<br />DEBTOR WARRANTS AND COVENANTS' of That Ix. em r..r Ihr• w•eun19' tnlerest Framed hrreb}' Debtor is, or to the extent that this
<br />serselrtetlt states that th" Collaleral Is to ht acquired rifler the Ime Iwr• if. will hr• lh•I owner of the C,41titeral free from anY adverse IlriL se.
<br />vurfty interval or tovumhr ;,rnr and that Debtor will defend it 1. Ilu rd .ul,inwt I'll rhlinlw and den+molw of All Irm-eonx at rmY lime rtatml,I4
<br />the a&A1e or Any inlelrwt Itlein. 121 That no fittanrlfig staten.,LI'l r. nnF the Cull.lo`r:d er An} 111,1 lm thereof hl nn file in any puhlir •'frier
<br />and that at the request r.f Secured !'art). Dr•blul' wdl jinn avUr n• •I I'.,rtt m .•xeent nlg one• nr I u re hitan'RtK shdements purmiant 10 if,,.
<br />Nebraska Unitarn. Cun n eI, IAI Curie in form s ;Uiw[ a tury h, S, r I I !'.r, I n.l well pA. the r.r +l ..f filing wueh f'w"wf1.K statement. this sera rate
<br />' atftrelrleat and an)' a nui...m,,•il er lI rminr(ti"ll wtaivilleul. u, .,It ,r..n h. rr : r , w L..
<br />r••,r r f,lu r L •h r•:nr.l tq• Serum ,l pally W be ner.•s.:ny Ill.
<br />(- deelrable: and if tlu• Cuaater nl Iw nt laeheJ to rr;ll e.rnle preu r.. I,., !.: Ir.•n ,..f Ih.• :,•r,u ua ,oleo °d hr:nprd he,eby or it the
<br />Includes Craps or ud. g.,.. •:r mmer I. ar hr rxl rant.., - Cntlal•v ,I
<br />I or unrl...r , r. •: .r,l a w,ll. ,.n •trmnld ..f 5r, ord 1':u'I F. turn L +, S••,.
<br />with a disclaimer or dlr.l:nn,rlw ur I acrd I':/rt}
<br />>;uhnrdloau•rn aKl e•nl.nt
<br />od1Aallng any ,•11lllrtl a1,1'h ,.r :•.ill.
<br />.If the C'AilAlerai
<br />nor We the same or rill. -nq,t to lake Ill,- same, from to rnnn,, t. r.. kr•I .Jr,.c •. r,it. •1, x lh 'd [!r•- pn. r M-11 ,ns.�nt of the Serure4
<br />Party. lei To j t� 111 1 z - n I n:,w,,,zsno•nt of rrr.rr u.+tnrr xh ! I . r:
<br />•, w. .I i.- ,.a tl:. ( lI -r rd r51 Sul ter p••rutil r.r all,I
<br />Any Adzf. rse 11 n. n,r ,I n t r •.t or ............ hl.o;n• ,.- ?rAI,.,.eI -, r •., : ,
<br />(el That the „...,1 r .a,llti •r,. .: e.l th.,l r w,ll :.r .. .. I I :rl I Ii•rr t I•i':n,t Inc .:ne.. t, h.• :,1 /:,.-h ••,1 rr rrldet -Inert
<br />'rl � r. k I II..• , I. fir,. r.l .•. reht.r.o •end (rr.m 11me 1.r tin+.•.
<br />tarlhtrilh. rr`p1Are :md r'I I :JI ' uh p.r rt •• n! the r . .rJ .r I.-
<br />n I •, r :t . r I ;.. I ., irhew n, ..omg ern} lien to hr rrealed
<br />upon the Collateral on -net .'f n h r I I' and a r,;.r•,t rfu• (•nflalrlal it ok%, time.
<br />w'hfrrver located fL Tl t a'iIJ at h w rran xl n+ k I ! ( L I -l'I r...l rn ,,1 >fA,ton• t„ 8. curl.l I'.ulY .ICrlinst ilrsw, aw
<br />aPPrrprinte, by theft. .t. >..rn. 1. r., ,nd .x. rid• I I.., r.r. wr.. I, , .,,:• ,.,I r I. .
<br />deliver said 1''`I mlere•t III tit ar. an,l will r,11 deln.1n,
<br />yohru•s .•fI n'e .,r brie...!. 11 .f ..f I 11•,n U . r .:n S.,•ure4 E'a 1 -
<br />Anre. A is, Ilarge t lxe, Ir I r srrurih ;nt• r •19 fn :.. un• •,m h m +ur.
<br />I 'I I p n: tt C I t r: I u I tv p:r:• !— [!le repai,'
<br />[.f an)' d \m:lge er Inftlr> 1•, r,l flrl' It .. 7,t e. .r
<br />t• r I u> S "ur d F'ruf5 r.11 4, n., rh'1
<br />!or aAy payment of r %p.y.,r• fnrw'I•,I h) S. 'ul •.I Plot pal >,.r I: IP.. r
<br />t I i• , , J.:r r... I nrrl uh r,•Inilrm ., Im i.l. 11',• on,uunt
<br />such pa}•ment, with u•h rr•nl at the r.,te ref '.1; p. r ,u:l:nn: h •ro: r! rP.. '., ,
<br />..f pr• -t Inr:! r nrhr +tl be nrl rl•,1 ro tho u,•lrht.dnee„ .,w.,l
<br />hY Debtor and .Thal! he ..rnre•l h. llo• :r.. •�nl : „ 'I•h:ll I. ,. ,It r. � r r� c. „I.,r. I:II to t t •:+I •,f
<br />or4+nahce and It art) of file :m C. (Inr.•r II ,., II, I •r a.•i L.- ! Y regWati,m ur
<br />• r I "I nor n• 1•'ed •,r ,ndnrinr .. r.,n•
<br />teat. Ilor Debtor will jwr S•.curld 1 vb' "I'l Qllf
<br />"10MI'R this sccrinl3 • +K:•euu•ot. nd to rn .ha:! I ,I ? , .,. c. . •ro n! S / d..loa "a! :u:d mrarr ••d in
<br />UNTIL DEVA(.'1 11,1 _ t,.nr • o ! 11., r I',t• , r r
<br />ry -. nr•• r n t l, usht,•ot wall this AKr.'•m:.n+
<br />,nrl not lncnewiatem w P'� > ! rr.. .. rr• n r
<br />,.I m:r Co1!et.rA;, .: 1 „I, r ,,. I,• Lon. u.,t.• r,ght III U„ pr, .rl „n
<br />UBKTOR SjIA,•1 I'F 7.S ULt'17 I.• :•h :gn,n,.•.I.I I.;,
<br />ua t9 )
<br />(anent .,r ? I . .. ,f ,.. +.I I.
<br />the r .n•hfr••ns r7l d, -Lnolt
<br />'.'I I 1 •. , I I I, • •1 : f. r I t 111 t.l r•I r. "I r1K 11, r' acme I:
<br />a {,. rt arras n. ,d• t::, I ,, ,.. ..; I. :.. , :,, I• Idr , t , hero false ;r. Ana .a. I'
<br />.r.Ak{nY .. :. t.+ r .. ,r ..n .. . 1, rl .I rn r.. r .. .: ., , •.., r ...:. t:• ,. .! the rr
<br />/ 1. Ate cal, rrt /1r•
<br />.P.. r. ,•tit ,.l a re .. ., , ' . ,, I. �f r •, . r � .. i. I r. r ,r. „r . .,.,. Ire. rr folere. ;,jr
<br />..fen 6K:, \l ui,trr 'I ::...: r L. :. ..�hl .rLa I ., r. lint• ,.., .
<br />;.rrt.} 6tcar.. t .,, :.. ..`. ., f r . .. •. .. ,. t .'1 (1l IICtI •, •, .,r r, •.1
<br />1'Ar19 wl. N. 1. .. r :., I: . r ', .. I. r. a LI ... 1 .l.. a'rn,A• -•f by 5.1'alrl
<br />:
<br />ua2 -.. ar rl3) ..,. bl .. n : .,,. , r + ..: • r r.. .r.. In.• .al:.e ,, w
<br />..! -r r
<br />�I w 1 I j•
<br />' -f tier Ill o!t r u:e I ,.,f r r r .. t- r_• : t N • 1 n, , ., /rlu •.,r• 7h.•nv,f er
<br />....t U r. n .r, r. , a . l.. ,. . •'pr,., .. I,,• ,..I •lr •, , .. .. I - , ,, 1 r. n:Rr:r m tar• shall h.•
<br />tePar+ u!
<br />It" we . <n. , :..• a. ( 1 .. ,, ! , r ,. I ,.. r,. I,r ..1 ill. .11•. 1.r'f r.' 11:.
<br />No rwsl.•r 1” p.. 1'. .d
<br />d• f.u'u
<br />-ire telling ,.I tr:,r .e a a t r I w , .. wr 1 r ..f tt .! ! '1 1, ., fulorr .x r:an:on
<br />:ro}nrent
<br />It r:.e V, ve J•. r.. 'I err w• r,.:t •I,.il 11. t,,M•• •, / ', F: ,r rl1 ... .1 1' ,I• ,. ;11 ..• •.r t. r•:;flri , .I r r. r'.r It,.
<br />•'•• I . - e rl It aA .I L1 an. I
<br />:'•e,rarrd Parar sr ip r• .:. r.y wr, nett! II n I:.r,• :r, 1h.. I,,,r,
<br />t.r.r 1 , Iw ,.,.t,or .r ;. A.., .,J;Ife rl w u
<br />I;rr1 v. Hrrr.•1
<br />Npartly IPha11 Ia[aux Irs n r u! .r�l.•ff nr., „ •net I!, -la .: r. . ...
<br />Alt rlotta. d >w.: ,1 P:irly 6m,•,:n Jlr I• rr,. r„ n..
<br />art \41 GIrt1 h >a rs rr, ,I .re r.r u.1rr � � r. r..I •, ,r .t ! , o. 1 1 dnl.. w 4 U. hr •
<br />+. DIPSI AII”,
<br />oadW akaa tr. joU•I rn•. �.. e's; r I r •.cr: n I r. .. r. f:. I,IrI ..,. r, Ir:rh: I,.w nee....
<br />This warartnr nt • L..rr.rlr eryr•rnrr It ,
<br />'a
<br />-J
<br />