<br />USDA-Fm1fA
<br />Film FmHA 427-1 Nb 85�.� 004073'
<br />tRvv. 12-9-81; R§A1. ESTY11" MORTGAGE FOR. NEBRASKA
<br />THIS MORTGAGE is made and entered into by Farlon L. !tenon anti
<br />Kenvcn, Husband am Wife
<br />residing in FSall Count), Nebraska, whose post office adtiress is
<br />Rij t-P 2 RfW 86 .rand T-,] and Ncbrii,&, CIUM
<br />herein called "Borrower," and the United States of America. acting I jlri-,11r11 the Varincr, H(irlic Ad In ini%tlir i,)II. United Stites
<br />Department of Agriculcutc, herein Walled the "'G,sernment"
<br />WHEREAS Borr-,i,,cr is ilt,14tcki -0 the G"vermilem is evidenced be one or in,- prk)misY1r% llt)!v s: (,r AssuillPtil-in
<br />agreenrienti,%,', herein alled "note." which hasj,c,,.lj cNectited by Borrower, is payable i,t the order of the Government. uthur-
<br />iZCS aCCC1CTatI,1Il !A the enti-v ;nticiticilnemss it the (Ipli,)Il of the any liCidtill by borrower, and is described
<br />Date e)fjnstrunient 11 _111CIPall I'll'u",
<br />August 22, 1985 5100,000.00
<br />August 22, 1985 $ 11,600.00
<br />Annual Rate Pue Pare of Filial
<br />of Intcrest
<br />_Lns,allmen,
<br />5% 7tugust 22, 1999
<br />all August 22, 1999
<br />TITC Int"C", Till, I"! 111,11-t-d tes,ntrre 4,,trni "'n,"! 'I. • r,J i-IN this insttunivn,
<br />,,,ull be mcr•aisc,i alicr i lic,r,- i, 111—ided in Tilt: I Adm;ni,ir.,7;i1Ij :jJi!Tj1 and the Tl:il.
<br />And the note ideri I 'm I'll t an tkc -it ins !'Tile the 7!c ill.i ITI'l;Te the pas
<br />men, Olere'a pursllinl I" !11c I :,n,.l)jidarvd Dann .,,,if Dural 1),vell,pinclit ALI, of fill" Ac[ ill 1"149 M -11%
<br />,Thor stitarc adrumisicred 6} the I irmvrn H -mic A !h"T ..I aii !:M .1 111" tile Ii.t, I, hi,id 1- The
<br />And IT is the p,irp— i:Ili !'Itetlt ;'i till'
<br />,Tt TI". ( "i" 101-It ;IT Till: tiore till, Ill'trulli'lit
<br />,;o,,c:7Iment. ,r in I, !IIJ317f "", A)":! 4
<br />rill 5-1,rc ,I- !hl, n,rc� hut "il'i, th, tL i, hel-I I,% ..!I ms
<br />.>t the tote 01 itTALh Tit tiil lil:i't "Iditrat-d a,i J,to h ils mj,mmtn ......
<br />ccur, the 111111F ,It, •Am" this n,:rw:l,z il• till It I •kk is "k,r
<br />t c r n tile n I Pier
<br />�Tn.t .1 Oil.
<br />tile
<br />p.1,11'en•
<br />it -11 1:,!,
<br />:--cd 1I,,j3L*r. I" "tote per
<br />ill"!jl l!iLI1M;1J'1 t••" jIllief It,
<br />pf''Inpr i. " nuu 'o ail
<br />mill". ,I c".",
<br />iTIJ Hit Ilk ill.!, r. 'T, it id !il, iltil—I
<br />,o,en,int ,,d wplcln I, N llt:;ci, , ,; ,
<br />tit :rl-1; 1,t III, 1�i.,:,T, poil",EN III ti:. 1%lit,
<br />Hall
<br />she tOrtjrw_st (_varter of the Northeast Quaru!r the Last :1alf of the -orthmest
<br />Quarter ("r j*h) ; arid Lot one (1) on i."rilaxyll of -he Northwest Quarter and Lots
<br />Two (2) , and Five (5), in Section Ei,
<br />.11item (18) , TOWnsi-Lip real (10) , Range Ten (10)
<br />West of the 6th P.,-1. AM A tract in the Nort!Mst QlUfmt-er Of the. Northeast Quarter
<br />(j)E4f�) of Section `ihixteen (13) , .oa^yjship Ten (10) , Range Lle-ver. (11) , West Of the
<br />6th P.Vi., described as follmls: I%.
<br />;% part of the East Pelf of the 13p ter
<br />I 6f Vam)e
<br />�Ej�t&h.) of Section wmber Thirteen (13), in Township ,,,Ulber Ten
<br />Istuaber Eleven (11) West, and more p•ticularly described as follows: Camyexicinq at
<br />2 X 8 1
<br />L
<br />IN
<br />W
<br />m
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