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F <br />L <br />85-004053 <br />QTIITCLAIM DEED <br />WHEREAS, the County of Hall conveyed to the Citv of Grand <br />Island a tract of land in Hall County, Nebraska, described as <br />follows: <br />A tract of land comprising the West Half of the Northeast Quarter <br />of the Southeast Quarter (W)NEUE):;), and the East Half of the Northwest <br />Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (E);NW1aSE ), all in Section Thirty - <br />Four (34), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Nine (9) blest of the <br />6th P.M. in Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as <br />follows: <br />Beginning at the Northeast corner of said W)-�"1E ;,SE4; thence southerly <br />along the East line o` said W)j41E14-SE14, a distance of One Thousand <br />Three Hundred Fourteen and Seventy -Eight Hundredths (1,314.78) feet, <br />to the Southeast corner of said W3_NE,SE;; thence westerly along <br />the South line of said W2NEUVA and the South line of said EY1W3aSE1..s, <br />a distance of One Thousand Three Hundred Twenty -One and Sixty -Three <br />Hundredths (1,321.63) feet, to the Southwest corner of said E ;- 1NWI.-SEIt <br />thence northerly along the 'West line of said E' NW3,SE}.;, a distance <br />of One Thousand Three Hundred Thirteen and Nine Tenths (1,313.9) <br />feet, to the Northwest corner of said E)NW)�iSE',; thence easterly <br />along the North line of said EIAW�SE':. and the North line of said <br />W)41E);SEI;, a distance of One Thousand T`lree Hundred Twenty -One and <br />Eight Tenths (1,321.$) feet to the place :?f beeinnino and containinn <br />39.617 acres more or less, <br />for the construrtlon of En`=ement. "minim <br />Center thereon; <br />WHEREAS, incl_ude(i in ':h(-- tract of lard so Baas a <br />well- established, 1mTJr ^.'CC1 count:',.' r,ln Ci lrwatE ri t:rhatr rouert,. <br />described as follows: <br />The Easterly Sixty Fefrt (F. 60') <)s he West ila. f of the <br />Northeast ()uarter o1 the SpL` * *1,e7t ,t 9nart er INi ;NE�.SE') of <br />Section Thirt•., !our (34), 'Twos.- (12) North, Range <br />Nine (9) West rtf the r)th P.M., I;al ; nt:n' ,', Nebraska, <br />contairiina 1.81.1 acres, more or ie, cr <br />and it was not the intention of r)ar`ier= tl:u` such roadwa',, b„ <br />included in such tract of ianc? being convF.• ,,d to '11­ C'i t v of <br />Grand Island, Nebraska; <br />WHEREAS, such roadway rc-Ior red t.o r,r.ior *_n suer? <br />conveyance and of ter such conv(`,,ance was and 'r :as 1)"on ma i.nt line d <br />by the County of Hall. and it is in the hest int-crests of the <br />County of Hall., City of Grand Tslrind, .-ind l,aw .11 Enforcement 'Training Center that suet: Propert';, referred to above <br />as a roldway shauld be rn <omeyeci "n the Courit.s;, of Hall for road <br />purposes. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, 1111 11' KNOWN that the (,rantor, the City rf <br />Grand Island, Nebraska, in consi.dr�rati,)n of n„ <br />recelvefi from Grantee, does clUlt:'lalrrl, gran'., hatclairl, S;e31i, <br />convey and confirm until the County o f Hall, Nehr;,:;ka , hero i n <br />Called the Grantee, the following cie cril,c? roil property in !hill <br />County, Nebraska, to -wit.: <br />The Easterly Sixty feet. (E f,0') c)f t.tle Pest lial ( of 1-he <br />Northeast Quart(�r. of the Southeast: (W^NF'%S11�) ,' <br />Section Thirty- -four (34) , Townr.hi.p Twel-e (17) North, Rangy <br />Nine (9) West of the 6th I'. A1., in Hall ioullt }', <br /> 1.811•ru: ;, mor(! ot- l „ws, n ),1:31: :t whi -c}'. <br />atr,anccd hereto And mad(• a T)tirt . oC this yuit.­l<tirrl <br />tl)�)ugh fully Bey ',:,rth <br />NEBRASKA DOCUMENTARY <br />STAMP TAX <br />AUG <br />r .. <br />