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in <br />ADDITIONAL TERMS 85--m 004597 <br />. <br />PREPAYMENT AND ACCRUAL OF THE FINANCE, CHARGE: liven though I do not have to pa% more than !here •ular scheduled monthly paymem. I have the right <br />to prepay the whole amount owing to )•ou in full at any time or in part from tinge to time. If the lending instimtion or bank t at buys my contract computes the finance charge <br />daily. I know my finance charge will be less if I make an early payment, :cod it will be higher if 1 pay, late: I also recognize that an necessary adjustment ur my total finance <br />charge will be reflected in my final bill: I also know that the amounts shown on the reverse side for the Finance Charge. Trial of Payments, and the Total Sale Price wessti- <br />matea based on the assumption that you will receive each of the paymems exactly on its due date: and I know that there will be no refund if] prepay because there is noth,ina <br />to refund if I am charged on A daily basis. If the lending institution or bank does not compute the finance charge daily. and if I prepay the whole amount. your Will teftirrd <br />to Inc the unearned portion of the finance charge (interest) by the accounting procedure known as the actuarial method; and the amount of my rebate will be figured on the <br />sche <br />na of my mu mthly paytru nt and not on the actual dates and amounts of the prepayments that I pay to you. I know that a teftmd of less dust $1.00 <br />w•llnot -, _ V <br />IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT WARRANTIES: <br />_ �s� W* as SELLER HEREBY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, OF MERCHANTA <br />SUN AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ON ALL GOODS AND SERVICES UNLESS SELLER FUR- <br />NISHES BUYER WITH A SEPARATE WRITTEN LIMITED WARRANTY OR SERVICE CONTRACT, -MADE `8Y'SELL- <br />ER ON ITS OWN BEHALF (WHICH, IF MADE, ACCOMPANIES THIS CONTRACT). <br />IN I have read. in detail. the separate '• I o -YF•AR LIMITED R• 4RRA N'I Y•' which, if made. accompanies this contract. It explain the conditions and circumstances <br />in which the manufactured products w ill he repaired in- replaced. I take tmticeofllic limitations on the warranty, and I particularly recognize that any impliedwatrantywhich <br />applies to the gt. s asrt+•mlc a, gone as the warranty.,r x :nice contract. <br />Ici I ha%c read. in detail. the separate 1 LI611TFD INSTALLATION 'A ARRANTY" which. if made. accompanies this contract. It explains the contdltions and cir- <br />cumstamrs In which the m%,Alation of the siding will be redone. I take notice of the limitat ions nn the warranty, and I particularly recognize that any impliedwatranty which <br />applies to the imtallahon astastl sonTv— as longasthewarrantsorservicecontract <br />SPF,CIAL- ORDER GOODS: I k now that you hake measured my house and its openutes so that you can make the products in fit not particular house. I take notice that the <br />gonads that are manufactured for nis specific house p rohahly will -not tit any other houses, and under such conditions. I know that I•cannol cancel this contract at any time <br />after the period oftime given w rite. by law, in which rocanccl After that local period of umc. I know that I base the obligation to pay you in full theatauntowed. <br />OBLIGATIONS PERTAINING TO PROPERTY INSURANCE. AND MY REAL ESTATE:: I. 1 promise to keep my house in good repair and to keep it insured for <br />at eau ftt)'x of m rcpl:,cennrnl ,ague M' boring a f ire and extended covemce insurance policy. The insurance company muyt he aeproved by you. W, the policy must have <br />a livneficialy clause which says that you are tk be paid it then is a loo. the insurance company must agree that it wifl not cane Inv policy without first telling you. 1 au- <br />thorize the insurance cntn ny ul pay rot directly tun any ios,. You can chdu,se to use this insurance paiment tocilher repay any alruwms f owe you Orin repair my htmse. <br />in art the option of prod ing pr>Ierty msur use through an exhting 1>.dc� or Ihrou -b- i poll: •: indepe ride I,II% obtained :coil pad for by nlc. 2. 1 also promise Ihar f will not <br />:r11Uw anyktte Clye ill plae'e ens' hens On my real C,ralc wlthlnll r1�Ur written pefnli„II n. I pmmse m pay' ;ill taxi',, a„C, \nlenls :tnd OIhCrChafges On mY real estate When <br />due. 4. I pnlmise Ile nnlel }' IllakC all par'mellls f)11 rely' prof Iilanl , cured hs mY r •:11 tai I al, I r'01niw that I will not extend. renew or change prior loans without your <br />written Perm <br />i'smn I du a>t insure me house or fulfill my oboe oh6�atid ns tome re d e,tatc then you can d it for nn cunt want (but you do not have log. If you do <br />pav am' of these. obhgauons Eon me. t gree to pay you back un demand egos interest .!! the hlgiu. r lawful contract rate of Interest. until f pav you back. three amounts will <br />toe ud/Icd w my dcht tls you wMch is secured ht -real C \ladle• amt Ilkn.. I kmlw That It "I., <br />t dc.'i Ic u� buy nnmrand a tnr m •that ydw du not have w oMain any homeowner <br />or habilitc insuran,c. <br />SALE OF lit i HOUSE.: 1 promise not m sell, lease osr gi, e nn house to,o%mw until I he, c t1illc repaid my debt to you. <br />DEFAULT: I will be in default under this contract if: <br />I . 1 donl Crake a payment when due; or <br />2. l break any promise 1 made to you in this contract: or <br />3. Something else happens which causes you to believe in goof faith that I do not intend to pay you as pmrnised: or <br />4. 1 default onany obligations for which I Amusing my home as collateral: or <br />3 Somethinghappenstomy house which threatens your rights, ifany,init, <br />IF I AM IN DEFAULT: 1 understand that you have the right to f. reclose the Mortgage 1 have given to you and have my house sold it) repay any amounts I owe you if I <br />am in default under this contract. Before my house is sold, you will do everything that the law requires If yout hire an atttrnev ui assist you m sell my house, or, to sue one, <br />a, to Protect yyour rights, 1 agree to pay y'ou for your reasonable attrneys fees and for other related expenses such as court rosts, title searches and money you expended <br />to protect my house. of you are allowed id col such amounts by law. <br />OTHER RIGHTS: We can choose nix to enforce any of the rights under this contract as often as <br />within" k we want without losing them. (h , we can delay enforcing any of the rights <br />xsing them. We can also use any nghts mow or in the future given to us by law. <br />DELAYS: I know :hat you will use your best efforts to install the prducts I am purchasing on rim• house, but I also understand that in some situations you ma encounter <br />delays drat am caused by strikes. weather conditions, delays you base in obtaining nlalc :,als, or for other reams that are beyond your control. I understand that you will <br />nix be liable for such delays. <br />AROFMATION: If f have a dispute or claim with you conemmg the quanmp, gduohty , perfrmnance of the pnducu. !understand that my dispute maybe submitted to <br />and .color acdamlulg u, the rnedatisn- arbitration program that may have dcvelo ed in my community. I alsi know that any decision made by an arbitrNOr(s) would be en- <br />tadl lathe court having jtmsdiciron over me and yew. yr� <br />SAI.y 4i;E VALUE: I know BLit the wmdnw,. w,xsiw ,,k. 'Id um, hrtl k .and ndlrr n!atenah that h,- n• b, rCnNncd by Vol !m Ihr, IUsldilaUon h %c NO salvage value. <br />When you renhxe Ihcm. you can bale v 111Bn1 tilt w6ar:'sct puryho +r yov •a am <br />SPECIAL SMATIONS: Due to the uniqueness of some of the products that you sell. f unkrstand that In special situations that your Regional Office may have to review <br />and accept this contract. I also understand that this .sale occurred It, my home and that you and I may not have had all the correct information important to this transaction <br />at ow finytrtips; l give you my consent to comer:l any obvious errors that only have occurred when the blanks in this contract were cranpletai. <br />dtWAL�•lt f Wes: N ante provistat W lhro arMrnrct y sp ! is uwallarewble. Ur+estaf *a enasnta.wO ba.va4d. R•.at y part of AtNacwsract ogtuara <br />paymeat of more low" than the law permit, then you w111 only va. olkcr from me the amount Of interest which the law allows you mcol lect. <br />COMM.ETEIIi MOFTHIS CONTRACT: This contract can only be changed if htxh you and I agree in writing. <br />t(> <br />