<br />004078
<br />THIS INDENTURE, =a& thin 19Th day of--- 'ST 19 . 85 , by and between
<br />JOW H. SCHA11f) AND 6PE0A L. S-C-flMID, husbanc anc- Wife, erach in his and her own richt.,
<br />and as spouse of each other
<br />Of ____ Ha I I -County. Nebraska,asmongallot and Home FNe,al.Savinp &W Loan Association of Grand Island, a corporation
<br />orpnjZ4d and C"Ing Under the laws of the united Stain of America with its principal office and place of business at Grand island, Nebraska, as
<br />WITNESSFTH: That said mortMor . F I VE HUNDRED
<br />rwrrNCa
<br />for and Inconsideration of the sum of TWO THOUSAND
<br />TEN AND 50/1.,0-- - - - - -- ----------------------------------------- nol
<br />A Ml, g
<br />therec,eipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do mortgage and -arrant Unto
<br />___ by thew prevents n gage a
<br />forever, all the following described read nixie, %itualtd in the Counly of
<br />and State of Nebraska,
<br />_,!-A', SLA.,
<br />LOT TYV) (21, 7 N
<br />Together with all heating, nir crinal',irig i'ghling and pf.-I'mg "filip',-iit and fi_%turv, 'u,iaw %indo anti
<br />anorii. Noll window shade, ,? bl!rld� -,en in -it I, -rild whet her I he I ltf"� in't R prorertc ,r h-•rjtter
<br />plw-f thxrftln
<br />TOP HAVY AM) f() HOLD ME. jtvt ..r wah .1; and he j.,enteris h
<br />er.t, 1 app,rionanct, t I-rvt;rt,, I—
<br />ilmging. or in anvwtm, appertaining. tor-e', „ nt :tie I:tiv !,. the ;Iirm swd molwilig". titr,hs nant with •0
<br />mairigag- that h,, at the heo-l! the -wfoi .1 the prl,mv,it., M."'.• n,eseci and
<br />- r i., - And (le." .f H and that dl
<br />and Witzled of ittlor. end �herea� It". m
<br />warrant and defend the title there[: 1,we%rr agamst 1h• .lam„ And "FITWed, ;mf nil
<br />PK0VIIWD ALWAYS. and fill, ;oAEr,,rr*n; 11 et t.t••l will de;r111_! 1., 1 WIt. : he ;,.s ur•nt 'd i he -um 1.1
<br />LHONJi-t- J --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I ioll., '5
<br />with telig"st thereon. . witimari. together with uth charxt� .'A :1 isr v. 'Its, �W 0 1- lo;t lol, "o'le, I be l, rol- And cond'I'-
<br />of the pronstairon note tit even date twmwith ."", re 'ell, rum " 11 !" 'i ': "'!g.e 'o ,,,j m a,,tg.g a,
<br />in smad now. and to jecurr the perfi,mance tit aU the t.T7.11 and 1orl1lt1,, !ern, of aid net.- are h"r•b,
<br />limeram by thate reference
<br />Itis the ustamwn and aetrownwrit of the ;eamw- h. ret'. chat tor. 41 a, ..N filture ad%ance, made to 4 mortgagor
<br />try rood mmilKager, ar-11 any and all 1naJ--t-tIi r, Itdd,tlon I., the ail- 4011 tatj ,Ifiv 1, 1 mortgagiir, or any of them mat o to
<br />maid tripr4pWime. hil-ever elkilre,cell whether!,}' :u - tk I, rt t 1+ ri,rtgoge •,hall re"Imp. in full force and rff"t lK'Lweell
<br />the leeches hertietilin and thtu hem, pemma+ repliteritat"". until evil an•,urit, •,umi ht- rounder, includirw flitur,
<br />advances. are paid in luil with ifktff*5t
<br />The mongallifor hemby maoign tgagele, ai: eeel and • aril,ing At Any AMA 811 1— from o-ao! pir-Itw•t1% and
<br />hereby authortar imi rnor4mor or rte Writ At It, .;.,n to take Ih.lg+ of ..! p,;ty and voll-t all rent, .,,It ..........
<br />0mr1rom said apply the tiattow qo the P'"ItIent 4A mtrrei4t. lentirilml insurance pirrmurns, taxa,, assr"mis. oepima, or 'n,pro'errie-M,
<br />nweamery ta hap card properity to tmttubde rxtrwfttrcm. eirtnrrthrrcharger. or paymmti provided firr herein ter in the note hetritiv lecu"id 't hr*
<br />rem a0mgnimment shall ceint4nue In force Unit! the unVal(f 1,miance M small note as fu!! ' % potr] rial, taking of p,%oin hereunder hall in no niannt r
<br />;w*vomt to retard said nMXMS&g*W M the coijoctiftrt of cud AUVL� by for" 114re 4, oth.T.,-
<br />,rhe Witter of the evortgagwr tji samert any of its rtghtl, hereunder at any tirm ,hall not fir r,mviruml A% a waiver of it, right to tirn the
<br />I - with all the tt,rm� end pro,i,A 4 4-1 'If 11,11 "IttgAe,"
<br />.Aantr at any INANA, little. and to artsm upon and Prifetit • At. I I ornplim*
<br />11 mW mmor4pfifor S InAill C.61AVe W be PRO W said rn`)rt98KVr title entire Nm,,lant dot :t hrreund,, imi untie, the I—— and pt,o, tiaorl,
<br />(A %&A now hereby marund. Inchimbitig future advance, And any ustonsiotv, nr tenewni, thmoof in atitifliante with the ivrm,, anti ;tell% ii,tor,
<br />lberemill. OW d mad meartgaffor ,j *hall fianPIY with Nil the pril,oicent, of "Ki mlce aril of this 111111192Ke thin Ih,_ pr-'rt, 'hall I" 'r,"i
<br />olhoerweertofteeaea, infulij foeft ajaliqlfAct, mad said ruceigtaxec, shall beentlikNI to Ow ;K)•iAo,4lrI of all of "mi Prof"ri't) . Noll may, At It-, ell'tion
<br />dKMmUw teiortfa oill *&W rurim, and &V umbibiadmimmi, mlIrewmAId thrrebv due ancilietv.bW Anti rnav fowletiIethvirrorig.K.-
<br />'M toiler way wifliff felfell dWitratie to 11roteet Ito, right Apleatmowrit waived
<br />Th" mortgage tball he hind" utxmi and Ahalt eouti, zo the lwt*flt of the net" ette, lit•,r, atinumilzralo" %keftio,• mrd aa,rtims +d the
<br />ewapeet r: r. patit'relI Ao f1
<br />wtrttael
<br />Or
<br />m
<br />