refund nflessthan $1 .00
<br />will not be madic•
<br />(h) I hake read, in detail. the cimraw, io-y i- A R ti kkirri--o W ARRAN I N wlhich• I I made. acconiNmes thi—onn-act. hexplains the conditions and ircurnstaince..
<br />in which the mAnulactured products tkill he repaired ' sr repliKed. i;ake notice the hnoljtions warraniv
<br />ill oil [he warranty. and I rnocuhjrly recognize thatany implied which
<br />A110it's to the-91MUs- =j oiily a,, knig: As the warrant % 4w we'l . cesOnICUI
<br />40 1 have read, in detail. ow cpAraic 'I IMI 1`111 MNTALLATION WARRANTN which. if made. accompanies this conduct. h explains the conditions and cir-
<br />cumsian,:c, in which the in,i,li ltwo,rf tile siding will he rcdoiw. I take navisce o1 the hmihttttius on the warranty. And I particularly recognize that any implisidwarranty which
<br />Applies tothe ' 7.1, long as the war,anIv ,,l wt,icc contract.
<br />WFCIAL-ORDFR G(N)US: 1 knots thal',Ful Ki, c ineawled,n% house and ,�rs "pelongs stl that %oll can make Tile products it) th my particular house. I take mice that the
<br />goods that are Sianufaulned tar Fos specific tuv Pwh-blk mill 'stlt I it any other Wuses.
<br />and under such conditions. I know that I cannot cancel this comract at any time
<br />File, by Aficritiltic,
<br />gal jwruki Fit lone, I Lot— that I have the t,bligauon to pay you if, full the Amount owed.
<br />1*0PROOMRIFYINSt RANCE AND MVRVAI. ESTATE: L I prom) ,vto keep im house in vcFxl repair and it) keep it insured for
<br />lill eau FAK4 oil 'rho in,
<br />cy uran, e :olnpan% must be appro%ed by you. And the policy mug have
<br />a beneficiary clause which _,s, Ill"I FF'lu arc tO he P3t(I it thew 1s414 notsi agree [hat it %kifl not cancel my without first Ind-
<br />policy telling you.
<br />V4Fo F an to use this insurance payment tly either repay any amounts I owe you or to repair IS louse.
<br />hate the. 4vt ion ,f pro, Filing pr.,fwri %
<br />Nil)
<br />independentlN obijoied and paid fix tile. 2, 1 also promise that
<br />at not
<br />Allow else (oplace im heonnly Ic4i !ciloal Ill
<br />pro,nu,r pay ::I .I
<br />di.-- 4 1 pS'mIw tounsel) nmke Al pa tuctas on .. I% prix ton inured h% my real estate. I at,,, Prllliliw that I will Sol extend. rt!nc% or change F hour your
<br />e prior loan. wt
<br />hour
<br />Arriticnikermi-ion i If, h) �,Fi tnsufc im joifill not Fth,, F+lipo ... I, I,- im real e,aite. then .on can Fit, it fix Fix if %,)u that you do not hake to)t lfy(�j do
<br />any of Ihcw,,hljgAt 1,,r i•tr. at
<br />Interest [tie highest la,tul ""It, 'I rate of ill rest. Unlit I pas' you back. thew amounts will
<br />1Zy
<br />added to un% dehi to %ou nO, :, cc,,recj I,\ ❑ll� ell an,i lulu,e. I k.,Fw that if -,ou 11) Ilus assurance lot base
<br />me thin you do not it) obtain any tKuncowner
<br />in 1141uh1% mstir,ncc
<br />SALE OFMV f-u-'r Fun li, 'ti`IL Iraq "t e", ntN h,,c w1h r,il—I dch wkou
<br />DKFAuvr: I will be in default under this contract if
<br />I I don I malice a payment when duc or
<br />I break any promise I made in you in du% tuorwi. or
<br />3. Something else happens which caustt sou w helieve in gus)d faith that I do not intend to pay titxm as prorniscd,or
<br />4. 1 default tiss any obligaitions for which I Am using my home as collateral. (it
<br />S. SonkethinghopprnstomyhouscwhKbthrratensvimtnitht,s.if nv. in
<br />IF I 4M 1*4 DEFAULT: I understand that you have the right to the !kforiga$c I have given to you And have my house sold to repay any amounts I owe vm if
<br />am in default under this contract. More my house is void, you will du e y cry thing that the law r 5. !f but
<br />:Iqu you an attorney it) as,"st you to sell my house, or, to sac one,
<br />or. to pliviii I agree icipay you tot vour reaskiiiabir atulme"' (cc% and fax other ist;�:c XPCfl%Ci such 41 c0tifft culls. title searches Aral nione
<br />r...".111M
<br />soprotect my Am Allowed u;colltict;uch ankinti by last, • y you expended
<br />(nW-K RIGHTS: We can cholow not locnfor.,c any of the nghts under thisntratt as flen as we -an( without 1,,sanji them Or. we can delay enforcing any of the rights
<br />without losing thern. We can also use my rights S,,* ju` IS the future given to Us by law
<br />DELAYS: I know that you will use your besj effivei$ to install the proditcjS I am IlUkha'Ing on MV tu'Use. but I Also understand that in some situiatonsyclat may mounter
<br />delays dw an caused by strikes, weather conditultrviz delays you have in EINAInIng nusert.41s. fax tqhcf
<br />.4
<br />reasons thanW be liable fur such delays. t Am beyond your control. [understand dust you will
<br />A111211TRATION: It I have a dispute fix claim with V'Aws."Weriony the 'joarild%. quitlas 11 PLI'l0ernauce 44 the proclucits. I understand that my dispute may be submitted to
<br />occur 10 the that ends no I
<br />=111511SILIC111 Forninumty At,,, know that Any decmum made by an arbitraws) would be en-
<br />m the court having junscitlior, over me And s4n.,
<br />t"t ill,, imtallanon have illi salvage solar.
<br />1119CIAL.1111711JATHAS: Due to the uruqjwnej,,,t ")OIC M the [Inlduct, that %" r-il . I undentand that in v•131 snuationst that your Regional Office may have to review
<br />witall accept this contract. I Also underu.and that chi, sale. occurred ib,ow Am] .
<br />it, SIN that",il and I maulci have had all the correct Information important to this transaction
<br />fintlempb. I give you my consent lo-,om't any obvictu, err,— that nl-, h.— unreel when the blanks in
<br />shiscontlifti were colinpirted.
<br />INVALID PWIFF&W(W�t it any pm,,j,.m (4, fto coaftlict vuhi the 14* and " ww"itsme" - rise rest of the ctwiltract will be v&IW. If my part of fts calms" ream,
<br />payment of astim, faissest than the I iov then vou bar
<br />peimuts. " 1;1 only'
<br />M from me the amount ofmarrest which the lawallows you locollect.
<br />C0011"LIPIT9111111=01? THU CONTRAt"T:'I'lus s, th "m and I atime in writing.
<br />In
<br />L
<br />