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f MORTGAGE- 004247 under the one- to four - family <br />provisions -of the National <br />Housing Act. <br />"With deferred interest and increasing <br />monthly installments" <br />83' <br />THIS MIORTGAGE, made and e,e,uled thn 17t h day (,f January A.D. <br />f9 83 by and between Mark R. Bruner and 1x ist i K. Bruner, Husband and Wife, <br />of the (•oust% of Hall and State of Nebraska, party of the first part. hereinafter called <br />the Mortgagor. and Superior Mortgage, Iite. <br />a corporal ion oraniredi and esfuntg under the law, of Nebraskl <br />parts of the second part. hereinafter culled the Nforigagee. <br />lio,I'INfSSI'111. Brat the,: u: EAlo ngagar. for:uniincomtdertion,tf the soffit of Forty Thousand and No/ 100ths - -- <br />- - -- --------------- -- --- - -- - --- Ik,llars IS 40 000. 00 1, paid by the Mort - <br />eagee. the rcceipr of which I, hcrchl. acknowicdged. has Granted and Sold and �y these presents dcx firs +nt. liar- <br />vain. Sell. ('on%v% ,ind ( *,if inn Ilml)1,.i_he .Nimig ;+gee• it, ,ucces,ors and assigns, forever, the following - described <br />rcaf t•Nl ;tr•. ,Ituaed in Ihr (•ounly of 4 .and Stine <br />A cartata Part of the :+outhwrint Quarter of the Northwest Quarter <br />(SWY.NW14) of Section 3,`'•in Township 9 North, Range 9 West of the 6th P.M., in (tall <br />County, Nebraska, moron. particularly described as: Beginning at a point where the <br />North line of the Southwest Quarter (SW'4) of the Northwest Quarter (NWt -4) of Section <br />.3, in Tuwnship 9 Vort It, Range 9 West: of the 6th P.M., intersects with the east right <br />of way line of the State and Federal Highway Known as 281, which point is 51.75 <br />feet east of the Northwest Corner of the southwest quarter (SW4) of the Northwest <br />Quarter (NW`4) of Section 3, in Township 9 North, Range 9 West of the 6th, running <br />thence East along and upon the North line of the Southwest Quarter (SW?4) of the Northwest <br />Quarter (NW!4) of said Section 3, 272.2'5 feet, running thence South parallel to the <br />West line of the Fouthwest Quarter (SWl4) of the Northwest Quarter (NIV-4) of said Section <br />3, 337.0' running thence west parallel. to the North line of the Southwest Quarter <br />(SW%) of tine Nort1'.west Quarter (NW ?4) of said Section 3, 271.8 feet, to a point on the <br />Least Right :)f Way Line of the State and Federal highway Knotm as 281, Running Thence. Nort <br />upon and along the i:ast Right of Way Line of State and Federal Highway knit :n as 231, <br />337.00 feet to t1le actual point of bcs;inuing. <br />Of the So k0 lit: Ilk NJer :ch.ut. ;anI.nntl! of ail <br />orient su :Let <br />: rc, acumlutg to ( iovent- <br />0 H.Nk I N.N.1) 141 11111 11 the prcn"NCI ::hove de,,Fibcd. -Ath , Il the appurtenances thereunto belonging and including <br />dP hcaling, plonthutg ;uuE lightin}, talon•• and ryurpmenl now or he,r,drer .:rta•;hcd tour "Ned in connecnun with Naid real estate <br />onto file Nlwlg,tgce. :old In n,'If,"I—,n, and :,.,noon., lofI.,, I 7he'll"I a}vn represent, ono, and coven:mis with, the Moriga- <br />�a'e, that nhc Nlurlgaylu h.,, Cnnd rlelir rr. ,cll ;,11,1 i. +n \t'S ­Id prelnlw,. Illal Iho:N are free from encumbrance, and that the <br />Mortgagor aril warruu , :.nil defend the Name:I aulst the I.twful AiIIIINof Al persons whomsoever; and the Naid Mortgagor herd <br />I,N (6hnqur,hes ;Ill lights of huntr,Iradt, .and Ai m ;nu,d FIvhis. ether In Ian I,r in cyuty, and ;ill 'other contingent interest% of the <br />Nl,•rig :,gw In and to Ihr .,bore ,Ic,, nhcd plcvnne •. Ihr'oIR•ntton t" "ll" h, rnnvry hereby :Ill ahsoinle title. lit fee Nimple, dtclud- <br />tng:di right, of hume,ICaJ. and of her r, }:hi, . nil uild9 r,t, :, .durc,eul <br />PRO%fl))'I),NI1V :k Y'S an, lrhr .tprc,ent, ;nrrvrruk'd.enddclid creel,+ pun the folluwvngI, ondition,.towif <br />Theklortgagoragrt' r,+ al,. nl+, llta• NiotTCacee .,v„Idol.thel,rll),.rp.:!,um of Forty Thousand and .a ":o /1GOths- - --• -- <br />------ -- ----- ---------- -- ----- - - --•– h,aac, N 0, 000. 00 i. <br />`till mtcre,t hum del" at tl +r 1,1, 111 Twelve and Qne–Ila 1 f Ixr rnunn ( 1 , <br />i per "notion) on <br />Ihr unpeui h,diance until I,.od I hc•,.wl nnncq,.d,u+d n+tcre +t shalt he pa)nhle m the oflice of Super i. r ?iortg :ige•, L?i- . <br />Crand Island, Nebrask:.i .dial 1101Whe,PhLo : it, file h.,kler if <br />she nolc nr.+t 0"'llertate u, tsln"i}, nt monthly nstalimenl, of <br />(Accurdl edit; to Sc Ledo l c ,i ur rv, i:! nutt•l <br />XNKKXXA9CX 1, currtrrtemm y on [tic first day of <br />fare• It . l9 83 . ,utd ion the firs tat' of (';lch month (hereafter until (he princtp;rl and fn- <br />Icresl are fu!, p.od. r :icpt Itl.t the final p"gnterll if pri"rlp.11 and unere,t, if nrlt sooner paid. ,hall he rfile ;,nd <br />:,hlr.m the nr,l d..% of i'cbrLtat' y 2')1 3 all acernding in the terms of a certain plonu, <br />nrsnok' Ill e% ell dale hucw fill eh . uledI,%l1w Not" Mortgagor UCfc'rrr i.ntQrest hpl� be added to the <br />princiul balance month lv and IalT incrF e the Princena� <br />tone ktorlg"gur ,n ur Id..o. ;d tilt „t, :d .! a7n4'4 } n T70 t 170 re <br />.Itret'•.. than 4�,3 /j.all 4V <br />to the debt ill whoN. <br />I t of all :ut <br />LIN <br />Ir- �� <br />._ i <br />