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85- 004329 ADDITIONAL TERMS <br />PRF PAV%IFNT V'Q A(:Cj� t-AL OF —PIE FI \A \CF, CHARGE': d'% "en lhounh Id-, not Im,,v lu pay nnn'c 01011 111C 1e•,_ulat ,, hufulcd mnnlhli pa) nu•ut I have the right <br />to prepay the vvhcA 1rRutlrtlrNo w vxtu in full at ary tinteor in part Innn lime tit time If the lending in,rihawn ur hank ficu buy, nt ,nlract compute, file tout :e charge <br />dall y, I know my'flnurricetChargc Hill be less if I make an tardy pav sent. and it will he higher it I pay title. t al,It rea,envc that a av ncce „anv adjustment In ns tnlal finance <br />charge will he rcfketed in m} final bill; I also know that the ;mot nls %hors non the reeene side for the I'nlaltee (hargC, f ofal of Paytm nt,. :tn d The I oral Sale Pray are e,fi- <br />mates based on the assumption that you will receiv, each of the paynula, exactly on ill, due date; :nut I know that there 'w ill he nn refund if I prepay because there is nothing <br />to refund if I am charged on a daily basis. If the lending instiluuon or bank does out compute the finance chance daily. and it I prepay file whole amount, you will refund <br />to nor the unearned portion of the finance charge (interest I by the accounting procedure known :s the actuarial niethoa: and the amount of my rebate will he figured on the <br />scheduled dates anti amounts of my monthly payment and not on the actual dates and amounts of the prepayments that 1 pay to you. 1 know that a refund of less than SI .IN1 <br />will not be made. <br />IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT WARRANTIES: <br />(a� We as SELLER HEREBY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, OF MERCHANTA- <br />SILIy'li AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ON ALL GOODS AND SERVICES UNLESS SELLER FUR- <br />NISHES BUYER WITH A SEPARATE WRITTEN LIMITED WARRANTY OR SERVICE CONTRACT MADE BY SELL- <br />ER ON ITS OWN BEHALF (WHICH, IF MADE, ACCOMPANIES THIS CONTRACT). <br />Ihll have read, indctud,ihe separate "10•ti'IARI I'll 11t)WARRANIl "v,M1i h. it made.accrnnp nit Ih,4 ,mr.I Itexphtin % the conditions and circutmtancc, <br />inwhich the manut.wi turedprohtrsw Ill hrrrpaireiorrrplared Iwkenotireof file hmmtiom :,n [lie marranty and Ipanctjlarlyrv,,ig ncthatanyimpliedwarrantykvInch <br />applies („ the Z7 s a,t, only as Iong a, the aarrmt.y o( ,en i,e rontra:t <br />icI I have read. in ac•f oil n ,eparaw "i•I \Ii f 1 :1) I`'SI M 11'I ION %%A R R AM 1 " •shi,-h, It made. "tcc,rnipamc, thl, contract 11 explain, the conditions aoid cir- <br />cum, Lance, inv vhich the mwall ationof the siding wll!tkredunc Itakcnotice, 1 the lot lilt[ « m, on the ” arrann.. mtlI pan lcul, iris reu, gnizv that :mvimpliedwarranlyuhich <br />app!ic, tothe ins( :dfauonTiT,,�u , Ione as;ht w0nanty or,er, ire :,,ntrt.t <br />SPECIAL -ORDER GOODS: I ktu,u that v ou has c mta,ured Ins house :Ind n, oprmm" ,o Ibat %u❑ cu, roadie Ilie oroduet, In tit my panlrular home. I take notice that tilt <br />go+xh that are minutacturtl In: my ,p aflc house prohably'sill rnq tit anv -ghee 110111c", W111 under such condtuon,, I knot Nu! I c :unto( %0ncrd rhncnnVaCHU arc nmc <br />,tree tfrt I+tru*d of time• en en to ma, by iau , �n wMel w; :,noel. After that Iced Ivtlod of time, l k than l h-c tile• oh,waonn to pat you In full the amount owed. <br />()61.11 :ATIO%S PERTAISI \(:'f(1 PROPF.R'11' INSI RANCF. AND M RF-AL ES "I'VI E: I . I pronme w i:crp tin hou,c nt goxi repair and to keep it inured for <br />at least NNn of its replacement value ht bttymg a tiro and rxwndt,t co+erahe n,uramc p-h,, I it,- m,ta,v, e• orrpam r iu t he a proved by you. and the policy roust have <br />a herith iary ,Iau,e ubich ,;s, that you arc to he Paul i• there „ a 1, ,. '1 h i I t-Im u,nipans oust .."Fee tttet It u -ill , I n.,e`nn" polio - urthouf fir,! t •Iling i,,u. 1 au- <br />IM,nzc the Insurance company it, pas you direcliv lur :rev lo,,. 1 ou , an Jet c u, u,c :hn u,surancc p+e} runt to ratter r, pa, stns amount, I owc sou a to rep: +ir my house. <br />I have the option t pro% ,ling p operiy usorance thrnuch an eel ling pu!i, y r through ., Isgr, y i i iclx.ndv a is I lj r ed In P.It"I f.,r I's nie ' I a!w, pmmse that l u di root <br />dlow anyone c•1s to place am hen, on It I% real r,l:te uath,+uI % nu written Ix•nn+ „ual. I ptontI e ,, p.o all la,. . n+ men!, :Ind, lbcr rhttrc%• +nn env real estate when <br />due•. J 1 prontse to time:} make .tlI pavnrent, on nn poor It cured h+ nn IC.d csi,jie I .t 1— 1 r +tu,e;hal I ., dj tit \Ic :IJ. rcncu or ch mvc Pro -r loans without your <br />•araten permi„ion. i It I do not insure my hots or- hiltill w% other ohhe :auni, TII uty reel c,rdc . Iht•n v. It ,Ill I! -r for , ,. If %.w va.osf rhur you do not have tot 11 you do <br />pay anv of these c,l,iig.dtom tor ate. 1 sync to pay demand plus nncn•,1 ,d the htehry I tutu :note �t 1 1-1 r •w l "nn! t pay rov bar k.:hr,t amount, a nil <br />hr a,tde 11" my debt to tot, w11i,ft is sc,: urea by u,v reel „tetr and hou,c I kn„n, that d —a der:,.. I.. hit At ur, f.,, . -1 tl,.a —:j n r it.. +r fu „Man arty honteouner <br />orhandnv m,tt!ancr. <br />SALE OF MI HOINE: I Aron ;sa nut a „ell. Iru,c r ;: r.r nn b,nt,c in e n,,nr trnul 1 he,e luih repel•! r.r.:'r_M t,• <...I <br />I)EFAL'L T: I will be in default under this contract if <br />I. I don't make a payment when due; or- <br />2. 1 break any proouse I made tar yore in this contract, nr <br />,l, voinethingc1se happens which causes you to belles m good faith that 1 do not intend a, pay you as pnnn!srd. or <br />d. 1 default on any obligations for which I am using my hurne as collateral, or <br />S Something happens to my house which threaten, your rights. it any. in if <br />IF 1 AN IN DEFAULT: I understand that you have the right to t ,reclow the klortgage I have g;ken in uw .Ind his,.- nn house sold to repay any amounts l owe you if I <br />Min default under this contract. Wore my house is sold, coo will do even ihmg that the law” requires. If you fare an an ,ruck to asst you to sell m house. a, tc +suc me. <br />or, to protmt your rights. I agree to pay you for your reasonable auorncys' fee, anti for other related expenxs such ,t, tun cows :tie starches and money yew expended <br />mpapect my Rust, rf you are allowed iocollect such arrarunis by law. <br />OTHER RIGHTS: We can chase mu to enforce any of the rights under this umtrwt a, nitro a, ire u tth „ut i,,,,ng them f ir, we can delay enf,rcing any of tfte rights <br />withtxN ksing them We cart m'ou%e any rights itow of to fits future piven to us by tai <br />DEI.AVS- I know that you will use your beer coons to Install the product, I am pur, h"rnmc on my house, but i also unticr,tand that m sonic situations you TV erxuunter <br />delays that are caused by strikes, weath%:r con dawns, delays you hake in obtaining nottc sal, , r i. r ether reasons that are heytnd your control I undentand that you will <br />oat he liahlc lit such tklays. <br />ARa1TRATIOIV: If I have a disputC or Clair) w lth you n,ncernutg the quanity yuahty or pertormance „t n c pnnfuca I understand that any dispute may be submitted &r <br />reed settled according Ise the inrdfalion- arbitra!mn program that may have d , I.,pcd m env o,11unuroh I a:s know that any dedseon made by an atiritralorfsf would lY cn- <br />rued in the comet hav mtt lun,d(cuon to er rile alw you <br />SAIA 044 %AI l F. I knot n, t rftC w n nut at"da„rt. •i II h”, n ;.•rise, _..alai, lc I. ,_ ., „ru h, ; ,u !n! leas .n,!.ulanou hsr No saly,ox salue <br />'A hen ti, Its rrx,c ttwm,k,n.%rt ha.c l li, itI t, It •, :rpwp- ot-, del - <br />SPECIAL SITUATIONS: Elite h, the untyuenea of sonic of the product, that sou cH, I "ItICT,laud that in spLcial auanons that your Regumal office may hasr in rcvtew <br />and accept this contrast I also understand that this ,ale oc,:urred in my f,onw and that y zu :aid I may m,f has a had ail rfie c.mect Information tmptrrtam to ibis tralimcrom <br />al air fingertips: i gtiivc vv�o u`my conical luctrreet any uh%ruus Crrt Irs that may have o,c ur rc d when the Flank., m uns cuntrarl w ere compfetod <br />1.4 AI.ID moo ll�f If any provision nl the contract aolale_, the jaw and a uncototccable, the rest of the contract will be valid. if any part of this contract requires, <br />it <br />