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--- vv111vvlkill' <br />If Borrower paps Funds to Lender, the Funds shall be held in an tnstinttion the deposits or accounts of which are <br />insured or guaranteed by a Federal or state agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institution). Lender shall apply <br />the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender mac not charge for so holding <br />and applying the Funds, analyzing said account or verifying and compiling said assessments and bills, unless Lender <br />pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and Lender <br />may agree in writing at the time of execution of this Decd of Trust that interest on the Funds shall he paid to Borrower, <br />and unless such agreement is made or applicable law requires such interest to be paid. Lender shall not be required <br />to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower, without charge. an annual <br />accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each debit to the Funds was <br />made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />If the amount ofthe Funds held by Lender, together with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to <br />the due dates of taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amount required to pay said <br />taxes. assessments• insurance premiums and ground rent, as they tall due. such excess shall be, at Borrower's option, <br />either promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly installments of Funds. It' the amount tit the <br />Funds held by Lender shall not be sufficient to pay taxes. asc%%ment%. insurance premiums and ground rents as they tall <br />due. Borrower shall pay to Lender any amount necessary to make up the dctictencv in one or more payments a% Lender <br />may require. <br />Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Deed of Tnw. Lender shall promptly refund it) Borrower any <br />Funds held by Lender. If under paragraph 17 hereof the Property is sold or the Property I% otherwise acquired by <br />lender. Lender shall apply. no later than immediately prior to the sale of file Propertis or its acquisition by Lender, any <br />Funds held by Lander at the time of application as a credit against the sums % ecured fly this Deed of 7 rust. <br />3. Application of Paiments. Unless applicable law provides otherwise. all payments received by lender under <br />the Nme and paragraphs i ancd 2 hereof shall he applied liy Lender first in payment of amounts payable to Lender by <br />Borrower under paragraph 2 hereof. then to interest pavahle on ttic Note, and then to Illc• principal of the Note. <br />3, Prior Nortrages and Deeds of Trust: Charges: Liens. Horro"er ,hall Ivi -form all tit Borro•.yer's obligations <br />under any mortgage. decd of trust or other security agreement with a hen which has prioruy over this Ihed of irust. <br />including Horrower', covenants to make payments when Clue. Horr %%cr ,hall pay or cause to be paint all taxes. <br />assessments and other charges. fines and impo%ition% attributable to the Pr .,perty w hich mat attain a priontt over this <br />iked of Trust, and leasehold payments or ground rents. it env. <br />S. Hazard insurance. Borrower shall keep the smpnrvrrunl, Ili,%% exlsllnc Luc ft,'r'AtCr ert•etcd ,:n the Property <br />insured against loss by Fire. harards Included within the Irrm ' extended :o%vracr aml ouch ,,rhrr :mjanfs a, I "ode! <br />mac require and tit such amount, and for such pemulS a, Lender nla•. requlrc <br />Re insurance carrier prosldmg the insurance shall he chl,Nvii by Borrower ,uhl.,t :,o apprrnai h•. I en'trr. pn:yldcd. <br />that such appro%al shall not he unreasnrc,bl\ "ithhcld 111 insurance p„hcles and it -m-al, Ihcrt'ol ,hall !,r in a f,lra; <br />acceptable to Lender and ,hall inclucde a standarl 111"tigae, elau,a In toor .,! and III a t :,rm accelllahb.' Ti) Vender. <br />Lender shall hake the right tic, hidd the pohcres anti renewa!, Iher011 a ?lice) I,, the Ocrm, it at, r.,,In aLe. :Iccil :! Irtr,t <br />or other %ecurtts agreement ,iih a loon uhlch ha, pn„r -JI, i­ -r thl, Decd „f d rust <br />Ill the etrnt of loss. If, notice %h.tll Bile• pr',?mpt notice to III" n :surence c.lrrncr and Lc nler I rndrl ni;n n .ikt pn,ot <br />of illy% it not Iliadic prompt!} h\ Horr,mer <br />It Properr•, IN aLand„hrd I,. H,ttrowrr, i,r It R„rr :owrr !,Ills l • re•, „n, h• I • n :1c1 ,•olio !.n, :r.i :r Iio. ,_ , <br />noticc Is mailed h, lender II: Hoiri"ci ih.,t the , n,ur,mn —care,• : ::fl, 1, I,: 1. Ili; e i!aua Ili[ ! r1:.b.. :, <br />authorrved to kr•!iccl and apl,ls [tit olsurar :.c pr,cred, .II 1 cndrr , i,l.:v, c;lh r1 1: r ,l •i.i :;,Ill i . reil,ur :I. the <br />Property or 1 /the stun, sc,w”, f In rills Deed .,I I rust <br />6. Presersation and Maintenance of Property: Lraaehold%: (or.-tuminiurus. Planned L nit Deiclupmenis. floor <br />rower shall kecp the Properts Irl L,•,nl repair and ,!tall not c,111117n1 , +. Ic it IK•nitn IJPpairwl ,n: i,I :it-icm,tan oi, it the <br />Propert% and shall conlpls until lh,• pro,tst ol\ of ;ory Ivaec II IIo, Der,! it i ril,1 I, ,, ?I I ikaschol;l It Ibl, f lc"i : )t I ru,l is <br />on a unit in a con lornimum, or a pianned unit t!vNvk,pnwrtI.„"rr .h all pvi hinn all , d H „rrourr , ohllga?1„n, under <br />the declaration ..,r covenants ereaturL or e„ \ern :a„ the con', ill In I[Jill ur planned 111111 de :c!uhnren:. ,hr I,; 1;1.4, yell"t <br />regulations of the concdomnnlun: ur planned el It develol,rnclll. and e,m,LJrtrenl d,,. umenr, <br />7. Protection of Lender's Security. It Horrower lain I,, perlorm the co%cn• rit, and aLrccnivwt .one iIhed In rho, <br />DmA of •I ru%t. or it any action or prskceding Is commenced %hiJi marerialk alferr, I ender', Interest to the <br />then Lender. at fa nder's option. upon notice to Borrmter mat make such appcar.0 :kc,. d :shurSC ouch tune\. m,!uiling <br />reasortande attorneys' lees, and take such action as I, necctsai s to pr :,te•cr I enler's ulleresr. It 1 ender required nl,lrt.,agc <br />Insurance as a conedifion of making; the loan secure(] by tills Dyed of I rust. Borrower shall pay the prcnnum, rcyutred to <br />rnamtain such insurance In effect until such time a% the requirernew for %uch Insurance terlulnate, to aceord:Inee with <br />Borrower's and lender's written agreement or appli.abic law. <br />Any amount% disbursed by Lender pursuant to tills paragraph -. with interest thereon. at the \otc ran,•. ,hall <br />become additional mdcbtedness tit Borrower secured hs Oils Deed lit I roust. (*oleos, Horrower mid Lcndcr agree to <br />other terms tit paymcm, such arnnui-. shall he p•nahlc upon ntlflce ,Font Lender Iu Horrower rcgil.- stellf; pa%nleru <br />thereof. Nothing contained rn this paragraph - shall r••qulre Lender to Incur tit% expcnsc or take an\ action hereunder <br />S. Inspection. lender mat, make it cause to he made rca,onabic conies upon turd irispeerionx I,t Ill, Properts <br />pnNtdcd that L.eodrr shall gne Horrower notice prior to any \Ilkh Illspeclwil ,peclfvull; teasrltlahle cause ItIct-Oor <br />related to L.ende•r's interest In they i'piperts <br />9. Condemnation. The prtKcvd% of arl% award I,I Llairti 1„r darnag -c,. -hre•('t „l eollse•glle•I?IIal. Ill tti' n,'i1111r1 "Jill <br />any condemnation or other taking of the Proix rty. if part thrreot. ur for roncrs ;ulkr In hcu ,it ;ondrnl n.,ur,r., me <br />hcrcbv assvgne•d and shall be paid Il, Lender, Sulsl•et In rh,• terms of an% nlntle,tge. Ihed of trust it IOier ,ek urlls .ILrec <br />mcni with a lien which has prlorit), over this Deed of I rii,i <br />Ill. Hw"wer Not Released; Forbearance By lender Not a 1lalker. I xl .n,wii of the imw t t pa,nlcro i,I <br />trutdification tit anrorty etlorl Id the sums src•urletd b% tin% lived I,1 i rust graioed ht t ender tit ens '1111.1 "S "I II: Inlerc,I Ill <br />Kirrower %trail not opkr.oe n• release, ur any manner. the llai,ilm it the itlwnn.11 Hi rrl„scr .11111 fine :,,uric S ,tic. root,), Ill <br />i <br />I,: IctIcst, Lcnldcr Shall r I be wquired it) ClinlroCneC pr KeedJng\ again,) ouch wc,r „tor i I ictu,r I” estcnd Ivnc' „t pas <br />It ent iir otherwise m,Kisis amomtatloll of the %unls secured toy IhtS lived „1 I lilt' h% ri a, ,n ,? Ili, dcilimid 111.,th h\ Ili.- <br />,I <br />„r? 1nail Hlarri,wt'r vif;,! lfi rt,-sher S ,Ill " :'S%Ilr\ lot Ililt Irsl itl,, 1i,rl!.11 n, r' 1,, 1 "hunt) Ili t krtl loth).• .111, 1`I:hl i . 1 it,, 'I, <br />� <br />fT#`r!'ltr ?41Cr, It iltflrt w lie' affllrdrd II% appill;abfc law ,hall ,list ill .1 ,S al %!'I' •! p” •, �II:I:' Ili' ,'4l'r, 1•I' :. <br />I I Sy -viiiion and A"itins Hound: mint and %vieral I iahilin: I it kigiti`n. I it, 7,, ii,I .! <br />he a.,,i =.,t., -, .).111 ; .111 nn 1 lit, ' burl, i;, fv l lL 1 .1-11' r,a.,_ ,. rh. •,... u,•'...,�.I,_1,, - I,,1rr _... <br />iS,:r.,.wrs ... .I. :, .. :,,. I. :, ;,,•..o. •I l•.trip;ra+,ll fl, l:, r':,1 <br />z tic , ii P' ,a , i .. I1 I')I I I I I I::If •1 I i, <br />