<br />85- 004145
<br />thence deflecting right 59 °30`10" and running Northerly, a
<br />distance of one hundred thirty seven and thirty -four
<br />hundredths (1.37.34) feet to a corner point of said Lot One
<br />(1); thence Easterly forty six and two- hundredths (46.02)
<br />feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot One (1), also being
<br />a point on the East right -of -way line of Blaine Street;
<br />thence Northerly along the East right -of -way line of. Blaine
<br />Street, to the Northeast corner of Lot One (1), Lake Heritage
<br />Subdivision; thence Easterly along the North tine of said
<br />Lot One (1), to a point one hundred fifty (150.0) feet East
<br />of the West line of said Section Thirty Three (33); thence
<br />Northerly parallel. to the West: line of said Section Thirty
<br />Three (33), to a point on the South right - cif -way line of
<br />U.S. Highway 34; thence Westerly along the South right -of -way
<br />tine of U.S. Highway 34, to the point of beginning; all as
<br />shown on the plat dated 8/21/85, marked Exhihit "A ", attached
<br />hereto, and incorporated herein by reference.
<br />SUCTION 3. Said improvement shall be made in accordatwe with plans and
<br />specifications prepared by the Engineer for the City, who shall. estimate the
<br />co:;t thereof, and submit the same to the Ci.tv (,()Lill( it; and, upon approval of
<br />the same, bids for the construction of said water main shall be taken, and
<br />contracts entered into in the manner paovided by law.
<br />SECTION 4. The cost of constructinn of such Water Connection District
<br />shall he reported ro t:he City Council; Nud the C;r,aanCll, Sitting as a board of
<br />equalization, shall detertoine benefits to :abutting property by reason of such
<br />improvement, pursuant to Section, 16- 6,103, R.R.S. 1943. The special benefits
<br />shall not be levied as Special asSessuaeuts, but Shall he ,ertMod by resolution
<br />of the City Council. t„ the lfall County Register e,f Pocds. A , onnert i„ri fee
<br />in the am,uttat of the special henefit accra,ing to each propert }' in the District
<br />Shall be paid to tl'te City of Grand Island, at such time as such property
<br />be,:omes conne('Led t„ life water main in such I)islritt. Nn pa':,perty thus
<br />hene'rited by water main improvc'meuts shrill he r „auic•rted t” the water main
<br />until Llsc -.•onnecti,,n fie is paid. fhe onne,ti""t fees - llerted shall be paid
<br />either into Litt, touter Surplus Fund, or into a It) nd t„ he• designated as Lhe
<br />fund fr,r Water M,1111 Connection District. No. 37 if', for the purense of creating
<br />I] sinking fund for the payment of hoods. faymont of tho Cost of construction
<br />of water Main Connection District No. 3"' IT nr,y fix, made by Warrants drawn upon
<br />the Watcr Surplus Fund.
<br />S- CfI(IN 5. This ordInaure Shall he in IoYr,' and t.,ko effect from and
<br />after it.s passaie, appr(iv,,tl, and puhiication within Iffn•an (15) days in ,ne
<br />(L) Issue - +f the /Grand Isal:ntdLUnity 111dependont .
<br />L/ iltl! 1,tf)a,t, .,19ray,r
<br />Al fF.°; I
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