<br />00450
<br />'4) All riu,lwl shat) 1w jo!wl-, :I,!,! I! flic" :od 1 .7;
<br />Trust sluA! inuiv, Ni : 110 1,,
<br />livil N4
<br />ret-elice In .hi- il..d o!' I 'n'! (It tile deal! I%, -,ln,arnud p
<br />(5)1 Fa,11 It !hl :od we'd 11VTO'N ii"l tile fi�lht 1'. .him :111% lo; ;rl,p;j m)-iI my tor, i" t1.
<br />floder of the 6,01., gin., n heIlundor m-, ati,illnl 11.1 i•.;•
<br />.11IN ollic! fi-•f th, ififl&; k ! r,+, ,mwol, :1�, ;1•0!1— h"',
<br />.have, to ill', cm,;)l permitted by law.
<br />;b) Invalidtiv lr ur:-.mfor vability of mov tnoviicms flewin shall "-)I 1. i th, 111. ft!y and entm, vai Lie In', 11N n�, � p ri
<br />(7) 11 any of tile und vi,igaml is a married per ,m). fie reprewnfs and t, ,arTant, that tj i� inst uni, ja hal ii--tz ev:-w.: it ill Iii. 1,01.dl -,t him ;!;,;1
<br />use and benefit and that h� has not -oxclutQd tile same as surety for but that !I,,. is the to 11'
<br />li,jeundei-,
<br />Jr. the event •f default in the perfmilimcc. of aill, of t6c terms and condition, of thi. Dr,d J T:ut till h, it 'h'. !!,d!
<br />entitled to iinniediat,- possession of the lnojwrt} above described.
<br />(9) A copy of Lny Notice of Dofatdt mA .! cIqv. of ','IV Notice ,I Sal,, h-1 !u"llcd !" ol,h p n, r wh, 1"30%
<br />forth Lhawni, at tile samt'. little rind in Ih--- ma..a,r rc-;Itjir,!d as Though a s voarat,- —1,i ,t had kill,, f'11,-,j 1. y
<br />IT IS FULLY UNDFRSTOOT) that •It, Do•d of Tillst tf, be C\ellited t't- the nn&,li. but a ]),-t .j .'
<br />.:.ad .hc f-I—I n III,
<br />Dcod of Trust provides slzbstamwall) fj�11N Ulld 1)�-Jie,,til Ill tf, 7�11 'I
<br />in till de, zfl! T 1- j -h
<br />ILI Cl-
<br />T, sr or - florr-ver fr
<br />John I. Giifv'a�'n Debornh '!. "I 1,A
<br />,
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, TrUStI.T has cxocut¢d this Decd of I I'm Tile dal, cued year 1-i"! above
<br />Skned. Sealcil and Delivered in Me presencf• of
<br />Willie 5, 7 }rlslnr -----(SFA!
<br />'Ohm 7'. n I v.ir.
<br />SFA L
<br />Debor,ib ':. raivori
<br />ss
<br />Thil 9th d.) j • P—onall, app—I-d helow tile
<br />and—Deborah G.il,..-in
<br />--- - — - True, -- - 'I's - I" Till known !,I be till Identical Per-lis Rallied
<br />in and who execulvd ific foregoing Deed .4 n and wwraliv acknowledged the ext-lution Ilivic-il Ii) he (111%j lied Oheirl file and —hintark aL: and dc,d.
<br />My commilmum expurcs
<br />x Iwo is I"
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